Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Second of the VECO Whores - #107


Yeah, VECO, the Alaskan oil and gas services firm, was a big slide to the slammer for a lot of Alaska politicians. Here's a list:
A. GOP Cocksucker #10 [& #167] Ex-State Rep. Vic Kohring - bribery.
B. GOP Cocksucker #168 Ex-State Rep. Tom Anderson - extortion and bribery
C. GOP Cocksucker #169 Ex-State Rep and Speaker Pete Kott - bribery and extortion
D. GOP Cocksucker #170 Ex-State Rep Bruce Weyhrauch - bribery and extortion

It's now gotten GOP Cocksucker #97 (TED 'TUBES' STEVENS) in trouble as well for taking all sorts of gifts, like a free renovation of his vacation home, and then not reporting them on his financial disclosure form. (Hey, it's not like Tubes is a political rookie. Tubes has been in the Senate for almost 30 years. You think he'd know the drill by NOW.) GOP Cocksucker #289 (REP. DON YOUNG) is also being investigated with regards to VECO.

Whoops, got off the subject for a sec. Cowdery's big claim to fame in the VECO affair is two charges of bribery and corruption. Specifically, that CEO Bill Allen (GOP Cocksucker #166) had bribed him to look the other way when it came to the pipeline for which Kohring is going to the slammer for 3½ years .

S. Olson

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