GOP Cocksucker #311 (SEN. TOM COBURN) probably wishes he was back in Oklahoma sending in orders for tinted contact lenses for the locals instead of sticking his nose into the GOP Cocksucker #307 (SEN, JOHN ENSIGN) business. For those of you who don't know what that was, about three years ago, #307 fucked his best friend's wife. then, in an effort to shut the husband up, violated lobbying rules to get him work. That's what the Senate is investigating.
The FBI is investigating whether #307 violated campaign finance laws when he didn't report a $96,000 payment his parents gave Doug Hampston, the cuckolded husband. Also, a federal grand jury is looking at credit card statements looking to see if #307 offered to help companies that contributed to his campaign.
#311's role in all of this was to tell Ensign to lay off Hampton's wife, in fact send a letter via FedEx saying that everything was over. He did so but after #311 left, he contacted Cindy Hampton to tell her the entire thing was a bunch of b.s. and he only sent it to get #311 off his back.
The Senate and FBI demanded e-mails from #311 of the time period, Coburn refused to say what they were for.
With thanks to Politico and TPM Muckraker.
S. Olson
Friday, July 23, 2010
WTF!? - #420
Bennett's story is pretty simple. A fire-breathing anti-abortionist, Bennett is on the floor of the Florida Congress for every argument about abortion. And it was on the floor of the Florida House of Representatives where the Sunshine State News filmed him looking at a screen shot of four partially-nude women.
Bennett said he believed that the e-mail was sent to him by a former court administrator and before opening it believed it was related to the debate that was going to happen on the Senate floor. He said he closed it as soon as he realized what it was.
Of course, that's what he SAID.
With thanks to the Huffington Post and Sunshine State News.
S. Olson
Bennett's story is pretty simple. A fire-breathing anti-abortionist, Bennett is on the floor of the Florida Congress for every argument about abortion. And it was on the floor of the Florida House of Representatives where the Sunshine State News filmed him looking at a screen shot of four partially-nude women.
Bennett said he believed that the e-mail was sent to him by a former court administrator and before opening it believed it was related to the debate that was going to happen on the Senate floor. He said he closed it as soon as he realized what it was.
Of course, that's what he SAID.
With thanks to the Huffington Post and Sunshine State News.
S. Olson
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Part XVIII of 'Whine Some More!"
Along with being incompetent, the GOP cocksuckers have to be some of the biggest whiners on Planet Earth. When they aren't making stuff up, they get things wrong all the time. Furthermore, they have been in power for 20 years since Dear Dead Ron had the top job but yet they are NEVER to blame for ANYTHING. It's ALL the Liberals' fault.
Lately, they were bitching about Solicitor General Elena Kagan gettting elevated to the Supreme Court. It's not that the GOP Cocksuckers are worried about her qualifications, it's that they hate the fact that the Democrats got ANOTHER Supreme Court pick. They followed the same strategy of whining when he the President picked Justice Sotomayor last year. President Obama could have appointed Jesus Christ HIMSELF and GOP Cocksuckers would STILL have bitched and whined that he was too liberal.
So now it's time for the GOP Cocksuckers' favorite game show, "Whine....Some....More!"
Let's play!
74. I'm ALWAYS careful when presenting information because context matters!"
This is GOP Cocksucker #450 (GLENN BECK'S) claim. He said it on Fox Not the News on July 20, 2010.
But the truth is #450 fucks up context constantly, when he's not maklng up stuff or chopping peoples' quotes. Here are some examples:
A. David Berwick - This is the Presdent's pick for Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services administrator. Beck clipped Berwick's quote to claim that he supports rationing in health care. The part he left out was where Berwick was saying that insurance companies ALREADY ration health care.
B. President Obama - Beck cropped the President's comments on reesponsibilty to make it look like that president was racist and supported racial profiling.
C. Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins - Beck cropped the speech of Green For All CEO Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins, to make it sound like she was part of a secret plot to take over the country.
D. Joel Rogers - Beck cropped the speech of Apollo Alliance co-founder Joel Rogers to make it sound like 'green energy' was a plot to ruin the U.S. economy.
E. Rev. Jim Wallis - Beck distorted the remarks of Rev. Jim Wallis to claim he's a Marxist.
F. President Obama again - Beck claimed the President told the Tea Partiers to "get outta the way," when actually he told the Republicans to do that so he could clean up the mess they'd left.
G. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid - Beck doctored the audio of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid for his radio program so he could claim that Reid thought a job loss was good.
H. Phil Jones - Beck took a stolen e-mail out of context so he could claim global climate change was a myth and scientists were falsifying data to make it sound like it was the truth.
I. President Clinton - Beck cropped Ex-President Clinton's comments on his radio show to make it look like he said we would be slowing down our economy to halt global warming. He apologized the next day when he got called on it.
Anyone who treats this dude as an authority on ANYTHING should have his head examined.
75. The NAACP is a bunch of racists! I have proof!
He would if his 'proof' hadn't turned out to be heavily edited. I am speaking of GOP Cocksucker #419 (ANDREW BREITBART) a teabagger so furious that the movement got tagged as being a nest of racists that he sent out a video purporting to be the racist musings of a Department of Agriculture bureaucrat, Shirley Sherrod. When the full video was released, however, it turned out to be Sherrod talking about how she OVERCAME racism, something totally different. Once defended, Breitbart was rejected even by Fox Not the News.
77. We didn't jump on the Sherrod story until after she resigned!
This was Steve Doocy on Fox And Friends on July 21.
Oh yes you did, Stevie, or are you purposely forgetting the articles on July 19 and July 20?
78. The democrats rigged the 2008 elections!
In fact the Obama DOJ sought injunctions to protect voters from intimidation. The fact of the matter is, we were so far ahead we didn't HAVE to rig anything. I know you just hate it but truth be told, you got your asses kicked, fair and square. LOL
With thanks to Media Matters
S. Olson
Lately, they were bitching about Solicitor General Elena Kagan gettting elevated to the Supreme Court. It's not that the GOP Cocksuckers are worried about her qualifications, it's that they hate the fact that the Democrats got ANOTHER Supreme Court pick. They followed the same strategy of whining when he the President picked Justice Sotomayor last year. President Obama could have appointed Jesus Christ HIMSELF and GOP Cocksuckers would STILL have bitched and whined that he was too liberal.
So now it's time for the GOP Cocksuckers' favorite game show, "Whine....Some....More!"
Let's play!
74. I'm ALWAYS careful when presenting information because context matters!"
This is GOP Cocksucker #450 (GLENN BECK'S) claim. He said it on Fox Not the News on July 20, 2010.
But the truth is #450 fucks up context constantly, when he's not maklng up stuff or chopping peoples' quotes. Here are some examples:
A. David Berwick - This is the Presdent's pick for Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services administrator. Beck clipped Berwick's quote to claim that he supports rationing in health care. The part he left out was where Berwick was saying that insurance companies ALREADY ration health care.
B. President Obama - Beck cropped the President's comments on reesponsibilty to make it look like that president was racist and supported racial profiling.
C. Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins - Beck cropped the speech of Green For All CEO Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins, to make it sound like she was part of a secret plot to take over the country.
D. Joel Rogers - Beck cropped the speech of Apollo Alliance co-founder Joel Rogers to make it sound like 'green energy' was a plot to ruin the U.S. economy.
E. Rev. Jim Wallis - Beck distorted the remarks of Rev. Jim Wallis to claim he's a Marxist.
F. President Obama again - Beck claimed the President told the Tea Partiers to "get outta the way," when actually he told the Republicans to do that so he could clean up the mess they'd left.
G. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid - Beck doctored the audio of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid for his radio program so he could claim that Reid thought a job loss was good.
