Monday, August 30, 2010

The Computer Incompetent - #443


Fiorina is the kind of incompetent businesswoman the GOP Cocksuckers absolutely love, for basically five reasons:

1. They believe that government should berun like a business, despite the fact that's been proven to be horseshit.
2. They love incompetence because it reminds them of themselves.
3. Fiorina being incompetent as a businesswoman validates their secret belief
that women belong in the home and have no place in the higher echelons of business.
4. They don't think government works anyway, and Fiorina is just the latest chance for them to screw things up; just as she did at Hewlett-Packard.
5. She's not a democrat, a class which the GOP Cocksuckers believe are the source of
all of the evils besetting this country.

Despite her stubborn insistence on buying rival Compaq computer even though a good portion of the HP board did not like the idea, (in fact they disliked it so much that Walter Hewlett, the son of founder William Hewlett, tried to stop her via a failed proxy fight) Fiorina was at first winning over decision-makers at HP. Then
the problems started to intensify; the 'HP Way,' the management system in which anyone with what they thought was a good idea could come into execs offices with proposals, went by the boards. In fact, she started forcing out competent executives who disagreed with her; she began alienating existing customers; she kept making bold promises which she simply couldn't keep and worst of all, the Compaq merger, after a few good quarters, was simply not bringing in the revenue Fiorina claimed it would. Thousands of HP and Compaq employees were losing their jobs.

Fiorina was finally forced out as CEO in 2005 and got a $21 million severance package from the company. After she was thrown out of day-to-day operations, investors were delirious with joy. The stock price of the company soared 50%. Her reliance on being the first woman to break 'the glass ceiling' in business didn't help her at all.

Except in politics. Fiorina is now the GOP Cocksucker nominee to replace incumbent Sen. Barbara Boxer of California. Fiorina has claimed that being a woman in politics means you are subject to all kinds of indignities. The question, however, is when
she runs the country into the ground, just like the last group of GOP Cocksuckers did, who will she get $21 million from?

With thanks to TPM Muckraker, CNN Money, CBS News, CRN, Fortune Magazine and the
Wall Street Journal

S. Olson

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