Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Hired Gun #404


You think that since health care legislation passed that the GOP Cocksuckers would
simply give up, but the truth of the matter is some things really stick in their craw; health care reform is one of them.

Some Democrats think that means the GOP wants people to die. Personally, I don't think that's the case. GOP Cocksuckers aren't so much malevolent as they are unthinking. Their entire worldview can be encapsulated by seven words: "I'M all right, Jack. I'VE got MINE." And what it comes to what they value the most highly, it's this:
1. Money
2. Their own asses.

That's it. Those two things are the ONLY things a GOP Cocksucker cares about.

So now we come to Mark 'Thor' Hearne.

Hearne was hired by Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder (NO NUMBER YET) the Lieutenant Governor of
Missouri. Hearne is one of dozens of hired guns in several states chosen by GOP
cocksuckers in the pay of insurance companies to stop the health care reform bill.
Hearne is going to try and shepherd Missouri's suit against the legislation, just as 12 other states are trying. Missouri's democratic attorney general has declined to bring suit against the legislation so Kinder is going forward anyway and he has
hired Hearne to help.

Hearne does not exactly have a simon-pure background. Hearne was a top lawyer in the Drunken Frat Boy's 2004 reelection campaign when he created the American Center for Voting Rights, the bogus 'think-tank' that was supposed to address the terrible problem of 'vote fraud,' which turned out to be a minor problem at best. For example, one report by the Brennan Center for Justice in 2007 found that while some organizations have people who commit REGISTRATION fraud because they are paid by the name, the authors of the report could find no cases of anyone fraudently voting from that.

What groups like ACVR did do was make it very difficult for poor people or minorities to vote, mainly because they tended to vote democratic. After Congress and the Press started looking into the U.S. Attorney firings and the role groups like ACVR played in them, the group disappeared and Hearne cleared any mention of the group from his resume.

And this is the caliber of guy Kinder's hired.

With thanks to TPM Muckraker and Media Matters.

S. Olson

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A Typical Dumbass GOP Cocksucker: Exhibit F #403


Well, here we are back in Texas again. Man, out of six dimwit GOP cocksuckers to watch, Poe makes half of them come from one state; it's the state where the last President of the United States came from too, which explains why the economy went into the shitter,

Poe is a Birther. There is no other way to put it. A former judge, Poe claimed that the Certificate of Life Birth the state of Hawaii issues in lieu of President Obama's actual birth certificate cannot be used to get a passport, which is a total crock.

With thanks to CNN

S. Olson

A Typical Dumbass GOP Cocksucker: Exhibit E #402


McHenry is one of those guys that is probably happy as hell he has a job in politics conning the hoi polloi into providing him with a good-paying job. McHenry has to be quite dangerous, since he combines the GOP Cocksucker lack of conscience with cynical cunning. And since he looks older than he really is, people underestimate the length of time McHenry can be around to do damage.

Conning people is a way of life with the guy. First he gets a job with DCI, the fake grass roots group that knocked John McCain out of the race for the 2000 GOP Presidential nomination with the infamous 'push-polls' that hinted he had an illigtimate black baby. After that, a pattern starts to emerge; McHenry holds a succession of jobs for about six months each at which he stays around long enough to get a line on his resume and some contacts. Finally, he gets elected by simply telling people that he is the only conservative candidate running for the job.

Then came the 'czars.' GOP Cocksucker #450 (GLEN BECK) screamed that President Obama
had appointed dozens of 'czars' because they didn't have to be confirmed by congress. In what's become his trademark, McHenry adopted this world-weary' pose while laconically saying on 'Fox and Friends' that the Drunken Frat Boy had only had "a couple of czars," when he was in office.

A couple, eh?

McHenry didn't mention that SIX of them (not a couple) that were confirmed by the Senate at the start of President Obama' term existed during the Drunken Frat Boy administration and another six had very similar positions or responsibilities in the Drunken Frat Boy adminstration.

That isn't all. Let's take a look at some of the McHenry Follies:

- In 2008, he called a contractor in Iraq a "two-bit security guard' because he denied him access to a gym.

- Put a video on his campaign website that violated OPSEC or Operational Security.

- In 2008, McHenry paid Michael Aaron Lay 20 grand to go against voter fraud charges
against him. Lay allegedly voted TWICE for McHenry in two separate instances.

- Accepted donations totalling $5,500 from Countrywide during an investigation in CEO payout fraud in which the main company being investigated is -- you guessed it --Countrywide.

- In his 2008 campaign, McHenry claimed that his opponent, Daniel Johnson,was "Nancy
Pelosi's chosen recruit" with "pockets stuffed with cash from Washington liberals." The North Carolina Democratic Party immediately fired back at McHenry for what they called "an undue personal attack." Even the North Carolina Republican Party rolled its eyes at the language, considering it a "loser." Tne NCRP had the fate of candidate Greg Davis in the Mississippi 1st when he painted Travis Childers as a 'liberal.' Childers said, "Yeah? So what?" and STILL beat him. McHenry heeded the
advice and scrubbed the language about Pelosi from his subsequent press releases.

- Joined GOP Cocksuckers #311 (SEN. TOM COBURN,) #361 (REP SUE MYRICK) #401 (REP.
TRENT FRANKS) #470 (REP. JOHN SHADEGG) and #469 (REP. PAUL BROUN) in writing the most paranoid letterthe IRS has ever received from congress. The letter demanded an investigation of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) for excessive lobbying and failure to register as a lobbying organization. The letter was spawned
by the book Muslim Mafia, that was written by GOP Cocksucker #471 (DAVE GAUBATZ) who is widely regarded as a kook.

-Tried to get Dear Dead Ron on the $50 bill.

McHenry also has a habit of defending the indefensible. For example he:

- Claimed that the pedophile scandal that involved GOP Cocksucker # 478 (MARK FOLEY)
of Florida was 'engineered by Democrats' while offering no proof. Chris Matthews of Hardball forced him to admit he HAD none.

- Tried to get an 'ethics bill' passed that would keep GOP Cocksucker #52 (TOM DELAY) in the House Majority Leader chair after he was indicted for money laundering.

- Defended #52 taking vacations from lobbyists like GOP Cocksucker #47 (JACK ABRAMOFF)

- Championed a military strike on Iran.

McHenry can be seen in hilarious action at
cI&feature=related where Rep. Barney Frank of Massachusetts, serving as temporary
speaker, DESTROYED him on the House floor as McHenry tries to disguise a speech as a parlamentary inquiry. Frank repeatedly gavels McHenry to silence when he keeps trying to make a speech after his question is answered. A frustrated McHenry gets GOP Cocksucker #395 and Oil Whore (REP. JOE BARTON) to try and make the case he and the GOP are being picked on, but Frank gavels and mocks BARTON too. LOL

With thanks to Wikipedia,, and

S. Olson

Friday, June 25, 2010

Gomer's Latest

I swear to almighty God. You wouldn't believe what Gomer's (GOP Cocksucker Dumbass #396 and Exhibit A) got going on now. Here's part of his speech on the House floor.

