Friday, April 2, 2010

The Latest on GOP Cocksucker #307

Senator John Ensign's director of Nevada legislative affairs, Brooke Allmon, allegedly told the energy firm BioDiesel that if they wanted the Senator to work with them, they would have to hire Doug Hampton. This kind of thing is a big no-no.

Hampton was Ensign's best friend at the time. But apparently this was not enough to keep Hampton's wife from screwing Ensign.

S. Olson

With regards to TPM Muckraker.


  1. Speaking of cocksuckers, will you be hiring-out Tanya again any time soon? She gives quite the hummer.

  2. Hi there, Festus. Mind telling all of us why you feel the need to support a guy who fucks his best friend's wife? Just wondering.

    By the way, when are you going to get up the guts to sign your posts? When youre wife stops beating the shit out of you?

    S. Olson

  3. Sure, KKKwifi. You couldn't even get Roberta to give you a hummer. You even offered her cash for it and she turned you down. Is that why you beat the shit out of her?

  4. LOL..'Roberta wouldn't give him a Joyboy.' It's true, Lamont. That's why the Republicans were furious over President Clinton's blowjob. Morality or 'concern over women's rights' had nothing to do with it. Not only did he get something the Republicans would have to PAY their wives to get but he got it FOR FREE.

    S. Olson
