Friday, October 9, 2009

You WILL Believe Us - #114


The GOP Cocksuckers have such high regard for their own opinion and such contempt for us that they think they can tell us anything and we'll believe them

For instance, Matt Kelty.

Kelty got indicted for calling a $150,000 donation from Fred Rost, former campaign chairman and head of Allen County Right to Life and a $10,000 donation he got from Steve and Glenna Jehl, his campaign manager, 'loans.' His lawyers said there were even promissory notes that Kelty was expected to repay.

But co-counsel for the prosecuting attorney, D. J. Siegler, pointed out that ever since the notes were signed, Kelty had done nothing to try and repay the 'loans' and Rost and the Jehl's have done nothing to try and collect on the notes.

And according to, there was THIS priceless summation:

"D.J. Sigler, son of the special prosecutor and serving as co-counsel, said it looked as if the defense lawyers thought that maybe, if they defined the money as a loan enough times, the prosecutors and the court would believe them."

S. Olson

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