And I thought only people in Mississippi were dumb enough to vote for a dude like this.

S. Olson

A Typical Dumbass GOP Cocksucker Exhibit D #401


Well, the American South is the first place that comes to mind when you think of dumbass GOP Cocksuckers and the list of the upcoming GOP Cocksuckers doesn't disappoint. The first two are from Texas.

However, just to show you that GOP Cocksuckers are EVERYWHERE, the third one
popped up in California, and not in Orange County, the bastion of dumbass GOP Cocksuckers on the West Coast. The latest one comes from Arizona, which, with the possible exception of Idaho, has the reputation of having some of the dumbest
bastards in Christendom within its borders. I mean, just lately, Arizona had to recall a goofy ex-car dealer as Governor (EVAN MECHAM) who was an embarrasment to the state. Then it enacted a blatantly unconsitutional law that demands the police ask you for your papers to prove your legal residency if they are suspicious about your origins. These are some of the same clowns who compared President Obama to Hitler. To paraphrase Jon Stewart of the Daily Show, "You don't fight Nazis by becoming more like them. 'Your papers please,' has been in every World War II movie based in Germany. It's sort of like their catchphrase."

Yes the people in Arizona have a rep of being the biggest embarrassment to this country west of the Mississippi River. Arizonans scream that we should seal the border to protect us from illegal immigrants, but I think the borders we should seal should be the ones between California and New Mexico. It may leave the Utah border undefended but hey, their gene pool can only improve, plus it would be a lot shorter to watch. Personally, if it wasn't for the Grand Canyon, I'd give the state of Arizona back to Mexico. No charge.

So the presence of Rep. Trent Franks in the Arizona 2nd should not be much of a surprise. Franks is the dude who called the President 'an enemy of humanity.' Franks is so touchy on the subject of abortion that he claimed: "Far more of the African American community is being devastated by the policies of today than were being devastated by the policies of slavery."


Back then they were just getting their wives and kids sold to someone else. Now, according to Franks, it's WORSE?

S. Olson.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Part XIV of 'Whine Some More!'

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'Hey, I Slept With Her Too!' - #400


Man, you can always count on South Carolina to give us a really good laugh when we need one.

Haley came out on top in what may have been the dirtiest gubernatorial primary of the 21st Century. That doesn't mean Haley was dirtier than anyone else, it just means when all was said and done, even the GOP in the State of South Carolina just couldn't believe the mean-spirited bullshit that was aimed at her.

Haley was a state legislator that was hand-picked by GOP Cocksucker #308 (GOV. MARK SANFORD) before Sanford's fall from grace as a respected politician to the biggest gubernatorial joke in the GOP. To be brief, Sanford, a conservative Christian, slammed ex-President Bill Clinton for his antics with Monica Lewinski and said he should resign for betraying his wife. Nine years later, as governor of South Carolina, Sanford lies that he is going hiking on the Appalachian Trail when what he is really doing is flying down to Argentina at state expense to fuck his Argentinian mistress. Braced with this, he refuses to resign, bizzarely saying that King David never quit after HE slept with someone else's wife. Why should HE quit?

Because of #308's endorsement before he destroyed his marriage and political career,
and because of her work, Haley was humming along at the top of the list of GOP Cocksuckers set to succeed Sanford. This was something OTHER candidates who wanted to succeed Sanford could not stand. So instead of raising THEIR positives, they tried bringing up HER negatives.

First to hit her was blogger Will Folkes, a former communications aide to #308. In an odd story, Folkes claimed to have had an "inappropriate physical relationship" with #400. However, Folkes danced around the entire question of whether that meant sex or not or whether there was proof.

A few weeks after that was going on, GOP Cocksucker #448 (LARRY MERCHANT) said HE
fucked her while they were at a convention in Utah in June a couple of years ago. What was suspicious about THIS claim is that Merchant was an aide for GOP Cocksucker #363 (ANDRE BAUER) the present lieutenant-governor of South Carolina under GOP Cocksucker #308.

Also, Merchant seems like...well, there's no way to say this nicely...a flaming queen. You can see Jon Stewart of the Daily Show absolutely cutting Merchant's throat HERE at the 8:08 mark:

If that wasn't enough, GOP Cocksucker #453 (STATE SEN. JAKE KNOTTS) went on a talk show held in a fucking BAR. Knotts, a supporter of #363 and a beefy ex-cop, made a remark to the host that "we already have a raghead in the White House, we don't need another in the Governor's mansion." This was apparently a reference to Haley being born a Sikh--which is an Indian religious sect--and President Obama. Both are actually Christians, while the word 'raghead' is a derogatory reference to ARABS. So, not only did this reveal Knotts to be a dumb cracker, but possibly the worst racist on Planet Earth.

The number three candidate in the race, Henry McMaster, a former attorney general of South Carolina, referred to the race as "embarrassing."

So, what was the result? Well, in the first half of the GOP primary. Haley got 48.8% of the vote. She beat GOP Cocksucker #363 by 36.3% and knocked him out of the race.

in the second half of the primary, she got 65% of the vote and beat her challenger by 30%. Meanwhile, GOP Cocksucker #453 is getting calls for him to resign from the Republican Party and go back to writing tickets in Columbia. Calls from the GOP! LOL!

GOP Cocksuckers involved in this post: #400, #363, #308, #453, and #448.

S. Olson

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Where Do You Think YOU'RE Goin'?

GOP Cocksuckers #372 (THE HUTAREE MILITIA) got the bad news today from the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals that they will NOT be released on bond as a lower court in Michigan said they would.

The prosecution appealed the decision of a district court in Michigan that found the nine members of Hutaree that are in the Slammer were not a flight risk and posed no danger to the community.

The three-member 6th Circuit disagreed, saying that Hutaree head, David Stone Sr., had a 'hit list' of government employees, knew how to construct trip-wire devices and possessed a number of items used in the construction of such devices in his house. Stone was also involved in the planning of an operation that if successful would have resulted in the death of several police officers. All this made him a serious threat to the community.

S. Olson

How Did He Afford The Legal Talent?

GOP Cocksucker #399 (BRENT FURER) may have had to resign from the staff of GOP Cocksucker #301 (SEN. DAVID VITTER) but that doesn't mean the case of him cutting his girlfriend with a knife and holding her against her will didn't turn out okay for him. Charges of assault with a deadly weapon were dropped and Furer pled guilty to the misdemeanor charges of threatening bodily harm and destruction of property.

