Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Freedom of Speech. Huh? LOL! Oh Bullshit.

The Teabaggers really go nuts when you accuse them of racism. Right now, they are trying to inoculate themselves from any hint of it by bringing up bullshit 'examples' as many times as they can, thus diluting the word down to nothing. Like screaming that as Christians, they are 'victims' of pernicious racism and that we paradoxically try to play the Race Card whenever we can't 'answer' their whines.

Actually, we CAN 'answer' them. They just don't like to be told, "Who are you trying to kid?" Trying to vaccinate themselves from the Race Card is all they can do. The theory is: if they scream racism! enough, then people won't pay attention to it anymore when they actually do it. See, what Teabaggers and GOP Cocksuckers ultimately want is to take us back to a time when they could say "nigger" in public and not suffer any consequences. In fact, that's what 'free speech' MEANS to them.

The best example is the Park 11 building, which they have already christened the 'Ground Zero Mosque.' Never mind the fact that it's not a mosque and it's not at ground zero. Teabaggers and GOP Cocksuckers like #412 (SARAH PALIN,) #467 (SEAN HANNITY,) #550 (NEWT GINGRICH,) #70 (THE FAT JUNKIE,) #450 (GLEN BECK,) and #565 (GOV. TIM PAWLENTY,) have popularized the term, even though the 'mosque' is actually a cultural center that will be built inside the old Burlington Coat Factory. The term was started last December on Fox Not the News by GOP Cocksucker #567 (LAURA INGRAHAM,) proving once again that GOP Cocksuckers are really good at naming things, if not much else, such as running an economy, relief effort or war.

The GOP cocksuckers and their mouthpieces scream that this is not about freedom of religion. Muslims, they say, can build that mosque anywhere they want, just not at Ground Zero. They can't build it in Murfreesboro, Tenn., or some hick town in California, either. "They already have enough mosques in New York City, about 100," says #550, "Why do they need one there?"

412 echoes that sentiment, demanding on Twitter, "Why are the Muslims so insistent on building their mosque within a couple of blocks of Ground Zero?" At the same time, a lot of the right-wing mouthpieces declare this not to be a freedom of religion issue but a free speech issue.

You can understand why they say that because if it becomes a freedom of religion issue, suddenly the GOP cocksuckers look like a bunch of bigots telling people where they can worship. So they think 'freedom of speech' looks really high-minded, which is really weird. That line of Palin's looks kind of familiar: "Why are the Muslims so insistent on building their mosque within a couple of blocks of Ground Zero?"

Maybe they're so insistent because it looks a LOT like an updated version of: "Why are those niggers so insistent on living in my neighborhood?"

I'm not a muslim, but I'll bet money that they take that freedom of religion clause in the constitution seriously. VERY seriously. And they don't like being thought of as the 'New Niggers,' which is just what the GOP Cocksuckers want to turn them into. Plus, why SHOULDN'T they be allowed to build their cultural center a couple of blocks away? None of THEM are al-Qaeda. None of THEM were responsible for knocking down the Twin Towers. All they want to do is build a cultural center inside an old coat factory. What's wrong with that?

S. Olson
S. Olson


  1. Totally true man, Im so glad somebody actually decided to voice these opinions, being a muslim i get really upset with the constant lies spewed on the media.I question the general logic and intelligence of these people,how do they ignore blatent facts and continue to live their hateful agenda out.The worst part is how people blame President Obama for everything, and now they hate him even more for defending the laws the U.S was built upon. I just turn on the news and it seems that these right wingers have combined the word Islam and Terrorist as one.The funniest part, is one of the leaders of an anti-mosque league, was on the news and the reporter asked him whether he had any solid evidence that Al-Qaeda operated in it. He replied ''What do you mean evidence? dont you watch the media, theres all the evidence right their!!'' at that moment, i literally gave up..

  2. Jay, thanks for writing. I just happened to notice this when I was flipping through the blog. Let me tell you that this Park 11 crap is annoying as hell. This is just straight-up bigotry, pure and simple. You saw it from the Russians, when Stalin was siccing people on rich peasants, you saw it when Hitler was siccing people on the Jews and you saw it when the KKK was siccing people on blacks and Catholics.

    What gets me is the contant attempt by the GOP Cocksuckers and their Teabagger allies to try and turn us all into a bunch of frightened, redneck Crackers. Because that is EXACTLY what they are trying to do. And if they don't like that characterization, well 'pon my soul, ain't life teejus. They want to make it a 'free speech' issue because they have this weird notion that Christians are persecuted in this country. Never mind the fact that something like 82% of the population is Christian. To put it in a nutshell, Jay, these whiners can bite me.

    After Timothy McVeigh blew up the federal building in Oklahoma City 15 years ago, nobody was saying you couldn't build a church in OKC near the site of the old Murrah Building just because it might be a haven for terrorist like McVeigh the Christian.

    Thanks again for writing.

    S. Olson
