Monday, September 14, 2009

The Fat Junkie and Hypocrisy


This one was so choice that it still makes me laugh more than six years later.

Limbaugh, the conservative radio commentator who extolled 'personal responsiblity' and damned drug users to the skies, turned himself in to authorites after a warrant for his arrest was issued on a count of prescription fraud, His lawyer worked out a deal where he didn't have to plead guilty as long as he sought treament for the addiction.

Limbaugh denies doing what's called 'doctor shopping', but on the warrant, here is what The American Hindenburg did:

Sometime between February and August 2003, Limbaugh withheld information from a medical practitioner from whom he sought to obtain a controlled substance or a prescription for a controlled substance. That substance was mostly OxyContin--known as 'Hillbilly Heroin'--but there were other painkillers. See, the Fat Junkie had a thing for painkillers because he claimed to have 'severe back pain.' At least that's what he SAID.

Limbaugh kept swallowing the pills despite his hearing loss and evidence that abuse of painkillers leads to a permanent loss of hearing. Does that sound mean? Oh...not any meaner than the Fat Junkie claiming Michael J. Fox was exaggerating his Parkinson's Disease when he chastized Limbaugh in a TV commercial for opposing the Stem Cell Research that might help him. Remember that? *I* sure do. And I bet I'm not alone. That behavior struck me as cruel. So when you look at it, Limbaugh's juuuust getting back what he's been dishing out to people for more than a decade.

What makes this so sweet is how the Fat Junkie used to damn drug abusers regularly. Here, look at this from his TV show in 1995:

"Drug use, some might say, is destroying this country. And we have laws against selling drugs, pushing drugs, using drugs, importing drugs. ... And so if people are violating the law by doing drugs, they ought to be accused and they ought to be convicted and they ought to be sent up,"

He forgot to add, "unless it's me."

This little stunt did, however, cost him $30,000 and he had to see his doctor for 2½ years for treatment, which should be ending in October. That will be just in time for him to see his buddies get thrown out of Congress by the bushelbasket and a black man get elected President of the United States. Just an occasion where the Fat Junkie would think he NEEDED a handful of pills...LOL


S. Olson

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