But what makes you wonder is how was Furer able to afford Thomas Kelly of Venable LLP, a high-priced defense lawyer on his $47,000-per-year salary? Kelly said that his fees were minimal and that Furer paid the tab. However, Kelly is not your run-of-the-mill defense lawyer. He is a former assistant United States attorney in Washington and is regularly honored in legal publications. He denies knowing Vitter or anyone else in Vitter's office.

So how did Furer come to pick him and how did he afford him?

With thanks to TPM Muckraker.

S. Olson

He Knew

Wow, GOP Cocksucker #307 (SEN. JOHN ENSIGN) hasn't been the main subject of a blog post since June 3. What's been going on over in Nevada?

Well, the latest is a couple of his aides rolled on him in front of the Senate Ethics Committee. (But they are GOP Cocksuckers. What would you expect?) The committee is investigating if #307 violated lobbying rules when he helped a former staffer set himself up as a lobbyist. There is a one-year ban on staffers moving from Capitol Hill to K-Street (the street where most of the lobbyists are located). Ensign's staffer said in a deposition that their boss knew he was breaking the ban when he set up Dave Hampton as a lobbyist.

Why would #307 do such a thing? Probably because he'd been porking Hampton's wife, Cindy for about six months behind Hampton's back and he felt guilty; just not guilty enough to stop.

S. Olson

The Furer of Louisiana - #399


Yes, if you thought Sen. David Vitter was extreme for dressing up in diapers and then having hookers change them, get a load of his ex-aide, Paul Furer.

Thirty months ago to be exact, Furer cut his gf, Nicolia Demopaulos, with a knife and threatened to kill her. He also has three DUIs since 2003 and one arrest for cocaine possession in his past.

#301 had no problem with that, keeping #399 on his staff. Then the Associated Press found out about his aide and published a story on him.

Furer resigned the next day.

In an announcement from one of his spokesmen, #301 claimed to have known about the knife incident but not about the DUI's and cocaine possession arrests. He demanded #399's resignation when he 'found out.' #301 didn't know. Yeahhhhhh. Riiiiiiight. Never mind the fact that one of the people overseeing part of Furer's community service for one of the DUI was running one of #301's regional offices. Sen. Vitter was too busy filling his diapers to notice one of his aides was a homicidal drunken loon.

With thanks to the Associated Press and TPM Muckraker.

S. Olson

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Guess Where He Is Now?

Yes, after serving his sentence for bribery, his money gone and being squeezed dry by the feds, the Prince of Darkness himself, GOP Cocksucker #47 (JACK ABRAMOFF) is working in a kosher pizzeria in Baltimore.

Good riddance.

S. Olson

Part XIII of "Whine Some More!"

Yes, when it comes to game shows, the favorite of the GOP Cocksuckers is "Whine Some More!" They've been playing it ever since they lost the Congress in the election of 2006. When 2008 rolled around and they lost the White House too, they started playing the game in earnest.

How? Well, the object is to try and block EVERYTHING the Democrats try to do in Congress so they can't run on anything. It's the same game they have been playing since 1996 and the pathetic (for them anyway) Clinton-Dole matchup. Then you distort the stuff they DO manage to get done or just outright make shit up. That's it! Pretty soon, you're playing the GOP Cocksuckers' favorite game show, "Whine Some More!"

Two episodes ago, they were crying and whining about job losses in Ohio that happened when Barack Obama wasn't even president! Seriously. I guess they think the Electorate is so fucking stupid, it can't even figure out a calendar works. Go back to Episode XI if you want to read the particulars.

Last episode they were crying about the $20 billion escrow fund that BP set up to pay for the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. They were screaming it was a slush fund. No shit. They ACTUALLY claimed that and expected you to believe them. No one that I know of has ever cornered one of them on TV and asked, "How does paying to fix what you broke amount to a slush fund? How's that work?"

Lately, they have been bitching and crying about Elena Kagan, the soon-to-be Associate Justice of the Supreme Court; just like they did last year with Justice Sotomayor, all kinds of terrible things will happen when Kagan is confirmed.

(I don't write 'if' but 'when' because Elena Kagan will be the next associate justice of the Supreme Court and there is nothing the GOP Cocksuckers can do about it. And they know it. What really has them furious but what they will never admit, is that a black guy got another Supreme Court appointment. Drives them nearly insane with fury. That's just TOUGH, isn't it?)

Let's see what they are whining about today. You know, I am waiting for someone at a major newsmagazine to come out with an article entitled: "The GOP: A Party of Whiners?" I don't know what the GOP's predictions are for how many seats they'll gain in the midterms but if they get less than what they predict they'll get, I might actually SEE that piece somewhere.

Anyhoo, lets see what they are crying about today:

46. Those dirty lawbreaking immigrants! Prince William County over in Virginia passed a tough immigration ordinance and violent crime there has dropped 38%!

[LOL...Oh no it hasn't. GOP Cocksuckers like Steve Doocy of Fox and Friends had Corey Stewart, chairman of the Prince William County, Virginia, board of supervisors, on his show in order to bolster the contention that we need tough anti-immigration laws to reduce violent crime.

Trouble is, that 38% figure Doocy hauled out is a big ball of shit. Prince William County's OWN violent crime stats show that violent crime INCREASED last year by 10.9%.]

47. That black bastard won't increase border security. He even said so! The president wants to get something in return for doing it.

[This is Sen. John Kyl's baby. He claimed this at a Teabagger rally June 18. The White House's Communications Director, Dan Pfeiffer didn't specifically call Kyl a liar but how else could you interpret what he DID say? ""[T]he president didn't say that and Senator Kyl knows it."

[That sure looks like he's calling Kyl a liar to me. If you go down the list of what the Obama administration has done at the border you find:
- An extra $500 million for border enforcement
- An increase in the number of border patrol agents.
- Tripled the number of intelligence agents on the border.
- Screening all rail shipments going back and forth across the border.
- ICE and CBP agents have seized 14% more in cash, 29% more firearms and 15% more illegal drugs since March 2009.
- Deportations went from 264,541 in fiscal year 2008 to 298,401 in FY 2009]

48. We need a private army in Afghanistan! They could do things better than the regular army!

[This is GOP Cocksucker #430 (GLEN BECK) and GOP Cocksucker #465 (ANDREW NAPOLITANO)'s claim. They made it on Fox Business' FREEDOM WATCH show June 19, 2010. These guys are always willing to fight to the last drop of someone else's blood.

[Whether it's Kellogg, Brown and Root, or Blackwater, these guys have a long track record of being crookeder than a dog's hind leg. Blackwater, for example, was thrown out of Iraq when two of its employees were found guilty of killing Iraqi civilians and they had a long history of bullying the people in Baghdad. Now two employees of the company are charged with killing two AFGHANI civilians and you just know they did it.