H. Phil Jones - Beck took a stolen e-mail out of context so he could claim global climate change was a myth and scientists were falsifying data to make it sound like it was the truth.
I. President Clinton - Beck cropped Ex-President Clinton's comments on his radio show to make it look like he said we would be slowing down our economy to halt global warming. He apologized the next day when he got called on it.
Anyone who treats this dude as an authority on ANYTHING should have his head examined.
75. The NAACP is a bunch of racists! I have proof!
He would if his 'proof' hadn't turned out to be heavily edited. I am speaking of GOP Cocksucker #419 (ANDREW BREITBART) a teabagger so furious that the movement got tagged as being a nest of racists that he sent out a video purporting to be the racist musings of a Department of Agriculture bureaucrat, Shirley Sherrod. When the full video was released, however, it turned out to be Sherrod talking about how she OVERCAME racism, something totally different. Once defended, Breitbart was rejected even by Fox Not the News.
77. We didn't jump on the Sherrod story until after she resigned!
This was Steve Doocy on Fox And Friends on July 21.
Oh yes you did, Stevie, or are you purposely forgetting the articles on July 19 and July 20?
78. The democrats rigged the 2008 elections!
In fact the Obama DOJ sought injunctions to protect voters from intimidation. The fact of the matter is, we were so far ahead we didn't HAVE to rig anything. I know you just hate it but truth be told, you got your asses kicked, fair and square. LOL
With thanks to Media Matters
S. Olson
The Bully Gets Bitch-Slapped - #419
The basic reason the GOP Cocksuckers hate President Obama is not so much because he's black, although that is a big factor, but because he belongs to a race that has an ACTUAL PROVABLE HISTORY of being discriminated against. That is heresy in GOP Cocksuckerland; BLACKS can't be victims. Only GOP COCKSUCKERS can be victims. Thus, they hate the President.
This is why charges of racism drive them up the wall. They have no real counter for it except the feeble, "You wait until the November elections. The people will 'racist' you right out of office."
(Yah, sure. You mean just like they did in the 2008 elections? What GOP Cocksuckers are howling is that just because people are angry with the Democrats that automatically means they are going to put back in office the Incompetents who caused the problems in the first place. Look, when you win a house of Congress, then we'll take you seriously. Until then, you are nothing more than a bunch of vicious two-legged badgers cornered up against a backyard shed by the Family Dog.)
No one illustrates the fury of the GOP Cocksuckers more than Andrew Breitbart.
Breitbart is the Teabagger who released a heavily-edited video of United States
Department of Agriculture employee Shirley Sherrod, talking to the NAACP. Sherrod was talking about an incident 24 years ago in how she overcame bitterness and racism after her father had been murdered by a white farmer when some other poor white farmers came to her for help. When that happened, Sherrod realized it wasn't about race, it was about the poor.
Breitbart took the video and cut it to make it look like she was full of frothing hatred toward white people and said so to the assembled NAACP members, which according to him, clapped, (They didn't.)
When his story first began to collapse. Breitbart went into the full bully mode that
GOP Cocksuckers love. But to his amazement, the questions kept coming. Breitbart turned into one meek little puppy. He didn't apologize--it would take someone with a conscience to do that--but his pugnaciousness was gone. Breibart fell back on making non-apologies, saying he was "sorry" that news organizations had made this about Sherrod and "not the racism of the NAACP." In response organizations like the NAACP and CNN started called him a liar and a bully. Even the white farmers that Sherrod supposedly refused to help said she was no racist. In a delicious remark, Anderson Cooper of CNN said that Breibart's 'apology' was like an arsonist 'apologizing' for all the water the fire department had used putting out a fire he'd set.
Now, more questions are surfacing. Was this spurred on by Teabagger hostility toward charges of racism leveled against them or was this an effort to influence a Congressional vote dealing with money Sherrod and others are owed from a successful lawsuit against the USDA? Sherrod is now talking about suing Breibart's bullying ass and Breibart's normally-hard green eyes are getting the look of fear in them.
If things weren't bad enough for #419, he's got GOP Cocksucker #70 (THE FAT JUNKIE) #514 (ANN 'THE MAN' COULTER) and #467 (SEAN HANNITY) coming to his defense, which is sort of like being rescued from drowning by being thrown both ends of a rope tied to a hollow life preserver filled with cement.
With thanks to TPM Muckraker, the New York Daily News and MSNBC
S. Olson
The basic reason the GOP Cocksuckers hate President Obama is not so much because he's black, although that is a big factor, but because he belongs to a race that has an ACTUAL PROVABLE HISTORY of being discriminated against. That is heresy in GOP Cocksuckerland; BLACKS can't be victims. Only GOP COCKSUCKERS can be victims. Thus, they hate the President.
This is why charges of racism drive them up the wall. They have no real counter for it except the feeble, "You wait until the November elections. The people will 'racist' you right out of office."
(Yah, sure. You mean just like they did in the 2008 elections? What GOP Cocksuckers are howling is that just because people are angry with the Democrats that automatically means they are going to put back in office the Incompetents who caused the problems in the first place. Look, when you win a house of Congress, then we'll take you seriously. Until then, you are nothing more than a bunch of vicious two-legged badgers cornered up against a backyard shed by the Family Dog.)
No one illustrates the fury of the GOP Cocksuckers more than Andrew Breitbart.
Breitbart is the Teabagger who released a heavily-edited video of United States
Department of Agriculture employee Shirley Sherrod, talking to the NAACP. Sherrod was talking about an incident 24 years ago in how she overcame bitterness and racism after her father had been murdered by a white farmer when some other poor white farmers came to her for help. When that happened, Sherrod realized it wasn't about race, it was about the poor.
Breitbart took the video and cut it to make it look like she was full of frothing hatred toward white people and said so to the assembled NAACP members, which according to him, clapped, (They didn't.)
When his story first began to collapse. Breitbart went into the full bully mode that
GOP Cocksuckers love. But to his amazement, the questions kept coming. Breitbart turned into one meek little puppy. He didn't apologize--it would take someone with a conscience to do that--but his pugnaciousness was gone. Breibart fell back on making non-apologies, saying he was "sorry" that news organizations had made this about Sherrod and "not the racism of the NAACP." In response organizations like the NAACP and CNN started called him a liar and a bully. Even the white farmers that Sherrod supposedly refused to help said she was no racist. In a delicious remark, Anderson Cooper of CNN said that Breibart's 'apology' was like an arsonist 'apologizing' for all the water the fire department had used putting out a fire he'd set.
Now, more questions are surfacing. Was this spurred on by Teabagger hostility toward charges of racism leveled against them or was this an effort to influence a Congressional vote dealing with money Sherrod and others are owed from a successful lawsuit against the USDA? Sherrod is now talking about suing Breibart's bullying ass and Breibart's normally-hard green eyes are getting the look of fear in them.
If things weren't bad enough for #419, he's got GOP Cocksucker #70 (THE FAT JUNKIE) #514 (ANN 'THE MAN' COULTER) and #467 (SEAN HANNITY) coming to his defense, which is sort of like being rescued from drowning by being thrown both ends of a rope tied to a hollow life preserver filled with cement.
With thanks to TPM Muckraker, the New York Daily News and MSNBC
S. Olson
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Another Hypocrite - V. 25.0 #418
If there was anyone that singlehandedly croaked the image of the GOP Cocksuckers as
'family values' Types, it would be hard to top Foley.
Foley was the homosexual legislator who was kind of an open secret in the U.S. Congress and in his district. Ever since 2000, Foley had managed to stay in the closet albeit with the door way ajar by doing things like stumping for increased penalities for sex offenders, especially pedophiles.
