Thursday, August 27, 2009

Here Come Da Drunks! v 14.0 - #24


CLASSIFICATION: Type I Drunk (Wrong place. Wrong time)
OBJECT HIT: Arrested in time

GOP cocksuckers like to claim their morality is superior to the eeeevilllll Democrats, therefore if they get nailed while driving shitfaced, there HAS be something else to blame.

Case in point: Johnny Nugent, former state representative of the Indiana 43rd.

Nugent got busted for DUI back in 2002 when the Indiana Highway Patrol got word of someone driving erratically on I-74. Nugent said he only had a couple of glasses of wine with dinner but when he was forced to blow into the Breathalyzer, scourge of GOP cocksuckers everywhere, the results showed a .13. The legal limit in Indiana is .08.

True to GOP Cocksucker form, what did Sen. Nugent do? Why, he blames his meds. Seriously. Here’s what he had to say afterward:

“I didn't really drink any more wine at dinner than regularly,” Mr. Nugent said. “Some of the concern is with how it affected me. I do take some medication and it could be that it made it more active.”

What did the good, godfearing GOP cocksuckers of Indiana do? Nothing of course. Nugent’s been a member of the Indiana Senate since then. He is now either 67 or 68 years old.

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