[Not only that, these clowns do shoddy work, have cheated taxpayers out of BILLIONS, committed fraud, corruption and bribery. They've also stolen weapons meant for Afghani police. In one case, guns were signed out to an 'Eric Cartman,' a racist character on the TV show, South Park.]

49. Is this what we fought the Nazis for?

[This is the Rodeo Clown's phrase for when companies like BP get hauled in front of congress to answer questions about destroying the Gulf of Mexico, or AIG for helping ruin the American economy or Toyota for building VERY dangerous cars with accelerator problems. Yes, Glen, this is one of the reasons we fought the Nazis.]

With thanks to Media Matters.

S. Olson

The Typical Dumbass GOP Cocksucker: Exhibit C #398


When I first saw this name and that Exhibit C was from California, thereby breaking the lock Texans had on the dumbass GOP cocksuckers to watch category, I figured #398 represented Orange County, the ultraconservative section of California that's been the butt of comedian's jokes for decades.

But then I realized #398 was Hispanic. If he represented Orange County he'd be like the Borax those 20-mule teams hauled out of Death Valley -- blindingly white.

Sure enough, when I checked into it, I saw Nunes' 21st district is in the central part of the state near Fresno.

Nunes' claim to fame was during the health care reform fracas. In a memorable appearance on C-SPAN, Nunes defended the Teabaggers screaming racist insults at Rep. John Lewis, sexist insults as Speaker Nancy Pelosi and homophobic insults as Rep. Barney Frank, claiming that when people are faced with "totalitarian tactics they "have every right to say what they want." The democrats, Nunes said, by "taking over one-sixth of the economy" were forcing Teabaggers to scream "nigger" and "faggot."

This is an odd attitude, since the hallmark of totalitarianism is the silencing of all opposition, which does not explain Nunes or the existence of the GOP. Nunes has never been arrested or threatened with arrest, which was a hallmark of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union.

On the same show, Nunes got to take a great big bite of a shit taco when a caller phoned in and said he used to be a Republican until he got GREAT medical care while in the U.S. Army during the Clinton administration and the health care reform bill sounded just fine to him. He switched to the Democratic Party.

Like Exhibit B (GOP COCKSUCKER #397 - REP. RANDY NEUGEBAUER) Nunes has gotten two of the 38 bills he's sponsored enacted into law. Thirty-one of them never made it out of committee. His biggest campaign contributors so far this election cycle, have been the PACs representing California Dairies Inc., and New York Life Insurance, which have given him 10 large apiece.

With thanks to Democratic Underground and

S. Olson

Monday, June 21, 2010

The Typical Dumbass GOP Cocksucker: Exhibit B #397


Man, why are they are always from Texas?

It's not surprising that after saddling us with an incompetent for eight years, the list of up-and-coming GOP Cocksuckers is headed by two from Texas. What baffles me and everyone else is though you can never find a Texan who won't claim the state is 'God's Country,' they won't STAY there in God's Country and leave the rest of us alone. They always have to come North and bother the REST of us.

Neugebauer is the dude who screamed 'baby killer' at retiring Michigan congressman Bart Stupak, when Stupak voted for the health care reform bill back in March 2010. Neugebauer was furious at Stupak's vote and screamed he was a baby killer, even thought there is nothing in the bill about abortion.

When it bacme obvious that the "baby killer"remark was not going to go away, Neugebauer stepped forward and confessed it was him.

The GOP had tried to pooh-pooh he remark with GOP Cocksucker #376 (REP MICHELE BACHMANN) and Rep. Tom Price (NO NUMBER YET) even saying they had heard it from the gallery. But other GOP Cocksuckers felt compelled to issue press releases claiming it wasn't them. People like Rep. George Radanovich of California and GOP cocksucker #396 (REP. LOUIE GOHMERT) of the Texas 1st.

When the guessing game STILL refused to die down, Neugebauer apologized to Stupak and then went into a convoluted 'apology' in front of the entire House. Neugebauer explained that his outburst was about the BILL'S passage, not about Stupak. Neugebauer said he was sorry about his outburst and that people had mistakenly attributed it as being against Stupak. Which makes you wonder why he 'apologized' to Stupak in the first place.

Neugebauer has been a trifle more successful when it comes to passing legislation that Exhibit A - GOP Cocksucker #396. Gomer has gotten a grand total of NO bills passed, whereas Neugebauer has gotten two enacted into law.

Neugebauer's biggest campaign contributor has been CE Jacobs Co, an oil and gas
producer out of Albany, TX. It contributed $11,500 to his last campaign.

With thanks to Newsweek, the New York Daily News and govtrack.

S. Olson

Friday, June 18, 2010

Part XII of 'Whine Some More!'

The latest edition of the favorite GOP Cocksucker game show, 'Whine Some More!' has appeared. Last edition, the GOP Cocksuckers were reduced to screaming that President Obama was responsible for job losses that happened when he wasn't even in the Oval Office. Lets see what they are crying about today!

41. That black bastard made BP create a $20 billion slush fund!

Somehow, the GOP Cocksuckers think being forced to pay for what you broke amounts to a 'slush fund.' Do they figure we are too dumb to know what one really is?

This is an old song of theirs. Here's a list of GOP Cocksuckers screaming 'SLUSH FUND! You determine if the GOP Cocksuckers think we're all dumb as they are:

a. GOP Cocksucker #70 (RUSH LIMBAUGH) bellows the oil spill escrow account is a slush fund.

b. GOP Cocksucker #376 (REP. MICHELE BACHMAN) claims the oil spill escrow account is a slush fund and extortion.

c. GOP Cocksucker #395 (REP. JOE BARTON) calls BP paying for what it broke, a 'shakedown.'

d. GOP Cocksucker #341 (HOUSE MINORITY LEADER AND REP. JOHN BONER...I MEAN BOEHNER) screams that taxpayers will have to clean up the mess BP made, then backs far far away from the idea after #395's comments are made public and voters are furious.

e. Stuart Varney, a 'business' expert on Fox Not the News calls the oil spill escrow account a slush fund.

f. Sean Hannity on the same program, says he agrees with Varney.

g. Oliver North, the disgraced former marine who lied to congress about the extent of the Reagan administration's involvement in the Iran-Contra Affair, called the oil spill escrow account, a slush fund.

But according to the GOP Cocksuckers, it's not just the oil spill escrow account that's a slush fund.

Commentator Program Claim

h. Glen Beck Fannie Mae Slush fund
i. Charles Gasparino Financial services liquidation fund Slush fund
j. Fat Junkie Economic Stimulus Slush fund
k. Glen Beck Economic Stimulus "

42. The Feds and those fucking environmentalists forced BP to drill in deep water!

Nope. Oil companies do deep water drilling because that's where the oil is.