But Foley was also known among Republicans in Washington as the kind of guy you had to keep away from congressional pages, especially when he got drunk. Most of the
time he could control himself, but when he got drunk he would do things like try and forcibly enter the dorm where the Pages were housed.
That all changed in November 2005, when Foley wrote some funny e-mails to a
16-year-old former page from Louisiana. And I'm talking 'funny' suspicious, not 'funny' ha-ha. The messages were leaked to a few newspapers and a television network but never really resulted in much attention. Then the humor blog, Wonkette, got a hold of them. Suddenly Instant Messages written by Foley started turning up, then visits to the pages' domitory became public, then instances of sexual liasons with ex-pages became known. Suddenly, that closet door Foley was hiding behind had fallen off its hinges.
Originally, Foley claimed the e-mails were harmless. Thirteen republican congressmen
and congressional staffers knew about them but none of the Democratic congressmen did. When more and more of the scandal broke, it threatened to envelop GOP Cocksucker #515 (DENNY HASTERT) the then-Speaker of the House. Hastert was accused of knowing all about Foley's e-mails and lust for ex-pages but hushed everything up until it became too hot to contain. Foley eventually had to quit his seat. Then, The Thumpin' came along in 2006 and made everything moot when #515's seat went for the Democrats.
With thanks to Democratic Underground, Newsweek, Wonkette and the Washington Post
S. Olson
If there was anyone that singlehandedly croaked the image of the GOP Cocksuckers as
'family values' Types, it would be hard to top Foley.
Foley was the homosexual legislator who was kind of an open secret in the U.S. Congress and in his district. Ever since 2000, Foley had managed to stay in the closet albeit with the door way ajar by doing things like stumping for increased penalities for sex offenders, especially pedophiles.
But Foley was also known among Republicans in Washington as the kind of guy you had to keep away from congressional pages, especially when he got drunk. Most of the
time he could control himself, but when he got drunk he would do things like try and forcibly enter the dorm where the Pages were housed.
That all changed in November 2005, when Foley wrote some funny e-mails to a
16-year-old former page from Louisiana. And I'm talking 'funny' suspicious, not 'funny' ha-ha. The messages were leaked to a few newspapers and a television network but never really resulted in much attention. Then the humor blog, Wonkette, got a hold of them. Suddenly Instant Messages written by Foley started turning up, then visits to the pages' domitory became public, then instances of sexual liasons with ex-pages became known. Suddenly, that closet door Foley was hiding behind had fallen off its hinges.
Originally, Foley claimed the e-mails were harmless. Thirteen republican congressmen
and congressional staffers knew about them but none of the Democratic congressmen did. When more and more of the scandal broke, it threatened to envelop GOP Cocksucker #515 (DENNY HASTERT) the then-Speaker of the House. Hastert was accused of knowing all about Foley's e-mails and lust for ex-pages but hushed everything up until it became too hot to contain. Foley eventually had to quit his seat. Then, The Thumpin' came along in 2006 and made everything moot when #515's seat went for the Democrats.
With thanks to Democratic Underground, Newsweek, Wonkette and the Washington Post
S. Olson
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
The Whoremaster vs. The Homewrecker
You know, there was a part of me that was depressed when I found out that GOP Cocksucker #301 (SEN DAVID VITTER) got an opponent at the last minute in the Republican primary. That opponent is GOP Cocksucker #511 (CHET TRAYLOR), the archconservative former Chief Justice of the Louisiana Supreme Court.
I was a little depressed because it looked like we were not going to have the spectacle of #301 to enjoy any more. Not only had #301 a history of fucking prostitutes and then making them change the dirty diapers he shit in but he kept a cocaine user on his staff (GOP Cocksucker #399 BRETT FURER) after he threatened his girlfriend with a knife. Even better, #399 was in charge of women's issues while working for #301. Better yet, #301 claimed that #399 was NOT in charge of women's issues. he was in charge of ABORTION.
Man, I was really going to miss this hypocritical cracker in the U.S. Senate talking about 'family values,' because I figured there was no way even the denizens of Lousisiana were dumb enough for this scofflaw to pull the wool over their eyes. They'd vote in the boring Traylor and we'd have six years of no Diaperman.
But then came out with the story headlined, 'Traylor's Morally Challenged' and gives me hope that the fun can continue.
The story is this: a democratic legislator, State Rep. Noble Ellington, accused Traylor of being a significant factor in his divorce, mainly because his ex later married Traylor.
Traylor denies this, saying he and Peggy McDowell, Ellington's ex, were involved after she was divorced. No one can ask McDowell about it, as she died last year.
So much for that. Except for two lil' things:
1. Traylor is now boning Denise Lively. Who's she? Why, she's the estranged wife of Ryan Ellington, Traylor's stepson.
2. Traylor is also fighting a lawsuit by Ryan Ellington and his brother to gain financial information on their mother's estate.
The lawsuit is scheduled to go to court Aug. 2. The primary is scheduled for Aug. 28.
With thanks to and TPM Muckraker.
S. Olson
I was a little depressed because it looked like we were not going to have the spectacle of #301 to enjoy any more. Not only had #301 a history of fucking prostitutes and then making them change the dirty diapers he shit in but he kept a cocaine user on his staff (GOP Cocksucker #399 BRETT FURER) after he threatened his girlfriend with a knife. Even better, #399 was in charge of women's issues while working for #301. Better yet, #301 claimed that #399 was NOT in charge of women's issues. he was in charge of ABORTION.
Man, I was really going to miss this hypocritical cracker in the U.S. Senate talking about 'family values,' because I figured there was no way even the denizens of Lousisiana were dumb enough for this scofflaw to pull the wool over their eyes. They'd vote in the boring Traylor and we'd have six years of no Diaperman.
But then came out with the story headlined, 'Traylor's Morally Challenged' and gives me hope that the fun can continue.
The story is this: a democratic legislator, State Rep. Noble Ellington, accused Traylor of being a significant factor in his divorce, mainly because his ex later married Traylor.
Traylor denies this, saying he and Peggy McDowell, Ellington's ex, were involved after she was divorced. No one can ask McDowell about it, as she died last year.
So much for that. Except for two lil' things:
1. Traylor is now boning Denise Lively. Who's she? Why, she's the estranged wife of Ryan Ellington, Traylor's stepson.
2. Traylor is also fighting a lawsuit by Ryan Ellington and his brother to gain financial information on their mother's estate.
The lawsuit is scheduled to go to court Aug. 2. The primary is scheduled for Aug. 28.
With thanks to and TPM Muckraker.
S. Olson
The U.N. Says "Aw, Fuck You."
GOP Cocksuckers #401 (REP. TRENT FRANKS) and #510 (REP. CHRIS SMITH) tried to get countries on the U.N.'s Economic and Social Council to not give accreditation to the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission. They had written countries like Egypt and Saudi Arabia to vote against IGLHRC's application.
The application had been hung up in the Non-Governmental Organization Committee, which is incredibly hostile to gay rights groups.
Franks and Smith were 'outraged' by the Obama administration decision to have the U.N. ambassador, Susan Rice, offer a resolution to have the UNSEC vote directly on IGLHRC's application. In other words, the U.S,. ambassador simply bypassed an enraged NGO.
The NGO wasn't the only ones who were angry--which brings us to Smith & Frank's letter.
How effective was that letter? Well, the IGLHRC's accreditation passed, 23-13. Of those 13, ALL abstained. #510 and #401 didn't get ONE vote. LOL
With thanks to TPM Muckraker.
S. Olson
The application had been hung up in the Non-Governmental Organization Committee, which is incredibly hostile to gay rights groups.
