Friday, August 6, 2010

Another Dumbass GOP Cocksucker: Exhibit K #425


Rogers had a near-cow when the Wikileaks scandal erupted. That was when someone put
92,000 classified documents on a CD and sent it to Wikileaks, one of them a video of soldiers hunting and gunning down a group of Afghan men from helicopters, which also included two journalists working on a story. The documents also were concerned about the best way to lie to the media.

Suspicion fell on PFC Bradley Manning, who was angry over the Army's 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' policy toward homosexuals. Manning supposedly did the deed in the open, under the cover of labeling the CD 'Lady Gaga' and pretending to hum along with one of her songs on the CD. Jon Stewart of The Daily Show then made the hilarious remark, "How do you pretend to hum along with a CD labeled 'Lady Gaga' and NOT run afoul of the Army's 'Dont Ask, Don't Tell' policy?"

Back to the point. Sensing an opening to pander, Rogers said that if the Wikileaks Affair was shown to have gotten American soldiers killed, then Manning should be tried for treason and face the death penalty. Rogers' said the same thing should have been done to Daniel Ellsberg over the Pentagon Papers.

When asked about the revealing of Valerie Plame's CIA identity by GOP Cocksucker #309(KARL ROVE,) now-dead conservative journalist Robert Novak and GOP Cocksucker #104 (I. SCOOTER LIBBY,) Rogers suddenly got very, very quiet.

With thanks to TPM Muckraker, and

S. Olson

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