Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Latest Six in the Same Scandal - #157-#162


Last time, I put down 12 GOP Cocksuckers simply because I had been away from the topic of GOP Cocksucker corruption for a few days, and I figured I had to make up for lost time. They weren't related or anything.

However in the newest installment, these six ARE in the same scandal. Almost four years ago, the state of Illinois was a great place to be if you wanted to see GOP Cocksuckers getting indicted and convicted, because you were in store for a smorgasbord of corruption, all centered around George Ryan, the ex-governor of Illinois, and the sale of trucking licenses as political favors. It could have been a longer list, since the investigation, dubbed Operation 'Safe Road,' convicted *75* of 79 defendants, but these are the major scores.

Operation 'Safe Road' got started when six kids belonging to the Rev. Duane "Scott" Willis and Janet Willis were killed in a horrible truck-van accident and the matter was investigated. Things accelerated and finally led to the conviction of Ryan for bribery, gutting corruption-fighting efforts and misusing state resources for private gain along with 75 others in the state. Turns out Ryan was issuing drivers licenses to truckers who had contributed to his campaign. That pretty much sums up GOP cocksucker #157. Well, except for the funniest remark about the four-month-long trial in which Ryan was convicted. The remark was made by columnist Bill Flick of the Bloomington, IL paper, The Pantagram. In his column, Flick wrote: "Instead of selling license plates, [Ryan] gets to make them."

Ryan fought like a rat in heat to avoid prison. First he won an appeals bond, which allowed him to remain free while his case was reviewed, then Ryan's luck took a turn for the worse. The 7th District Court of Appeals threw it out, then his bid to extend his bond while he appealed to the Supreme Court was rejected, then the Supreme Court denied cert. All in all, Ryan postponed the day of reckoning for ten months.

Unless the Drunken Frat Boy commutes his sentence, Ryan will be in jail until 2013. [UPDATE: Guess who didn't commute his sentence?]

#158 is Scott Fawell, Ryan's campaign manager and top aide. Wanna know one reason why the GOP Cocksuckers got their asses kicked in 2008? Well, outside of no one believing them anymore, their campaigns were dominated by little fucks like THIS guy.

Fawell, is one of these GOP Cocksuckers who think they are oh-so-clever by bribing people with something other than money. That way, if they ever get caught, they can always claim that *they* never gave so-and-so a dime.

In Fawell's case, it was commercial driving licenses, instead of money. In exchange, the recipent of the CDLs was supposed to give Ryan money for his campaign.

Fawell got nailed on nine counts of corruption. This guy was choice because he did everything that a good GOP Cocksucker does, he rolled on Ryan--to whom he'd been almost a son--along with lobbyist Larry Warner, who was up to his hips in the affair. Fawell claimed he was rolling on Ryan to save GOP Cocksucker #162, his fiancee, Andrea Coutresis, prison time for her role in ANOTHER conspiracy (more about that later) but face it, he was saving his own ass. (He ultimately got 6½ years in the Slammer after they had squeezed him dry.) Fawell, known for being a ruthless political operator, cried on the stand like a goddamn whore; so much that the judge ordered the jury out at least twice in order for Fawell to have time to compose himself. The former victims of Fawell that came to the courtroom to watch had to schedule appointments with plastic surgeons to have the grins removed from their faces, which turned out to be difficult because they didn't want to miss a single second of Fawell alternately bawling and getting brutally dissected on the stand. The prosecutor didn't disappoint, as he went after Fawell like a Northern Pike after a big fat minnow.

GOP Cocksucker #159 is Larry Warner, an Illinois lobbyist and an owner of a few small businesses, namely, a fire insurance adjustment business named Lash Warner & Associates; a construction maintenance and supervision business named Economy Building & Maintenance; and National Consulting Company and Omega Consulting Group Ltd.; those last two were owned solely by Warner.

Warner was tried with Ryan in Operation 'Safe Road' and found guilty of rackereeting, mail fraud, extortion, bribery, tax fraud and some other charges. The Wikipedia entry sums up Warner's involvement:

"The indictment alleged that Ryan steered several state contracts to Warner and other friends; disbursed campaign funds to relatives and to pay personal expenses; and obstructed justice by attempting to end the state investigation of the license-for-bribes scandal. He was charged with lying to investigators and accepting cash, gifts and loans in return for his official actions as governor."

Ryan did all that shit using Warner, who was his co-defendant in the case that found both of them guilty, guilty, guilty.

Next up is GOP cocksucker #160, Richard Juliano. Juliano is a great example of the truism that GOP cocksuckers only care about two things: money and their own asses.

Back in '02, when the Feds were about to hit Julaino right in the teeth with a 10-count indictment that, among other things, had him misusing state employees to work on Ryan's campaigns for political office, Juliano started rolling on people and got the 2½ year prison sentence he was looking at, reduced, and one of those people was Fawell, who among other things, got Juliano a $5,000 a month job in the Secretary of State's office while instead he was doing political work for Ryan.

Ryan was phlegmatic about the entire affair, saying in part that Juliano was "a bright young man with a good heart, and I know he is doing what he believes is right.

"I know this must be a terrible strain on him and his family, and I hope that soon he will be able to put this behind him and move on with his life."

Ryan could afford to be noncomittal because he wasn't named in the indictment, but Fawell was. Reporters were gleefully writing about the story because Fawell was known as a hardassed political operative and now he was getting his goose slowly roasted.

#161, Andrea Coutresis, was Fawell's fiancee. She got nailed for committing perjury in the Operation Safe Road affair to a federal grand jury. She was also known as Alexandra Prokos. Coutresis was the woman Fawell was supposed to be protecting when he was forced in open court to roll on ex-Illinois Governor Ryan. In exchange for his testimony, Courtresis would get between no time in prison and one year and a day. (She ultimately got four months and is out now.) Fawell would get half a year knocked off his sentence, which he didn't and was very angry about. It was ultimately worth only four months because Fawell had gotten an undeserved $195,000 a year job from Ryan. Fawell screamed in rage but it was HELPLESS rage, as he had to go to fucking jail for six and a half YEARS and got out in '09.

Finally, #162, Roger 'The Hog' Stanley. Aside from having a hilarious nickname, Stanley is one of those little bedbugs that infest local politics and are only in it for themselves; you know, the average GOP cocksucker.

Stanley got two years in the can for ghosting payroll schemes for Ryan, kickbacks and obstruction of justice.

S. Olson

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