Franks and Smith were 'outraged' by the Obama administration decision to have the U.N. ambassador, Susan Rice, offer a resolution to have the UNSEC vote directly on IGLHRC's application. In other words, the U.S,. ambassador simply bypassed an enraged NGO.
The NGO wasn't the only ones who were angry--which brings us to Smith & Frank's letter.
How effective was that letter? Well, the IGLHRC's accreditation passed, 23-13. Of those 13, ALL abstained. #510 and #401 didn't get ONE vote. LOL
With thanks to TPM Muckraker.
S. Olson
Trying to Use the Law For Political Gain - #417
Taking a look at the poll numbers and knowing at the time that if nothing was done,
Senator Barack Obama would beat their brains out in the upcoming election, Van Hollen tried playing the 'voter fraud' card, which is a favorite of GOP Cocksuckers. They still bitch about it being prevalent in the election of '08 because they cannot accept the fact that they were creamed at the ballot box in the last two election cycles; especially in 2006. A few weeks before the election of '08, the voter suppression tactic was not being tried in just Wisconsin. It was all over the country, as efforts popped up in Florida, New Mexico, Montana, Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Colorado, Nevada, Michigan and Indiana. Only the Florida one was successful.
But back to 2008 before a BLACK man got into the WHITE House. Van Hollen first tried to sue the Government Accountability Board in Wisconsin to get them to use a brand-new database in order to scrub the voter rolls and make it as difficult as possible for Democrats to vote. He said this was all on his own and that he had not met with the GOP on this at all. The next day, the state chairman of the GOP came forward and
said yes, he'd had multiple conversations on the topic with Van Hollen's DEPUTY AG. About two weeks later, discovered audio of Van Hollen promising the RNC action on voter fraud a week before filing the suit.
The next day, Van Hollen came out with a statement denying that his suit against the
GAB was political. No one believes him. Seventeen days later, a county court throws out Van Hollen's lawsuit.
Six days later, Van Hollen announces he will be sending more than 50 state attorneys and agents to the polling places to "guard against election fraud." (This is a common tactic of the GOP.) The same day, the Governor of the state of Wisconsin calls this move "an obvious Republican strategy." The day after that, Wisconsin's junior senator says roughly in the same thing. A frustrated Van Hollen tells chief
district court judges to alert him on Election Day of any funny business. In a very
nicely-worded "aw, fuck you," one of them tells Van Hollen judges don't belong anywhere near politics.
A couple of days later, the vote begins. Kevin Kennedy, Wisconsin's top elections official, says everything goes smoothly.
A year and a half later, e-mails surfaced that show Van Hollen trying to get advice from a GOP consultant about filing a lawsuit against health-care reform. It is a "legal issue" Van Hollen claims. However, the e-mails, which the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel got its hands on, show that Van Hollen was interested in the politics of opposing health care-reform.
With thanks to TPM Muckraker, the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel and
S. Olson
Taking a look at the poll numbers and knowing at the time that if nothing was done,
Senator Barack Obama would beat their brains out in the upcoming election, Van Hollen tried playing the 'voter fraud' card, which is a favorite of GOP Cocksuckers. They still bitch about it being prevalent in the election of '08 because they cannot accept the fact that they were creamed at the ballot box in the last two election cycles; especially in 2006. A few weeks before the election of '08, the voter suppression tactic was not being tried in just Wisconsin. It was all over the country, as efforts popped up in Florida, New Mexico, Montana, Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Colorado, Nevada, Michigan and Indiana. Only the Florida one was successful.
But back to 2008 before a BLACK man got into the WHITE House. Van Hollen first tried to sue the Government Accountability Board in Wisconsin to get them to use a brand-new database in order to scrub the voter rolls and make it as difficult as possible for Democrats to vote. He said this was all on his own and that he had not met with the GOP on this at all. The next day, the state chairman of the GOP came forward and
said yes, he'd had multiple conversations on the topic with Van Hollen's DEPUTY AG. About two weeks later, discovered audio of Van Hollen promising the RNC action on voter fraud a week before filing the suit.
The next day, Van Hollen came out with a statement denying that his suit against the
GAB was political. No one believes him. Seventeen days later, a county court throws out Van Hollen's lawsuit.
Six days later, Van Hollen announces he will be sending more than 50 state attorneys and agents to the polling places to "guard against election fraud." (This is a common tactic of the GOP.) The same day, the Governor of the state of Wisconsin calls this move "an obvious Republican strategy." The day after that, Wisconsin's junior senator says roughly in the same thing. A frustrated Van Hollen tells chief
district court judges to alert him on Election Day of any funny business. In a very
nicely-worded "aw, fuck you," one of them tells Van Hollen judges don't belong anywhere near politics.
A couple of days later, the vote begins. Kevin Kennedy, Wisconsin's top elections official, says everything goes smoothly.
A year and a half later, e-mails surfaced that show Van Hollen trying to get advice from a GOP consultant about filing a lawsuit against health-care reform. It is a "legal issue" Van Hollen claims. However, the e-mails, which the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel got its hands on, show that Van Hollen was interested in the politics of opposing health care-reform.
With thanks to TPM Muckraker, the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel and
S. Olson
Monday, July 19, 2010
Your Papers, Please - #416
Kobach has a really interesting past when it comes to race relations. He may deny being a racist but he was involved with John Tanton, the white supremacist and retired Michigan opthamologist who created the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) and other groups, and I don't mean he waved 'hi' to him on the way to work.
(If you go through Tanton's papers like the Southern Poverty Law Center did, which are stored at the Bentley Historical Library at the University of Michigan, you find they are crammed with bits like bitching about the "educability" of Latinos or warning of whites being out-bred by others.)
This is important because Kobach's done legal work for FAIR, taken $100,000 from FAIR and is the national expert on constitutional issues for the Immigration Law Reform institute, which is FAIR's legal arm. FAIR is also funded by the Pioneer Fund, which is a eugenics group that funds FAIR. In case you wonder what 'eugenics' is, it's the idea that you can create a super-race of humans by selectively breeding people. In Tanton's case, that would be WHITE people.
Kobach authored the 'Your Papers, Please," law in Arizona. For anyone who takes issue with the point that the law empowers police to demand people's papers to see if they are here legally and claims that they can only do that if the subject commits a crime, the answer is here is the kinds of 'crimes' Kobach believes are applicable:
That's from an e-mail from Kobach to GOP Cocksucker #509 (STATE REP. RUSSELL PEARCE) an Arizonan legislator who was forced to apologize for copying an article from the website of the neo-nazi National Alliance to the local Republican party website.
Earlier this month (July 2010) Kobach had GOP Cocksucker #366 (SHERIFF JOE ARPAIO) stop by at a campaign rally for him as Kansas Secretary of State.
With thanks to, the Southern Poverty Law Center, MigraMatters. com, and
S. Olson
Kobach has a really interesting past when it comes to race relations. He may deny being a racist but he was involved with John Tanton, the white supremacist and retired Michigan opthamologist who created the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) and other groups, and I don't mean he waved 'hi' to him on the way to work.
(If you go through Tanton's papers like the Southern Poverty Law Center did, which are stored at the Bentley Historical Library at the University of Michigan, you find they are crammed with bits like bitching about the "educability" of Latinos or warning of whites being out-bred by others.)
This is important because Kobach's done legal work for FAIR, taken $100,000 from FAIR and is the national expert on constitutional issues for the Immigration Law Reform institute, which is FAIR's legal arm. FAIR is also funded by the Pioneer Fund, which is a eugenics group that funds FAIR. In case you wonder what 'eugenics' is, it's the idea that you can create a super-race of humans by selectively breeding people. In Tanton's case, that would be WHITE people.
