Friday, December 4, 2009

Married Life - #283


GOP Cocksuckers are the type of vindictive or predatory bastards you can imagine taking out restraining orders against if you fell for their snaky charm and got involved with them. Remember GOP Cocksucker #35 (DEREK WALKER?) He tried to get a woman fired who rejected him.

But there aren't any GOP Cocksuckers who have actually TAKEN OUT restraining orders against their angry spouses, well, not until #283 came along, that is.

Skoien was in the playroom of his house with two hookers when his wife walked in on everybody. She had suspected something like this had been going on and immediately attacked Skoien with her fists. Undaunted that this didn't have much effect, the 110-pound woman scooped up an electric guitar and started beating Skoien about the face and neck with it, while screaming obscenties.

According to the police, who were summoned by Skoien because he said he was "afraid he would be killed," 'the playroom did look like a struggle of some kind had taken place there.' Blood was on the walls and the stairs leading to the playroom.

In other words, Skoien got his ass kicked by a GIRL.

S. Olson

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