Monday, June 21, 2010

The Typical Dumbass GOP Cocksucker: Exhibit B #397


Man, why are they are always from Texas?

It's not surprising that after saddling us with an incompetent for eight years, the list of up-and-coming GOP Cocksuckers is headed by two from Texas. What baffles me and everyone else is though you can never find a Texan who won't claim the state is 'God's Country,' they won't STAY there in God's Country and leave the rest of us alone. They always have to come North and bother the REST of us.

Neugebauer is the dude who screamed 'baby killer' at retiring Michigan congressman Bart Stupak, when Stupak voted for the health care reform bill back in March 2010. Neugebauer was furious at Stupak's vote and screamed he was a baby killer, even thought there is nothing in the bill about abortion.

When it bacme obvious that the "baby killer"remark was not going to go away, Neugebauer stepped forward and confessed it was him.

The GOP had tried to pooh-pooh he remark with GOP Cocksucker #376 (REP MICHELE BACHMANN) and Rep. Tom Price (NO NUMBER YET) even saying they had heard it from the gallery. But other GOP Cocksuckers felt compelled to issue press releases claiming it wasn't them. People like Rep. George Radanovich of California and GOP cocksucker #396 (REP. LOUIE GOHMERT) of the Texas 1st.

When the guessing game STILL refused to die down, Neugebauer apologized to Stupak and then went into a convoluted 'apology' in front of the entire House. Neugebauer explained that his outburst was about the BILL'S passage, not about Stupak. Neugebauer said he was sorry about his outburst and that people had mistakenly attributed it as being against Stupak. Which makes you wonder why he 'apologized' to Stupak in the first place.

Neugebauer has been a trifle more successful when it comes to passing legislation that Exhibit A - GOP Cocksucker #396. Gomer has gotten a grand total of NO bills passed, whereas Neugebauer has gotten two enacted into law.

Neugebauer's biggest campaign contributor has been CE Jacobs Co, an oil and gas
producer out of Albany, TX. It contributed $11,500 to his last campaign.

With thanks to Newsweek, the New York Daily News and govtrack.

S. Olson

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