Kobach authored the 'Your Papers, Please," law in Arizona. For anyone who takes issue with the point that the law empowers police to demand people's papers to see if they are here legally and claims that they can only do that if the subject commits a crime, the answer is here is the kinds of 'crimes' Kobach believes are applicable:
"...we need to add "or any county or municipal ordinance." This will allow police to use violations of property code (ie, cars on blocks in the yard) or rental codes (too many occupants of a rental accommodation) to initiate queries as well."
That's from an e-mail from Kobach to GOP Cocksucker #509 (STATE REP. RUSSELL PEARCE) an Arizonan legislator who was forced to apologize for copying an article from the website of the neo-nazi National Alliance to the local Republican party website.
Earlier this month (July 2010) Kobach had GOP Cocksucker #366 (SHERIFF JOE ARPAIO) stop by at a campaign rally for him as Kansas Secretary of State.
With thanks to, the Southern Poverty Law Center, MigraMatters. com, and
S. Olson
Friday, July 16, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Well, Now We Know Who They Work For
GOP Cocksucker #341 (REP. JOHN BONER...ER BOEHNER) the House Minority Leader, says he wants to repeal the house financial reform bill; you know, the one that addresses the financial shenanigans that got us into this mess and the one that President Obama is going to sign today (July 15, 2010). That one.
One of #341's minions, GOP Cocksucker #503 (REP MIKE PENCE) said if they were in charge, by God, they would repeal the bill and start over. In other words. do NOTHING just like they've done all year.
'Starting over' was their plan for the health care reform legislation that the President signed earlier this year after the GOP had stalled for all of 2009, trying to kill the legislation. It was only when Rep. Alan Grayson of the Florida 8th, with a Harvard study in hand, took to the floor to point out that 44,000 people daily died every single day the bill was held up, that the opposition started to crumble. Meanwhile, GOP cocksuckers like #359 (SEN. LAMAR ALEXANDER) tried to tell the President of the United States what was in the bill and how much it would cost. In response, the President showed a mastery of the legislation that left #359 shuffling his papers in confusion. (The best part was when President Obama visibly startled GOP Cocksucker #358 [SEN. JOHN BARASSO] of Wyoming by asking him if he'd still be championing health savings accounts if he made what the average American family made annually. Barasso's answer? Crickets. (It was great. President Obama humiliated Sen. Barasso on national television with just ONE fucking question. )
So after fighting the Democrats tooth and nail and trying to keep them from accomplishing ANYTHING, now the GOP wants to claim the legislation that DID manage to pass is flawed and they would repeal it if they were in power and 'start over.' I can't imagine the GOP thinks, "You're not cleaning up the mess we made FAST enough! Vote Republican!" is a winning slogan, but you never know with these guys.
I think they'd try repealing stuff but they'd never get around to the 'start over' part.
The GOP Cocksuckers and their minions think they are very clever by referring to the President as 'The Messiah,' and deriding him for his speaking skills over actually getting things done. But the fact of the matter is they are scared to death of his speaking ability.
They should be. Remember when he went to THEIR issues conference in late January and practically called them liars TO THEIR FACES? The exchange with GOP Cocksuckers #503 and #504 ALONE were priceless. President Obama kicked the shit out of so many of them that he looked like Bruce Lee in a martial arts flick at the bad guy's secret island. He was having so much fun that he stayed for an extra half-hour. GOP Cocksucker #503 hustled him out of the room in a "no mas" gesture and Fox Not the News cut away from the thing because they were so embarrassed.
As for getting things done, well, ask any military guy how fast you're gonna move when the enemy is attacking you with everything he's got. The answer? You're going to get it done, it's just going to take longer. It took the GOP Cocksuckers eight years to fuck everything up. But we're failures because we can't fix everything in a year and a half?
S. Olson
One of #341's minions, GOP Cocksucker #503 (REP MIKE PENCE) said if they were in charge, by God, they would repeal the bill and start over. In other words. do NOTHING just like they've done all year.
'Starting over' was their plan for the health care reform legislation that the President signed earlier this year after the GOP had stalled for all of 2009, trying to kill the legislation. It was only when Rep. Alan Grayson of the Florida 8th, with a Harvard study in hand, took to the floor to point out that 44,000 people daily died every single day the bill was held up, that the opposition started to crumble. Meanwhile, GOP cocksuckers like #359 (SEN. LAMAR ALEXANDER) tried to tell the President of the United States what was in the bill and how much it would cost. In response, the President showed a mastery of the legislation that left #359 shuffling his papers in confusion. (The best part was when President Obama visibly startled GOP Cocksucker #358 [SEN. JOHN BARASSO] of Wyoming by asking him if he'd still be championing health savings accounts if he made what the average American family made annually. Barasso's answer? Crickets. (It was great. President Obama humiliated Sen. Barasso on national television with just ONE fucking question. )
So after fighting the Democrats tooth and nail and trying to keep them from accomplishing ANYTHING, now the GOP wants to claim the legislation that DID manage to pass is flawed and they would repeal it if they were in power and 'start over.' I can't imagine the GOP thinks, "You're not cleaning up the mess we made FAST enough! Vote Republican!" is a winning slogan, but you never know with these guys.
I think they'd try repealing stuff but they'd never get around to the 'start over' part.
The GOP Cocksuckers and their minions think they are very clever by referring to the President as 'The Messiah,' and deriding him for his speaking skills over actually getting things done. But the fact of the matter is they are scared to death of his speaking ability.
They should be. Remember when he went to THEIR issues conference in late January and practically called them liars TO THEIR FACES? The exchange with GOP Cocksuckers #503 and #504 ALONE were priceless. President Obama kicked the shit out of so many of them that he looked like Bruce Lee in a martial arts flick at the bad guy's secret island. He was having so much fun that he stayed for an extra half-hour. GOP Cocksucker #503 hustled him out of the room in a "no mas" gesture and Fox Not the News cut away from the thing because they were so embarrassed.
As for getting things done, well, ask any military guy how fast you're gonna move when the enemy is attacking you with everything he's got. The answer? You're going to get it done, it's just going to take longer. It took the GOP Cocksuckers eight years to fuck everything up. But we're failures because we can't fix everything in a year and a half?
S. Olson
Dogs and People are the SAME Thing? - #414
I don't know if Doc Bertroche is your average Teabagger or just a nut. It's getting harder and harder to tell nowadays.
Bertroche is an osteopath who said he was running for the seat because his son challenged him to do it. And you know what that means. The kid probably got tired of hearing Doc Bertroche bitch about the current congressman, Rep. Leonard Boswell, in front of the TV so to shut him up one night told him to put his money where his big mouth was.
So Bertroche did. When all the dust settled after the primary June 8, he came away with 690 votes.
Less than a thousand votes in a district that includes Des Moines, the biggest city in the state. LOL!
Doc Bertroche lost because he's your basic, all-around kook. Here he is on the subject of illegal immigration during a candidate forum in Tama County:
You read that right. This kook actually compared human beings to his DOG. Not only that, he got the technology wrong. The microchip in his dog does NOT work to track the animal down, like it's some kind of transponder.
690 votes....LMAO!
With thanks to TPM Muckraker, Michael Tomasky's Blog, and the Iowa Secretary of state's office.
S. Olson
I don't know if Doc Bertroche is your average Teabagger or just a nut. It's getting harder and harder to tell nowadays.
Bertroche is an osteopath who said he was running for the seat because his son challenged him to do it. And you know what that means. The kid probably got tired of hearing Doc Bertroche bitch about the current congressman, Rep. Leonard Boswell, in front of the TV so to shut him up one night told him to put his money where his big mouth was.
So Bertroche did. When all the dust settled after the primary June 8, he came away with 690 votes.
