Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Not Hearing a Peep Out Of Them, Are You?

They're being AWFULLY quiet now.

I'm talking about Missouri Senator Kit Bond and Rep. Pete Hoekstra of the Michigan 2nd. When President Obama announced that Afghan-born Abdulmutallab Zazi was going to be tried in criminal cour and if you were listening to Bond and Hoekstra you would have thought the sky was falling.

Bond: "We have learned the hard way that trying terrorists in federal court comes at a high price, from losing out on potentially lifesaving intelligence to compromising our sources and methods. We must treat these terrorists as what they are -- not common criminals, but enemy combatants in a war."

Hoekstra: "Farouk, and all other jihadist attackers, should be charged as an enemy combatant, taken into military custody, interrogated for vital intelligence, and tried in military courts under the laws of armed conflict."

On February 22, (2010), Zazi pled guilty to a plot to detonate explosives in the New York subway system. In the last few weeks, he has been cooperating with federal prosecuters.

Now, what did Bond and Hoekstra have to say?


Well, what did they say on their websites?


Okay, well what do their spokesmen have to say?


With thanks to TPM Muckraker and the New York Times.

S. Olson

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