Monday, September 13, 2010

The Fall Guy #454


A bit ago when I entered GOP Cocksucker #453 (CHRISTINE O'DONNELL) on this blog,
I said she was leading a whispering campaign about her opponent in the GOP
Cocksucker Senatorial primary, Rep. Mike Castle, being a homosexual. #453 denies
hotly that she's doing it. Who she DOES blame for doing it? #454. That's after she
fired his ass.

The excuses have already started flying from #453, how Walker made homosexual
references to Castle witout O'Donnell's knowledge, "I fired him," etc. etc. Walker
made the charge at the beginning of September 2010 two weeks after leaving the
O'Donnell campaign. He told Ben Smith over at Politico that he knew he had no
evidence of the claim, just said he thought he'd "throw it out there."

Um, this is the media strategy of a guy who's ALREADY backed the wrong horse
earlier. Like, TWO MONTHS earlier. The horse in question was GOP Cocksucker #493
(RICK BARBER). Barber got the living shit kicked out of him in the Republican
primary for the Alabama 2nd by Martha Roby. Seriously. Roby kicked Barber's ass by
20 percentage points after Walker got Barber to approve a TV Commercial called
'Gather your Armies' espousing violent revolution. You can see it here:

(If I was Barber, I'd be saying, "Thanks just awfully Yates." But who am I kidding?
Barber APPROVED the damn thing to begin with. They gathered their armies all right.
They probably all fit inside the same Clown Car.)

What else did Walker do for O'Donnell in the two weeks he worked for her? Well, he
sent out a blast e-mail that erroneously claimed Castle voted for the Stimulus Bill. He did no such thing.

Before that, Walker stuck his nose into the New York 23rd and claimed that the GOP
leader for the nomination, Dede Scozzafava, wasn't conservative enough. He stuck the district with GOP Cocksucker #546 (DOUG HOFFMAN) as the GOP nominee with the result that Scozzafava endorsed the DEMOCRAT, who won by the way. Walker managed to fuck things up for the GOP so badly that the district went democratic for the first time since the Civil War.

Jesus, with help like THIS, who needs enemies?

With thanks to TPM Muckraker,,, and the Delaware Republican Record.

S. Olson

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