Less than a thousand votes in a district that includes Des Moines, the biggest city in the state. LOL!
Doc Bertroche lost because he's your basic, all-around kook. Here he is on the subject of illegal immigration during a candidate forum in Tama County:
"I think we should catch 'em, we should document 'em, make sure we know where they are and where they are going. I actually support micro-chipping them. I can micro-chip my dog so I can find it. Why can't I micro-chip an illegal?"
You read that right. This kook actually compared human beings to his DOG. Not only that, he got the technology wrong. The microchip in his dog does NOT work to track the animal down, like it's some kind of transponder.
690 votes....LMAO!
With thanks to TPM Muckraker, Michael Tomasky's Blog, and the Iowa Secretary of state's office.
S. Olson
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
The Snowbilly, Part II
You know how GOP Cocksucker #412 (CARIBOU BARBIE) calls the $20 billion the Obama administration demanded BP pay to clean up its mess in the Gulf a 'slush fund'? Well, get a load of what she spends money from HER PAC on.
- $10,000 a month for a retainer for the family lawyer.
- $6,500 to one of her buddies, Ivy Fry, for 'clerical' work and reimbursement for stamps and copies. In the first quarter of this year alone Fry got $18,000 for the same thing.
Talk about forking it out to your friends.
Then for a woman of the People, she sure spends a lot on consultants, just like any ol' politician. The AP has her spending $210,000 on 'em out of $866,000 in donations that are supposed to go to GOP candidates
- $30,000 to Orion Strategies, a lobbying firm representing foreign governments.
- $22,000 to Aries Petra Consulting. That was to write her stuff for her on Facebook.
- $36,000 to NorthStar Strategies, this is the company owned by Jason Recher, the pain-in-the-ass who fucked up campaign events McCain had carefully worked out.
- $2,500 to IzzyLene Strategies, the firm created by her former spokesman, Meg Stapleton, for media strategies.
- $35,000 to Grey Strategies, an Ohio consulting firm.
- $10,000 to True North L'Attitudes for scheduling, whatever the hell THAT is. The creator of the firm, Robyn Engibous, also got nearly $1,400 in reimbursements for office supplies and mileage.
- $49,000 for copies of her book over this year and the last one.
Guess how much went to candidates teabaggers like? $82,500.
So she spent less than 10% on candidates and a little more than 25% on consultants?
With thanks to Hotline On Call and TPM Muckraker.
S. Olson
- $10,000 a month for a retainer for the family lawyer.
- $6,500 to one of her buddies, Ivy Fry, for 'clerical' work and reimbursement for stamps and copies. In the first quarter of this year alone Fry got $18,000 for the same thing.
Talk about forking it out to your friends.
Then for a woman of the People, she sure spends a lot on consultants, just like any ol' politician. The AP has her spending $210,000 on 'em out of $866,000 in donations that are supposed to go to GOP candidates
- $30,000 to Orion Strategies, a lobbying firm representing foreign governments.
- $22,000 to Aries Petra Consulting. That was to write her stuff for her on Facebook.
- $36,000 to NorthStar Strategies, this is the company owned by Jason Recher, the pain-in-the-ass who fucked up campaign events McCain had carefully worked out.
- $2,500 to IzzyLene Strategies, the firm created by her former spokesman, Meg Stapleton, for media strategies.
- $35,000 to Grey Strategies, an Ohio consulting firm.
- $10,000 to True North L'Attitudes for scheduling, whatever the hell THAT is. The creator of the firm, Robyn Engibous, also got nearly $1,400 in reimbursements for office supplies and mileage.
- $49,000 for copies of her book over this year and the last one.
Guess how much went to candidates teabaggers like? $82,500.
So she spent less than 10% on candidates and a little more than 25% on consultants?
With thanks to Hotline On Call and TPM Muckraker.
S. Olson
Nothing Wrong with Breaking the Law - #413
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Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Update on GOP Cocksucker #66
MARK DELI SIJANDER pled guilty to July 9, 2010, of lying to federal investigators during their probe of the Islamic American Relief Agency (IARA).
He also fessed up to receiving $75,000 from IARA in exchange for lobbying the Senate Finance Committee to remove IARA from its list of charities suspected of bankrolling terrorists.
Sijander hasn't been sentenced yet but he is looking at 15 years and a $500,000 fine at the most. Sijander is one of those hypocrites that the GOP is full of, since he is a Reagan-era GOP Cocksuckers who was sent to congress in the conservative Michigan 4th district to replace GOP Cocksucker #121 (DAVID STOCKMAN)
With thanks to TPM Muckraker
S. Olson
He also fessed up to receiving $75,000 from IARA in exchange for lobbying the Senate Finance Committee to remove IARA from its list of charities suspected of bankrolling terrorists.
Sijander hasn't been sentenced yet but he is looking at 15 years and a $500,000 fine at the most. Sijander is one of those hypocrites that the GOP is full of, since he is a Reagan-era GOP Cocksuckers who was sent to congress in the conservative Michigan 4th district to replace GOP Cocksucker #121 (DAVID STOCKMAN)
With thanks to TPM Muckraker
S. Olson
The Snowbilly - #412
I can't believe I didn't list this broad earlier but sometimes you just forget.
Palin is another example of the know-nothings we've had running this country for eight years beginning in 2000 that ruined the economy and wasted billions getting us into a war with a country that never invaded us. Yet the GOP and their mushhead followers think we need more of it.
After her disasterous vice-presidential run in which she and the Old Man she was running with were lapped by the current president in the Electoral Vote count, Palin quit her job as governor of Alaska halfway through her first term and then went on to become a voice for the Teabaggers.
I can't figure out why anyone still listens to her after she quit, Palin has shown herself time and time again to be incurious, untrustworthy, untruthful, paranoid and not very intelligent, five qualities we really don't need when it comes to fixing the damage the Drunken Frat Boy did to this country after eight years.
On top of everything else, Palin's a selfish spendthrift. Here's a great example:
Remember her blowing $150,000 on clothes before the election to outfit her family and then sending the bill to a wealthy Republican donor who nearly had a heart attack when he saw the bill?
Not only did she take a wealthy Republican donor for a ride but she ordered low-level staffers to buy expensive clothes for the Palin family as well and when they sought reimbursement from the McCain Campaign, McCain aides were furious at the extravagance. One was so angry that he made the following nilarious characterization to Newsweek: "...Wasilla hillbillies looting Neiman Marcus from coast to coast." (The Palinistas deny this, but the McCain camp sure doesn't.) But hey, she looks good.
So what was Caribou Barbie's latest? Well, in the last fiscal quarter, Governor Quitter's PAC spent $3,800 on sausages packed in gift bags.
The PAC spent the cash for supporters at the Southern Republican Leadership Conference back in April. You read that right, Sarah Palin spent thousands of contributors' money on meat that she gave away.
I particularly liked Palin's crying after she and McCain got their collective asses kicked and kicked hard in the Presidential race of 2008. She wasn't crying about the loss; that would require a sense of shame. No, she was whining about that mean old media that had the nasty habit of telling people what she was DOING.
Governor Quitter whined an ethics law that SHE had championed was being used for all kinds of frivolous complaints that would put her into the poorhouse. (Apparently, ethics concerns were for OTHER people. Not her.) She claimed to have spent half a million bucks of her own money just to set the record straight, although she won't provide a breakdown of it. (Actually, she didn't spend 500 large. One tenth of that $500,000 were legal bills vetting her for the VP nomination. And the AP later reported she was sent a bill by the McCain Campaign for $500,000. The claim now has pretty much disappeared from Palin's speaking engagements, although she brings it up from time to time.)