43. That black bastard won't accept foreign help because of the Jones Act! They are lining up to help us if he'd just issue a waiver!

The president has taken help from the following countries:
The Netherlands

Not to mention 11 more, but those are just off the top of my head.

44. That black bastard's appointed all these 'czars' because the U.S. Senate doesn't have to confirm them!

This is Michelle Malkin's claim. Actually, the Senate's approved 9 of them and six more were created by statute.

45. That black bastard hasn't even made the oil leak a priority!

Glen Beck and Governor Quitter shriek this one. They ignore May 27th when the president said:

"But here's the broad point: There has never been a point during this crisis in which this administration, up and down up the line, in all these agencies, hasn't, number one, understood this was my top priority -- getting this stopped and then mitigating the damage; and number two, understanding that if BP wasn't doing what our best options were, we were fully empowered and instruct them, to tell them to do something different."

With thanks to Media Matters

S. Olson

The Typical Dumbass GOP Cocksucker: Exhibit A #396


Here is the first in a list of GOP Cocksucker congressman to watch, because if you think they learned ANYTHING from the Drunken Frat Boy ruining the economy and getting our kids killed for nothing in the wrong country, you would be sadly mistaken.

GOP Cocksucker #70 (RUSH LIMBAUGH) claims this country needs more dumbasses like Gohmert.

Think I'm being too hard on #396? After all, everyone makes mistakes. That's true, but Gomer shows no signs of learning from them. Despite this, he is one step up on the mental agility ladder from GOP Cocksucker #394 (HARLEY BROWN)

Let's take a look at some of Gomer's gems:

- Democrats want another terrorist attack so they can pass a new jobs bill.

[No shit. Gomer actually SAID this on Fox Not the News while talking to Neil Cavuto about trying Khalid Sheik Mohammed in New York City. Do I have to mention that this is not only horseshit but VILE horseshit?]

- Claimed that if men dressed in beauty pageant outfits they would be covered under the Hate Crimes Act.

[Gomer claimed this on Hannity's show on Fox Not the News during a discussion about how terrible skimpy outfits are on women in the Miss USA pageant. The universal reaction to Gomer's claim was "Huh?"]

- President Obama would support terrorists beating TSA agents since he has no problem with terrorists evading the Gaza blockade by Israel.

[Gomer claimed this on the House floor on June 9, 2010 in a rambling speech that offered no evidence for either assertion.]

- The Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Bill would lead to necrophilia, pedophilia or bestiality being legalized.

[Gomer screeched this on the House floor when it wasn't even the subject. The subject was the repeal of 'Don't ask, don't tell.'

[Both bills were signed by the President the same day.]

- "The usurpation of the rights of the states and of the people perpetrated by the U.S. House last night is blatant, arrogant, and cries out for action. A potentially bankrupting 'mother of all unfunded mandates' needs to be stopped." - Press release from Rep. Gohmert's office.

[Enraged at his helplessness to stop health care reform in the Senate, Gomer suggested repealing the 17th Amendment to the Constitution which provides for direct election of Senators by the electorate.]

One or two examples of the former and you could shrug it off as the remarks of a guy who knows better but just spoke before his brain was engaged, but FIVE? And this is just a sampling. This suggests that Gomer doesn't have a brain to engage.

Also, you have to take a look at Gomer's effectiveness. Gomer has sponsored 50 bills during his five years in the House. NONE have passed and 46 died in committee.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Oil Whore - #395


Joe showed whose side he was on when the House Committee on Energy & Commerce convened to demand some kind of picture from BP CEO Tony Hayward about the
company's efforts to plug the well on the floor of the Gulf of Mexico that is pouring out an estimated 165,000 barrels per day.

Hayward had appeared there for a public spanking, which is what CEO's of companies should expect AT THE LEAST when they cause a tragedy this enormous. He is lucky he wasn't shot right through the fucking head on his way to the hearing room.

How enormous? Well, the 2010 Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico ranks as the worst
environmental disaster in the history of the United States. Worse even than the Exxon Valdez disaster in Alaska 21 years ago. The disaster will affect small business owners, fishermen, entire companies, entire breeding populations of endangered bird species for DECADES to come.

Barton apologized because the White House basically told BP to establish a $20 billion escrow fund for cleaning up the mess they made in the Gulf. Barton described this as a 'shakedown' and said he didn't want to live in a country where any time a citizen or corporation did anything wrong, they were subjected to political pressure.

Anyone who has ever made their teenager pay for the damage they caused for doing
something like accidentally crashing the family car into the neighbor's mailbox, will recognize just what BP went through when at the White House. And they will recognize it is NOT a 'shakedown.' Everyone except for Rep. Joe Barton, that is, who has been an oil whore for SO long that he cries 'unfair!' at any attempt to hold BP responsible for it's actions.

Others such as GOP Cocksucker #341 (HOUSE MINORITY LEADER JOHN BONER...I MEAN,
BOEHNER) and GOP Cocksucker Rep. Jeff Miller of the Florida 1st (NO NUMBER YET), who represents one of the bays polluted by BP, have backed away from Barton as fast as they can. Miller went so far as to call for Barton's resignation from the

With thanks to TPM Muckraker and the Washington Post.

S. Olson

Part XI of 'Whine Some More!"

It's been almost two weeks since the GOP's most frequently-played game show, 'Whine Some More!' has been around so lets see what they've been up to lately.

37. "That black sonofabitch isn't smart enough to run the economy! We've lost 400,000 jobs in Ohio while he's been in office!"

Most of those job losses were in 2007. President Obama took office in January 2008. Now, altogether. WHO was President of the United States in 2007?

38. Oil companies like BP wouldn't be drilling wells in deep water if the environmentalists hadn't pushed them out of the shallow water!

This is Governor Quitter's claim. Actually, Oil companies are in deep water because that's where they've found the biggest oil fields.

39. Obama's escrow account amounts to a huge grab of private assets that the government will control!

LOL. It's an escrow account run by a third party. What's wrong with that anyway? They ruined the Gulf, they should pay to clean up their mess.

40 That guy Obama proposed as the administrator for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services is more interested in 'social justice' than individual patients!"

Betsy McCaughey screeched this in an op-ed in the New York Post because David Berwick, the nominee, wants to bring down health care costs. What McCaughey DOESN'T tell you is that Berwick wants to bring down the health care costs and care for patients at the same time.

41. Obama's plan to put a moratorium on deepwater offshore drilling for oil until we can establish good contingency plans in case of disaster are absurd and unnecessary!

Oh really? That'd be news to the shrimpers off the coast of Louisiana, who are watching their businesses be destroyed by BP's gushing oil well leak that's been going for almost two months now and BP's tried SIX times to plug the hole. It's just a guess but I'll bet they think that moratorium is not an absurd idea at all.

