Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Well Was He Drunk? - #344


State Rep. Cary Allred is talking about quitting his seat but is going to stay
with the GOP Cocksuckers.

That's good because. lets face it, no one else really wants him. The GOP
Cocksuckers is right where he belongs.

Allred got all pissed off at them in the beginning because they issued a
report that said he hugged a female page that he knows just a leeetle bit
too long for comfort and kissed her on the cheek on the North Carolina
house floor April 27, 2009.

The report got issued because Allred got yanked over by the Highway Patrol
for speeding to a House session. He was doing 102 in a 65 mph zone.
Was he drunk and that's why radar clocked him doing 37 mph over the
speed limit? Well, there was no evidence of it. Allred said he had had one
'chelada,' which is a mixture of beer and vegetable juice, and he was not put
on the Breathalyzer, bane of GOP Cocksuckers everywhere.

But since most of the people who wrote the report are Republicans, Allred
was furious, considered it a betrayal and swore to quit the GOP. He backed down from that threat the next day, claiming that he had gotten calls from people telling him not to leave the party. (I have a sneaking suspicion that no one else WANTED his
old ass.)

With thanks to the Raleigh TimesNews and the website Conservative Babylon.

S. Olson

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