Wednesday, February 17, 2010

What a Bunch of Whiners #345


No, sex is not the ONLY problem the GOP Cocksuckers have. They have problems with the rest of the Ten Commandments too. Stealing, murder, all that stuff. Then they whine when they get caught.

Take Charles Wingate for example.

Wingate popped up onto the Colorado Springs city council in 2001. At first he was even regarded as a fresh breath of air in city politics. Then the smell started.

Wingate had a habit of bouncing checks; seven of them.
Then he got sued for not paying his bills.
Then pornography was found on city computers in HIS office.
Then he got accused by his former employer of stealing a computer and other office products.
Then four times he forged a signature on a stolen credit card to buy pizza.
Then he pawned his laptop computer, which was owned by the city.
Then he stole and pawned items he stole from the offices of other city council members.
Then he bilked the city out of $1,000 for child care expenditures.
Then he vandalized a candidate's campaign sign and stole it.

What was Wingate's answer to all of this? Classis GOP Cocksucker denial. Someone else must have downloaded the porn on his office computer. It wasn't him. All those bounced checks? They were bookkeeping errors. Wasn't him. Putting a pizza on a stolen credit card? A mistake. Wasn't him.

Whine, whine, whine. He kept that up for a year. At one point calling all the allegations against him '"crap," and fumed that he wanted thse charges brought in front of a grand jury as quickly as possible.

Then in a plea bargain, he pled guilty to one count of felony embezzlement of public property if the other 15 charges against him were dropped and he got no jail time.

And guess what Wingate bemoaned later?

“Everyone in the Republican Party can break the rules except me.”

With thanks to the Colorado Springs Gazette and Telegraph, the website B Net and the website Conservative Babylon.

S. Olson

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