Then she sends out an e-mail claiming that in the past two years, the state of Alaska has spent "millions" processing "frivolous ethics complaints." (Actually, the real number was $296,000, and the most expensive item was $187,797 for the Troopergate investigation, which Caribou Barbie initiated HERSELF, As for the rest of the complaints being frivolous, they weren't.
Take a look: )
Last year, Governor Quitter pulled in $12 million from speaking fees, her book and
public appearances. Some poorhouse she was headed to. Even with pulling in this much cash, Governor Quitter is STILL trying to get the gullible to pay for her 'mistakes.' She's on her SECOND defense fund now, because the first one was
found to be illegal.
That's just the 'untrustworthy' area. When you get to 'untruthful you face an embarrassment of riches. Jesus, where do we start? Andrew Sullivan over at The Atlantic, chronicles just SOME of Palin's whoppers in a big long list of 33 Pants-On-Fire Class Lies that can be found HERE:
And those are only the ones up to November 15, 2009!
Oh, I forgot tone-deaf, too. Take a look at Caribou Barbie extolling the virtues of Thanksgiving outside a poultry-processing plant:
With thanks to the blog The Mudflats, The Anchorage Daily News,, The
Atlantic and TPM Muckraker.
S. Olson
I can't believe I didn't list this broad earlier but sometimes you just forget.
Palin is another example of the know-nothings we've had running this country for eight years beginning in 2000 that ruined the economy and wasted billions getting us into a war with a country that never invaded us. Yet the GOP and their mushhead followers think we need more of it.
After her disasterous vice-presidential run in which she and the Old Man she was running with were lapped by the current president in the Electoral Vote count, Palin quit her job as governor of Alaska halfway through her first term and then went on to become a voice for the Teabaggers.
I can't figure out why anyone still listens to her after she quit, Palin has shown herself time and time again to be incurious, untrustworthy, untruthful, paranoid and not very intelligent, five qualities we really don't need when it comes to fixing the damage the Drunken Frat Boy did to this country after eight years.
On top of everything else, Palin's a selfish spendthrift. Here's a great example:
Remember her blowing $150,000 on clothes before the election to outfit her family and then sending the bill to a wealthy Republican donor who nearly had a heart attack when he saw the bill?
Not only did she take a wealthy Republican donor for a ride but she ordered low-level staffers to buy expensive clothes for the Palin family as well and when they sought reimbursement from the McCain Campaign, McCain aides were furious at the extravagance. One was so angry that he made the following nilarious characterization to Newsweek: "...Wasilla hillbillies looting Neiman Marcus from coast to coast." (The Palinistas deny this, but the McCain camp sure doesn't.) But hey, she looks good.
So what was Caribou Barbie's latest? Well, in the last fiscal quarter, Governor Quitter's PAC spent $3,800 on sausages packed in gift bags.
The PAC spent the cash for supporters at the Southern Republican Leadership Conference back in April. You read that right, Sarah Palin spent thousands of contributors' money on meat that she gave away.
I particularly liked Palin's crying after she and McCain got their collective asses kicked and kicked hard in the Presidential race of 2008. She wasn't crying about the loss; that would require a sense of shame. No, she was whining about that mean old media that had the nasty habit of telling people what she was DOING.
Governor Quitter whined an ethics law that SHE had championed was being used for all kinds of frivolous complaints that would put her into the poorhouse. (Apparently, ethics concerns were for OTHER people. Not her.) She claimed to have spent half a million bucks of her own money just to set the record straight, although she won't provide a breakdown of it. (Actually, she didn't spend 500 large. One tenth of that $500,000 were legal bills vetting her for the VP nomination. And the AP later reported she was sent a bill by the McCain Campaign for $500,000. The claim now has pretty much disappeared from Palin's speaking engagements, although she brings it up from time to time.)
Then she sends out an e-mail claiming that in the past two years, the state of Alaska has spent "millions" processing "frivolous ethics complaints." (Actually, the real number was $296,000, and the most expensive item was $187,797 for the Troopergate investigation, which Caribou Barbie initiated HERSELF, As for the rest of the complaints being frivolous, they weren't.
Take a look: )
Last year, Governor Quitter pulled in $12 million from speaking fees, her book and
public appearances. Some poorhouse she was headed to. Even with pulling in this much cash, Governor Quitter is STILL trying to get the gullible to pay for her 'mistakes.' She's on her SECOND defense fund now, because the first one was
found to be illegal.
That's just the 'untrustworthy' area. When you get to 'untruthful you face an embarrassment of riches. Jesus, where do we start? Andrew Sullivan over at The Atlantic, chronicles just SOME of Palin's whoppers in a big long list of 33 Pants-On-Fire Class Lies that can be found HERE:
And those are only the ones up to November 15, 2009!
Oh, I forgot tone-deaf, too. Take a look at Caribou Barbie extolling the virtues of Thanksgiving outside a poultry-processing plant:
With thanks to the blog The Mudflats, The Anchorage Daily News,, The
Atlantic and TPM Muckraker.
S. Olson
Friday, July 9, 2010
Just As GOP Cocksucker #331 is About to Cruise to the Republican Nomination...
Along comes GOP Cocksucker #511 (CHET TRAYLOR) at the last minute!
Traylor is not a nutbar, either, but a former justice of the Louisiana Supreme Court, much liked in Louisiana Republican political and business circles.
David Vitter was all set to step in as the Republican nominee before Traylor filed at the very last minute.
Even if he doesn't win, the very-conservative Traylor will force Vitter to spend money he had planned to keep. While Vitter was prepared for attacks from the Left, he wasn't prepared to get them from the Right. Traylor will be able to nudge Vitter off what was going to be his anti-Obama message. We democrats probably won't win the seat but it will be grat fun watching Traylor flail Vitter alive.
Watch for attacks claiming that Vitter is a misogynist, uncaring and a diaper freak. LOL!
S. Olson
Traylor is not a nutbar, either, but a former justice of the Louisiana Supreme Court, much liked in Louisiana Republican political and business circles.
David Vitter was all set to step in as the Republican nominee before Traylor filed at the very last minute.
Even if he doesn't win, the very-conservative Traylor will force Vitter to spend money he had planned to keep. While Vitter was prepared for attacks from the Left, he wasn't prepared to get them from the Right. Traylor will be able to nudge Vitter off what was going to be his anti-Obama message. We democrats probably won't win the seat but it will be grat fun watching Traylor flail Vitter alive.
Watch for attacks claiming that Vitter is a misogynist, uncaring and a diaper freak. LOL!
S. Olson
Part XVI of 'Whine Some More!'
It's today's edition of the GOP's favorite game show since they lost:
-the Senate
-the House of Represenatives
-the White House
-a majority of the governorships
-a majority of the state legislatures
All within two years!
Yes, it's the popular game that all the GOP Cocksuckers are playing now that they have to live down wrecking the economy, sending thousands of our kids to die in the wrong country and being recognized as useless hypocrites.
Let's see what those pussies are crying about today!
63. Smith Electric Vehicles, that company that got a bunch of money from the stimulus and was visited by the President is a total joke! They haven't been able to hire any new people in the past year!
They've hired 50 and plan to double their workforce by the end of this year.
64. That lawsuit that the Obama administration is going to fail! It's laughable!
Constitutional law expert Erwin Chemerinsky says the Arizona ani-immigration law is unconstitutional.
So does constitutional law expert Walter Dellinger.
Even Fox Not the News' legal expert, Judge Andrew Napolitano says it's unconstitutional.
65. That bitch Kagan sabotaged the Defense of Marriage Act that she was bound to defend!
No she didn't. Kagan just followed the principle of stare decisis, which means she followed precident like other solicitors general before her.
66. That bitch Kagan supports abortion!
No, she doesn't.
