Friday, April 2, 2010

Day 34 of the Waco Standoff

[Some people have written (in a rather petulant and subdued tone, I might add, something like a whipped puppy would sound like if it could talk) why I'm bringing up something that happened 17 years ago.

Good question. The answer is because the Goofy Bastards with Guns and Bibles bring Waco and Ruby Ridge in Idaho up as examples of the 'tyrannical federal government' and make all kinds of idiotic claims about the siege. This mythology of theirs should be shoved right back into their faces because it's dangerous. It should not go unchallenged. Timothy McVeigh swallowed it whole and blew up a federal building in Oklahoma City a year later that contained a day care center because that's where he beleived the FBI agents at Waco came from.

The Militia movement has had a resurgence ever since President Obama was elected last year. Take Hutaree in Michigan for example. These clowns planned to shoot cops and then shoot MORE cops that came to the funerals of the first ones. Now that they have been arrested, the members of Hutaree are whining that they are NOT anti-goverment extremists.

The Goofy Bastards make all kinds of dumb claims. An example was the fury one of the Hutaree members had over an e-mail than said President Obama was going to supply al-Qaeda with homes and $20 million if they would locate here. Problem is, the e-mail is all made up, just like some of the nonsense concerning the Waco affair.

So that's why a day-by-day account of what happened at Waco 17 years ago is appearing here. Militia types are nothing but bullies and bullies should be challenged every single time they DARE to raise their heads.]

April 2, 1993

At 10:21 a.m., the negotiators called the compound to ask Koresh if he and his followers would surrender. Schneider answered the phone and said Koresh was too weak to come to the telephone. According to Schneider, Koresh was "asking God" to tell him when they should come out. The negotiators reminded Schneider in this conversation that his attorney instructed him not to speak to law enforcement. Schneider acknowledged the instructions. He indicated, however, that he wou ld call negotiators when he had additional information.
Between 4:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m., the negotiators spoke to several women in the compound who requested that the FBI send in milk.
At 7:52 p.m. Schneider and Koresh called negotiators and told them that they would not come out until after Passover. They were not specific as to exactly when this would be; they only stated that they followed the Jewish Passover (which was to begin April 6). Koresh told the negotiators concerning the date to "figure it out themselves."
The conversation ended at 8:48 p.m.

(The Myth: Koresh was DYING in that compound and the FBI didn't care!)

[The Truth: If you look at the Scruggs Report for March 3, 1993, you will find THIS paragraph:

"From the beginning of the negotiations with Koresh, the FBI had always expressed concern about his injuries and his state of health. on March 3, the negotiators had several conversations with a nurse in the compound, who reported that Koresh's condition was satisfactory. She confirmed that he had been shot in the lower left abdomen and in the wrist. She reported that his temperature was normal, color good, and that he was taking no medications. The nurse also described Judy Schneider's wounds to her right shoulder and right finger, and Scott Sonobels "slight" wound to his leg. According to the nurse, the condition of both of these individuals was satisfactory"

The nurse also claimed on March 8 that Vernon's wounds were "healing nicely."

Yet Schneider would have you believe that he was too weak to come to the phone.

S. Olson

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