Monday, December 21, 2009

Wow. #47, #288, #72, #127, #1, #54. Look At All These Numbers - #299


John Doolittle did the time-honored GOP Cocksucker tactic for avoiding prosecution, he ran awa....I mean, retired last year.

Doolittle had been beating the bejeesus out of all comers in the district easily....until 2006, that is. He beat his opponent, the unfortunately-named Charlie Brown, by only 3%.

Wha hoppen?

Well 2006 was a really bad year if your a GOP Cocksucker. The bottom fell out of everything but the White House that year. They lost the House handily but they they went and lost the Senate too. They lost the majority of the governorships and most of the state legislatures as well.

And Doolittle had his name linked with GOP Cocksucker #47 (JACK ABRAMOFF). Normally, that's the kiss of death, but he didn't have it HEAVILY linked with #47, at least not until safely after the '06 election. When the news did come out, it was more #299's WIFE who was in deep shit. Not only did Julie Doolittle work for #47 between 2001-2005, but she was the sole employee for Sierra Dominion Financial Solutions, a fundraising group for...wait for it...John Doolittle. Over five years, she brought in $180,000 from Doolittle's campaign, for which she was illegally paid 15%. And she still claimed the campaign owed her $76,000 for something else. Doolittle's people were pressuring small towns to hire a lobbyist. Guess who they thought was a good one? Bet you'll guess on the first try.

Meanwhile, Alexander Strategy Group had entered the fray. This was the lobbying firm started by GOP cocksucker #54's (TOM DELAY) former chief of staff, GOP Cocksucker #288 (ED BUCKHAM.) Not only had #288 created the Korea-U.S. Exchange Council but ASG hired Sierra Dominion to do bookkeeping work for them and paid for a trip to South Korea and Malaysia taken by Doolittle and his 12-year-old daughter.

But to hell with JULIE Doolittle, the nasty shit about #299 HIMSELF started coming out:

- First there were his ties to #47. Doolittle's former chief of staff, GOP Cocksucker #127 (KEVIN RING) went to work for #47, which doesn't seem so bad except that #47 was urged by #127 to hire this lobbying firm which was....altogether now...Sierra Dominion Financial Solutions

- Then it came out that #47 had donated $14,000 to Doolittle's defense fu....dah, I mean, campaign.

- Then the FBI raided Doolittle's house. Shortly after that, Doolittle's new chief of staff and deputy chief of staff were subpeonaed to testify against him.

- Almost two weeks later, Doolittle said he would fight to keep 11 years of records into his conduct.

- Then it was shown that Doolittle had accepted $188,000 from a company owned by GOP Cocksucker #1 (BRENT WILKES.)This wouldn't be such a big deal except that Wilkes was a defense contractor and Doolittle had a seat on the powerful appropriations committee. Later it was shown that Doolittle had steering $37 million bucks to #1's company. #1 had gotten a buncha years in the slammer for bribing GOP Cocksucker #72 (RANDY CUNNINGHAM)

After all this #299 was beginning to look like a liability. Doolittle's main financial backer, former Placer County Republican Party chairman Ken Campbell announced he was not supporting Doolittle anymore. Then challengers in the Republican primary began turning up. First Eric Egland, a 37-year-old Air Force reservist and security consultant, then Auburn City Councilman Mike Holmes. Finally, when State Assemblyman Ted Gaines announced the formation of an exploratory committee to run for Doolittle's seat, Doolittle was defiant but knew he was being thrown under the bus. Four and a half months later, Doolittle announced he would not be running for re-election.

Meanwhile, the investigation goes on.

S. Olson


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