As for unnecessary, ALL the companies drilling in the gulf use the same tiny company for a relief plan. Three of those plans list the same phone number for a marine science expert who's been dead for five years. Four of the plans say protecting walruses in the Gulf of Mexico in the event of an oil leak is very important. Walruses haven't existed in the Gulf for three million years. CEO's from oil companies such as Exxon/Mobile and Conoco/Phillips say oil contingency plans are "an embarrassment."

With thanks to Media Matters

S. Olson

Bomb Everybody - #394

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Friday, June 11, 2010

GOP Cocksucker #454's Own Turn On Him


The Lexington County GOP in South Carolina has asked State Rep. Jake Knotts to resign over comments he made that President Obama and GOP Governor Candidate GOP Cocksucker #400 (NIKKI HALEY) are ragheads. A day later, an alternative weekly in Columbia, the state capitol, prints that Knotts actually called Haley a "FUCKING raghead."

His OWN KIND are asking him to get the hell out!


With thanks to Politico and TPM Muckraker.

S. Olson

Another Hypocrite V. 24.0 - #393


There are hypocrites and then there are Hypocrites of the First Order.

Say hi to Rep. John Kline of Minnesota.

When the Upper Big Branch Mine in West Virginia blew up in early April and killed 29
miners, Kline issued a statement, demanding to know of the democrats, ""Why didn't federal officials enforce the law to the fullest extent?"

Meaning why didn't the Mine Safety and Health Administration increase it's oversight of Massey Energy and prevent this tragedy?

Which is sort of like damning the democrats by whining, "Hey, you aren't cleaning up the messes we made FAST enough!"

Actually. Kline had HIS chance back in February '10, to stiffen oversight of Massey
Energy when the House Education and Labor committee held a hearing on mine safety.
Know what he did? NOTHING. Know why? He never showed up.

With thanks to the Washington Monthly and TPM Muckraker.

S. Olson

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Talking Him Into It - #392


Jensen is one of those vultures who are absolutely obsessed with getting President
Obama OUT of the White House. He SAYS his interest is only in seeing the original birth certificate because only that will settle the question of whether or not he is qualified to be the President of the United States. However, the state of Hawaii claims to have seen the original. That however, is not enough for Jensen. He demands to SEE the original before he decides.

The Obama administration says, in effect, "Aw, fuck you," and refuses to grant Jensen or the American Patriot Foundation access to the original birth certificate.

This challenge infuriates Jensen and the American Patriot Foundation because as they
see it, there is a NIGGER in the White House and they can't do a thing about it.

Jensen and Orly Taitz ,a birther from California who is a lawyer, dentist and realtor try and convince many soldiers to disobey orders, claiming they come from the President and they are not required to obey him. Some take up Taitz's offer but dump her like a hot potato once they lose.

Jensen convinced #380 to refuse orders to go to Afghanistan. Lakin does and is
court-martialed. Jensen tries to force President Obama to testify in the military
court, but the investigating officer in the case, refuses.

S. Olson

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Another Big Mouth - #391


If you've ever wondered why GOP Cocksuckers hate professors of almost every scientific discipline, it has nothing to do with the universities being "hotbeds" of liberalism or anything like that.

GOP Cocksuckers hate them because college campuses frequently have the knowledge bases to tell them they are full of shit. Now, you don't need something like that ALL the time, but a lot of the time it comes in handy.

GOP Cocksuckers HATE it when their version of something is shown to be a total shuck. Introducing Bryan Fischer of the American Family Association.

Fischer didn't need college professors to tell him he didn't know what the fuck he was talking about when he claimed that Hitler was homosexual and he surrounded himself with gay soldiers because everyone knows gays are "ruthless" and "know no limits," when it comes to brutality. Virtually all of the Brownshirts were homos.

Geez. This is just 37 flavors of wrong.

A. "Hitler was a homosexual."

He was, eh? Can I see your evidence that he was? It's true that some historians
investigated the possibility in the 90s but they never came to any revelation that Hitler was gay. If he was, then what explains Geli Raubal, Hitler's niece and the young woman considered to be the one great love of his life?

Yes, the fact that Raubal was his niece means incest but this kind of thing was regularly practiced along the Austrian-Czech border where Hitler grew up.

B. "The Nazis persecuted effeminate homosexuals."

Actually, they persecuted ALL homosexuals. If you were in a Concentration Camp, you had to wear a little pink triangle identifying you as such. The Nazi state was going all out for rearmament and war. It saw homosexuals as useless for making more German soldiers.

To top it all off, Heinrich Himmler, the leader of the SS, had a thing about homosexuals and wanted them all killed.

C. "And Hitler discovered that he could not get straight soldiers to be savage and brutal and vicious enough to carry out his orders, but that homosexual solders basically had no limits and the savagery and brutality they were willing to inflict on whomever Hitler sent them after."

Huh? The Brownshirts, or SA, were the street fighters of the Nazi party when Hitler was coming to power. They were murdered by the SS on June 30, 1934, The Night of the Long Knives. That some of their leaders, like Ernst Röhm for example, were gay is beyond question but if you're going to claim "virtually all" of them were gay, well, that's a revolutionary interpretation and simply not supported by the facts.

Straight soldiers may have had some problems going to sleep at night but on the whole, they had little trouble being as brutal as Hitler wanted. For instance, the SA had nothing to do with Nazi death camps like Auschwitz or the Einsatzgruppen's killing in Poland and then the Soviet Union, since they were either dead or powerless.

With thanks to TPM Muckraker.

S. Olson

Last Night Was Primary Night For the GOP Cocksuckers: The Blood on the Floor.

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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

GOP Cocksucker #3's Latest Fight In Court

Shocked that the charges of money laundering, wire fraud, embezzlement and others have not been thrown out since he resigned his seat in the Arizona 1st, GOP Cocksucker #3 (RICK RENZI) tried to get the charges thrown out of court today with only partial success.

Renzi's mouthpieces managed to get the wiretap evidence gathered by the FBI thrown out of court because the FBI not only recorded conversations betwen the principals in the money laundering and wire fraud matters but conversations with his lawyers and wife as well, which are both priviledged communications.

But since the prosecution never heard the bulk of the calls, the judge in the case refused to throw the matter out of court. So the show's still on!

With thanks to TPM Muckraker.

S. Olson

We Get the ENTIRE Summer to Watch a Man Destroy His Career!

Yes, and The Birthers are right at the forefront of it.

A couple of months ago, GOP Cocksucker #380 (LT. COL. TERRENCE LAKIN) let himself actually get talked into the argument that President Obama is not a legitimate president because they don't like the paperwork the State of Hawaii provides people when they ask for a copy of someone's birth certificate. Never mind the fact that the head of the Hawaii Department of Health and a small delegation has SEEN the original and attests to its existence, #380 mouthpiece, #392 (PAUL ROLF JENSEN) and the nutbar organization that backs him, hasn't seen it and they believe they have a right to see it. (Although God only knows if that will solve anything. You just know it won't.)

