The GOP Cocksuckers are an incredible bunch of crybabies.
They have a vested interest in government not working, so rather than admit they don't know what they are talking about, when they get elected they fuck everything up as much as possible so they can make their case that government can't do anything right.
After the economy and the military, now the latest target of these Chicken Littles is the U.S. Census.
You read that right. The pussies on the far right, not content with screaming that the economic stimulus bill is not working or that health care reform is 'socialism' and wasn't necessary, or that President Obama had dijon mustard on his burger at Five Brothers, now they are crying that answering the Census leads to tyranny.
Seriously. These are the same crybabies who brandished signs screaming idiotic demands for the federal government to "keep it's hands off my Medicare."
You wouldn't believe some of the paranoia these whiners are yelling. The Fat Junkie for example, he got his ass handed to him on health care reform and now he is hollering that federal workers are deliberately skipping Republican neighborhoods.
This should make him happy. After all, the Fat Junkie has been SCREAMING for people to not fill in their census form.
Then there is Rep. Michele Bachmann of the Minnesota 6th (No number yet). Bachmann was howling that during World War II, the federal government turned over census data to the states so it could round up Japanese-Americans. (Which is never did.) She also said she wouldn't be filling out the 10 questions on the census form.
Bachmann's quickly backtracked on those remarks, as she's had it pointed out to her that if they aren't counted, Minnesota could very well lose representation. Since Bachmann's district is the only one in Minnesota with a peculiar shape, it would be logical for the boundaries of her district to be a logical place for redistricting to begin. People didn't follow Bachmann's lead either, as the national return rate of census forms is 50%. In her district, it's 65%.
Then there is Rep. Ron Paul of the Texas 14th, (no number yet) who has said the government has used census data in the past to catch tax evaders. (No it hasn't.) But the funniest remark by Paul, the darling of the libertarians, is "why is the government so intent on this information in the first place?"
Probably because the U. S. Constitution calls for a census in Article I, Section 2. That might have sonething to do with it. Also, the census is the basis for representative democracy. Nevertheless, Paul was the ONLY member of congress to vote against a resolution praising the Census.
But it's not just personages who are upset over the Census. World Nut Daily, which is practically a bible for some right-wing head cases, says the government could use the data to round up and deport illegal immigrants. (Which is a staple of the far-right.), another goofball website pretending to be news, says the census is pushing the country to accept gay marriage. (It does?)
I don't know if anyone else is as tired of these whiners as I am but I can't be alone.
Info compliments of WorldNetDaily, and TPM Muckraker.
S. Olson
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