Thursday, March 18, 2010

Even More on GOP Cocksucker #307

GOP apologists think the grand jury investigation into GOP Cocksucker #307 (SEN. JOHN ENSIGN) is all political. That we just want his job. They are mistaken. We want his job AND his ass. Failing that, we get to beat the GOP in the head with him every single day he stubbornly refuses to quit, just like we did with GOP Cocksucker #315 (ALBERTO GONZALEZ) (That was an unbelievable amount of fun. That dumb fuck managed to stretch out a scandal that would have been over with in two weeks, to encompass the entire SUMMER. You would not BELIEVE how many arguments that the Republicans are rotten to the core I won by not saying anything and just holding up my copy of his fucking PICTURE!)

(It was a copy of a tactic used in Minnesota in the 80s by an old dude who argued that all TV preachers were crooked. When people objected that their favorite Video Vicar was clean, the guy would silently hold up a picture of GOP Cocksucker #72 [JIM BAKKER]. In both cases, the derisive laughter was choice.)

Anyway back to #307. The Justice Department served subpeonas to six businesses in Las Vegas yesterday, demanding "all available information on contacts between the businesses and Ensign, his top staffers, or [Doug] Hampton."

Hampton is the former best friend of Ensign. It was Hampton's back that his wife was boning Ensign behind.

Now the Justice Department is investigating if Ensign broke lobbying rules when he helped to set up Hampton, his former aide, as a lobbyist. This is not just an instance of failing to dot the 'i's or cross the 't's, either, these are possible criminal violations.

With thanks to TPM Muckraker and

S. Olson

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