Under the influence of people like #392, #380 made a YouTube video claiming that President Obama's orders were invalid and refused to deploy to Afghanistan as ordered. There is a very good chance that Lakin will face a general court-martial, and when he is convicted, be hurled out of the army on a dishonorable discharge. We should know on June 11, 2010. Meanwhile, #392 will probably go back to his kook practice.

Do I feel bad for #390? Well, at first. But let's look at it a little more. #390 could have quietly refused to go to Afghanistan and then taken his punishment. But no, he made a YouTube video announcing this crazy conspiracy theory. Then he tried getting booked one as many news shows as he could get. So when he says that he believes in it strongly enough to risk his career,okay. I and LOTS AND LOTS of others believe the opposite strongly enough to watch you destroy your career. For nothing. So. do I feel bad? Not really. At ground zero: "YOU ASKED FOR IT."

S. Olsn

S. Olson

The Merc Follies - #390


People kept thinking that Erik Prince, Blackwater's owner, was the source of all evil in the company. But then the focus began shifting towards President Gary Jackson.

People started noticing stuff like this:

1. (From TPM Muckraker) "The company formerly known as Blackwater financed the

purchase of 17 AK-47 rifles and 17 Bushmaster XM15 E2S rifles for the sheriff in the county where the company's headquarters is located and gave the sheriff "unlimited access to those rifles for training and qualification, and state of emergency use" -- but stored the weapons in Blackwater's own armory."

[So these are the COUNTY'S guns, but BLACKWATER stores 'em. The sheriff of the
North Carolina county seat sez they needed all this firepower because they were setting up a SWAT team. The Raleigh News-Observer promptly pointed out that the executive director of the national organization of SWAT teams said the AK-47 was a lousy weapon-of-choice for SWAT teams. Which would mean this sounds like an effort to get around the law that says it is illegal for private individuals to receive or possess an automatic weapon that isn't registered to that person. ]

Here's another for the gun nuts who say, "So what?":

2. Jackson gets his ass indicted on conspiracy to violate firearms laws, false statements and possession of an unregistered firearm.

THAT'S 'So what?'

Oh, here's another:

3. Jackson tries to gift Glocks, an M4 rifle, a shotgun and several other weapons that WE paid for as taxpayers. But realizes he has to account for the guns. What does he do? He falsifies forms submitted to BATF and tries to pass them off as privately purchased.

With thanks to the Raleigh News-Observer, the Associated Press and TPM Muckraker.

S. Olson

Monday, June 7, 2010

Another Hypocrite V. 23.0- #389

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Friday, June 4, 2010

The Latest Gothic Twist In the GOP Cocksucker #400 Saga

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We Have Been Rid of This Clown For Almost 2½ Years

And GOP Cocksucker #315 (ALBERTO GONZALEZ) STILL can't find a publisher for his fucking book.


S. Olson

Part X of "Whine Some More!"

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GOP Cocksucker #380 Gets the Bad News

The Investigating Officer for the Court-martial of GOP Cocksucker #308 (LT. COL TERRANCE LAKIN) has denied his request to compel President Obama to testify about his birth certificate.

LOL....What's that make? EIGHT times they've lost?

S. Olson

Not Only Do They Think She's a Raghead, But a FUCKING Raghead

STATE REP. JAKE KNOTTS on a talk show held in a bar in South Carolina, had to be bleeped because he called GOP Cocksucker #400 (STATE REP. NIKKI HALEY) a "fucking raghead."

Haley was born a sikh who converted to Christianity after her parents moved to South Carolina.

With thanks to the Columbia Free Times and TPM Muckraker.

S. Olson

Never Let It Be Said that the South Carolina Gubernatorial Race is Not Great Fun

I mean, everywhere you look there's another politician humiliating him or herself in public and for what? The chance to lead a statefull of batshit-crazy loonies? Never forget it was THIS state and it's fire-breathing denizens that plunged the country into a bloody civil war 145 years ago. Before the Civil War started, there was a letter to the Columbia, S.C. paper that on the subject of secession said in part: "Pardon me, but is the majority ALWAYS drunk?" Another dude commented that secession made no sense because "South Carolina is too small to be a republic and too large for an insane asylum."

The entire fracas is over who will replace GOP Cocksucker #308 (GOV. MARK SANFORD) who is term-limited. The prospect of seeing the back of #308 is producing a sigh of relief on the part of the state GOP. If he were up for re-election, he couldn't get the votes of people he paid, not after he lied and told them he was hiking the Appalachian Trail when what he was REALLY doing was flying down to Buenos Aires at state expense for sexytime with his Argentinian mistress.

Candidate A, Patty Haley, otherwise on my list as GOP Cocksucker #400, has political consultants like GOP Cocksucker #448 (LARRY MERCHANT) practically taking numbers to say, "Yeah, I fucked her."

Meanwhile, Candidate B, otherwise known as GOP Cocksucker #363 (LT. GOV. ANDRE BAUER) is stammeringly trying to distance himself from #448 but trying to keep the sex allegations alive at the same time. Bauer is now demanding that #400 take a polygraph test about the affair with #448.

Candidate C (ATTORNEY GENERAL HENRY McMASTER) came out and said today that this primary is "simply embarrassing."

If this is not funny enough, a state representative (JAKE KNOTTS) who supports #363, said on a talk show yesterday that President Obama and #400 were both 'ragheads,' which apparently is the new 'nigger.' Knotts said we already had a raghead in the White House and we didn't need another one in the Governor's mansion. Braced on it, an astonished and chagrined Knotts apologized, saying some of his best friends were ragheads.

But in response to Candidate C, lets face it, one, GOP Cocksuckers HAVE no sense of shame and two, this is the state where that dude kept fucking a horse is from. Case closed.

With thanks to TPM Muckrakerand Politico.

Congressman Todd Fucks Up the Words - #388


#388 is regarded as one of the "most conservative members of Congress," getting a 96%rating from the American Assholes Union...I mean Conservative Union.

Even though he's a chronic backbencher, Congressman Todd briefly grabbed the limelight in the fall of '09 when he announced during a Tea Party rally that he was going to lead the Teabaggers in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance because "it drives the liberals crazy."

Then he blew it and showed his secessionist zeal by leaving out the word 'indivisible.'

Even funnier, six years ago, when the GOP was riding high, Akin proposed the 'Pledge Protection Act,' which would have forbade the Supreme Court from ruling the constitutionality of a pledge he didn't know the words to.

With thanks to the blogs FireDogLake, Politico and TPM Muckraker.

