Friday, December 4, 2009

I Resigned my Seat Why Are You Still Coming After Me? - #282


Its always nice to get out of Florida or New Jersey and deal with crooked GOP cocksuckers somewhere else. That somewhere else happens to be the state of Alaska.

Things have gotten lively in the state of Alaska lately, ever since GOP Cocksucker #166 (BILL ALLEN) got his ass nailed for extortion. When that happened, he started rolling on all the GOP cocksuckers he could think of to get himself a lesser sentence. And there were a lot of them, GOP Cocksuckers #107 and 167-170 just for starters. Every one of these sons of bitches was an ex-state representative. Every fucking one. #169 was even the former Alaskan Speaker of the House, PETE KOTT. Kott tried to brazen it out in a trial and the jury was out for 12 whole minutes before they found his ass guilty.

But the choice one was GOP Cocksucker #92, SEN. TED STEVENS, the longest-serving GOP Cocksucker in the Congress. #92 was thrown out by the voters in a mandatory recount when the absentee ballots came in. The People of Alaska have spoken and they said "Fuck You!" to ol' Tubes. #92 got #166 to put a first story under his A-frame, plus give him all kinds of goodies that he never declared on his financial disclosure form. A jury found him guilty, guilty, guilty. Tubes got himself an expensive mouthpiece though and the prosecutors fucked up. He just might walk. One's thing's for sure, though, it won't be back into the U.S. Senate.

[UPDATE: Tubes got the conviction overturned but not the will of the voters.]

Now we bring ourselves to #282, Beverly Masek. Masek was astonished that prosecutors came after her, even though she resigned. It's a classic GOP Cocksucker move and they never learn, they all figure we just want their seats. Wrong. We want their asses, too. Masek pled guilty today to conspiracy to commit bribery, in connection with cash payments she received from #166, in exchange for using her position to take actions that benefited Allen's company.

We are still gunning for Tubes SON, Ben, (GOP Cocksucker #285) who rose as high as President of the Alaskan Senate and Rep. Don Young (GOP Cocksucker #289) but we haven't gotten around to indicting their asses yet.

S. Olson

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