S. Olson

Thursday, June 3, 2010

More Gay Sexytime Adventures of #199

GOP Cocksucker #199 Starts and Church Where Anybody Can Go - Even Democrats!

Yes, Mr. Completely Heterozexual, the REV. TED HAGGARD is back in the news again because he's opening a new church.

Sky Pilot Ted used to be a bigwig in GOP Cocksucker politics. Then, he got caught when his drug dealer said he was buying meth off him.

Well, so what, GOP Cocksuckers get caught using drugs all the time. Just take GOP Cocksucker #70 (RUSH LIMBAUGH). So the GOP Cocksuckers didn't mind the drugs as much as they did when the drug dealer said Rev. Ted was fucking him in the ass to get them.

Whoa. They DO NOT like gay sexytime stuff. Rev. Ted was driven out of his church and subjected to intensive anti-gay counseling for three weeks by four other ministers. After the three weeks were up, #199 was pronounced "completely heterosexual" by Rev. Tim Ralph.

(C'mon, when any minister has two first names, you just know THAT dude is a raving bender himself.)

Anyway, #199 said he is now opening a new church because he doesn't want to be an activist. He just wants to "help people."

With thanks to TPM Muckraker.

S. Olson

It Wasn't Even HIS Card: The Latest on GOP Cocksucker #373

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Wow. GOP Cocksucker #307 Back in the Limelight

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The Latest on GOP Cocksucker #372

The militia group, Hutaree, which plotted to kill cops and then kill the ones that showed up for their funeral, got hit with 10 more charges today that included machine gun possession, possession of unregistered firearms and possession of a firearm to further a violent crime.

With thanks to TPM Muckraker

S. Olson

Congressman Mean - #387


Now that GOP Cocksucker #289 (FORMER SENATOR CONRAD BURNS) of Montana got his ass kicked two years ago by Sen. Jon Tester, the meanest person in Congress is probably
the Iowan Rep. Steve King.

King makes a point out of being a mean asshole and just loves to see the expression of outrage on the faces of decent people.

King is known as Rep. Big Mouth for saying things like:

- [Of Mohammed al-Zarqawi]: "There probably are not 72 virgins in the hell he’s at. And if there are, they probably all look like [White House correspondent] Helen Thomas."

- Washington D.C. is more dangerous than Iraq. (Yeah, IED's go off there ALL the time and they can only keep the power on a couple of hours a day.)

- Compared illegal immigrants to livestock.

- Claimed that there was no difference between Regent University (Pat Robertson's diploma mill) and Harvard University (which is regarded as the most prestigious college in America) because they both had religious foundations.
(Never mind the fact that Harvard was NOT founded by John Harvard, as King claimed, or that 60% of [Justice Department Liason to the White House Monica] Goodling's class flunked the bar exam the first time they took it.)

-Asked what the big deal is over waterboarding, cause hey, it's not like anybody died.

-Enraged that Drunken Frat Boy administration Scott McClellan wrote a book about his time in the White House, and furious that he could not smear him with the National Security brush, King asked at one point, "...divulge information that I believe was at least from a national security- not national security but from the integrity standpoint, could you not have taken some of this to the grave with you and done this country a favor?"

And not only SAYING stuff, he DOES stuff like voting against issuing a subpoena to Goodling so we could find out what GOP Cocksucker #315 (ALBERTO GONZALES) and others were doing over there.

Or 17 months after scolding trying to smear McClellan with the National Security brush, King's concern over National Security suddenly evaporates, when he blows off a close vote on strengthening the Patriot Act to go to a Teabagger rally.

With thanks to TPM Muckraker and The Hill

S. Olson

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Latest on GOP Cocksucker #373

Well, well, well, look who got himself arrested;former Florida GOP Cocksucker Chairman Jim Greer.

#373 got indicted for grand theft, attempt to defraud, and money laundering.

Greer is being investigated for a contract worth around $200,000 that he awarded to himself and the state party's executive director. The Florida Republican Party revealed the news in March, saying it had uncovered the contract in the course of its annual financial audit, and referred the matter to authorities.

Does that have anything to do with the indictment? Don't know yet but $10 says it does.

With thanks to the Orlando Sentinel and TPM Muckraker.

S. Olson

Governor Cracker - #386

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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Latest on GOP Cocksucker #308

Governor Mark Sanford of South Carolina has been a great-big irrelevancy ever since the story of him lying about hiking the Appalachian Trail when he was really jetting down for sexytime with his Argentine mistress got supplanted by the dude who fucked a horse.

But then Sanford got himself involved in the Nikki Haley case (GOP Cocksucker #400). If you don't know, Haley is the GOP Cocksucker who was in the lead for the GOP nomination for the governorship. But now Haley has been caught in a whirlpool of speculation from blogger Will Folks, who confessed to having an 'inappropriate sexual relationship' with #400. (This probably means he finger-banged her. Just sayin.')

Seriously, we don't know what the inappropriate sexual relationship' was because neither Folks nor Haley are saying anything more. However, because they are being so coy, you can bet the farm that will have the effect of keeping this alive for MONTHS. Just like GOP Cocksucker #315 (ALBERTON GONZALEZ) kept the fires of controversy swirling around HIM for an entire SUMMER before quitting.

But #308's connection is that Folks was his spokesman a year before the news about his sexytime materialized and #308 was a big backer of #400; in fact he persuaded her out of the state legislature to run for governor. When #308's sexytime became common knowledge, she was very, VERY quiet about the entire thing.

With thanks to TPM Muckraker

S. Olson

The Attention Whore - #385


I really thought I had listed this guy, who has more viewers on Fox Not the News than anyone to his show 'The O'Reilly Factor.' On May 5, 2010, the Cable News Rating Archives had him at 2.8 million viewers, which sounds great but is actually far behind the networks.

Billo regularly gets nailed by Keith Olbermann of 'Countdown,' on his 'Worst Person in the World' segment, or at least he DID until the bigwigs at NBC forced Olbermann to cool it. Another nemesis is Sen. Al Franken of Minnesota, a guy who put O'Reilly on the cover of his book "Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them." O'Reilly was furious at the cover, and demanded that Fox Not the News sue Franken overseas, where libel laws are a bit looser.

Lawyers for Fox Not the News tried to reason with Billo, but Franken had him practically slobbering with fury everytime he passed the windows of a bookstore. O'Reilly insisted and the suit was thrown out of court in record time, with the presiding judge inadvertently giving Fox Not The News what Franken said should be it's new motto: 'wholly without merit.' Then to top it all off, Franken got elected to the U.S. Senate. Billo went almost crazy, displaying a graphic of Sen. Franken that identified him as 'Pinhead.' Franken, in turn, sent Billo a nice fruit basket with a photo included of Franken displaying a HUGE shit-eating grin.

With thanks to TPM Muckraker, Countdown, Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them and

S. Olson