67. That bitch Kagan got the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists to change it's position on partial-birth abortion!
No she didn't.The ACOG's position hasn't changed.
68. That bitch Kagan opposed ANY type of partial-birth abortion ban!
No she didn't.
69. That bitch Kagan supports the idea of death panels and rationining medical care!
No she doesn't.
LOL...these last four were from the Washington Times. They know they can't stop Elena Kagan from becoming the next Supreme Court Justice of the United States so they are willing to try and gin up the crazies in their base.
With thanks to Media Matters
S. Olson
-the Senate
-the House of Represenatives
-the White House
-a majority of the governorships
-a majority of the state legislatures
All within two years!
Yes, it's the popular game that all the GOP Cocksuckers are playing now that they have to live down wrecking the economy, sending thousands of our kids to die in the wrong country and being recognized as useless hypocrites.
Let's see what those pussies are crying about today!
63. Smith Electric Vehicles, that company that got a bunch of money from the stimulus and was visited by the President is a total joke! They haven't been able to hire any new people in the past year!
They've hired 50 and plan to double their workforce by the end of this year.
64. That lawsuit that the Obama administration is going to fail! It's laughable!
Constitutional law expert Erwin Chemerinsky says the Arizona ani-immigration law is unconstitutional.
So does constitutional law expert Walter Dellinger.
Even Fox Not the News' legal expert, Judge Andrew Napolitano says it's unconstitutional.
65. That bitch Kagan sabotaged the Defense of Marriage Act that she was bound to defend!
No she didn't. Kagan just followed the principle of stare decisis, which means she followed precident like other solicitors general before her.
66. That bitch Kagan supports abortion!
No, she doesn't.
67. That bitch Kagan got the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists to change it's position on partial-birth abortion!
No she didn't.The ACOG's position hasn't changed.
68. That bitch Kagan opposed ANY type of partial-birth abortion ban!
No she didn't.
69. That bitch Kagan supports the idea of death panels and rationining medical care!
No she doesn't.
LOL...these last four were from the Washington Times. They know they can't stop Elena Kagan from becoming the next Supreme Court Justice of the United States so they are willing to try and gin up the crazies in their base.
With thanks to Media Matters
S. Olson
The Cracker - #411
To this day I believe one of the biggest tragedies happened after the Civil War in the Reconstruction era, when we actually let Alabama and South Carolina back into the Union. I think we just should have told them, "We've thought about it and we don't want you back. Sorry about all those crackers from your states we shot dead but consider that a bonus. Hell, WE do."
Just think of everything we would have been spared:
1. George Wallace
2. GOP Cocksucker #308 (S.C. GOVERNOR MARK SANFORD)
3. The guy who fucked a horse...twice
4. Terrell Owens.
5. Mass murderer Pee Wee Gaskin
7. Susan Smith, the woman who drowned her kids so she could be with her rich lover
8. Jim Crow
9. Larry Langford, the corrupt Birmingham, AL mayor
10. Zelda Fitzgerald
11. GOP Cocksucker #363 (S.C. LT. GOV. ANDRE BAUER)
12. Klansman Bobby Frank Cherry
13. John C. Calhoun
14. Caitlin Upton, the Miss Teen 2007 from S.C. who gave an incoherent 'explanation' of why a fifth of Americans can't find the U.S. on a world map
15. Charles Barkley
16. Bobby Bowden
17. Rep. John Jenrette (google it)
18. "You lie!
19. Talledega
We also would have been without #411. James' fierce ads screaming for drivers' tests
to only be printed in English, went viral on the Internet because it was regarded as one of the most extreme examples of pandering to the electorate out there. Also, it was regarded as racism at it foaming-at-the-mouth best. We STILL would have been able to SEE it, but we could have said, "Aw, those crazy Alabamians," and shaken our heads, chuckling. Now we have to admit that this dude is ACTUALLY running for office in part of OUR country.
James's ad was to no avail as he was knocked out of the three-way race to be the Republican nominee.
With thanks to, FiveThirtyEight and TPM Muckraker.
S. Olson
To this day I believe one of the biggest tragedies happened after the Civil War in the Reconstruction era, when we actually let Alabama and South Carolina back into the Union. I think we just should have told them, "We've thought about it and we don't want you back. Sorry about all those crackers from your states we shot dead but consider that a bonus. Hell, WE do."
Just think of everything we would have been spared:
1. George Wallace
2. GOP Cocksucker #308 (S.C. GOVERNOR MARK SANFORD)
3. The guy who fucked a horse...twice
4. Terrell Owens.
5. Mass murderer Pee Wee Gaskin
7. Susan Smith, the woman who drowned her kids so she could be with her rich lover
8. Jim Crow
9. Larry Langford, the corrupt Birmingham, AL mayor
10. Zelda Fitzgerald
11. GOP Cocksucker #363 (S.C. LT. GOV. ANDRE BAUER)
12. Klansman Bobby Frank Cherry
13. John C. Calhoun
14. Caitlin Upton, the Miss Teen 2007 from S.C. who gave an incoherent 'explanation' of why a fifth of Americans can't find the U.S. on a world map
15. Charles Barkley
16. Bobby Bowden
17. Rep. John Jenrette (google it)
18. "You lie!
19. Talledega
We also would have been without #411. James' fierce ads screaming for drivers' tests
to only be printed in English, went viral on the Internet because it was regarded as one of the most extreme examples of pandering to the electorate out there. Also, it was regarded as racism at it foaming-at-the-mouth best. We STILL would have been able to SEE it, but we could have said, "Aw, those crazy Alabamians," and shaken our heads, chuckling. Now we have to admit that this dude is ACTUALLY running for office in part of OUR country.
James's ad was to no avail as he was knocked out of the three-way race to be the Republican nominee.
With thanks to, FiveThirtyEight and TPM Muckraker.
S. Olson
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Here's The Latest on What #331 Wants You to Believe
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I Wasn't a Lobbyist! - #410
Along with Andrew Romanoff, Sen, Michael Bennet and Teabagger Ken Buck, Norton is going after Bennet's seat in the U.S. Senate.
Norton is trailing the Teabagger in the Republican primary of 2010, possibly because she pulls stuff like, not saying she was a lobbyist in the past for AARP, since lobbyists are at the bottom of the political food chain right now.
With thanks to the Colorado Independent, the Colorado Statesman and TPM Muckraker.
S. Olson
Along with Andrew Romanoff, Sen, Michael Bennet and Teabagger Ken Buck, Norton is going after Bennet's seat in the U.S. Senate.
Norton is trailing the Teabagger in the Republican primary of 2010, possibly because she pulls stuff like, not saying she was a lobbyist in the past for AARP, since lobbyists are at the bottom of the political food chain right now.
With thanks to the Colorado Independent, the Colorado Statesman and TPM Muckraker.
S. Olson
Louisiana: Land of the Bayou, Oil-Soaked Beaches and Lying Senators
Not only has GOP Cocksucker #301 (SEN. DAVID VITTER) lied about patronizing hookers to change his dirty diapers, now we've got him on another one.
This one involves his former aide, GOP Cocksucker #399 (BRETT FURER) .
#399 pled guilty two weeks ago to threatening his girlfriend with a knife. The minute that news became public and Furer's history od DUI's and cocaine possession, #301 said, he forced #399 to resign.
When #301 went to file papers for his re-election, he sat down to talk to reporters, which is standard in this situations. To his amazement, he wasn't asked softball questions about filing for office. Instead, the reporters started peppering him with questions about #399 and the hooker business, which, a year later, STILL won't go away.
A flustered Vitter, asked why #399 worked on woman's issues even after he knew about the knife incident, said #399 DIDN'T work on women's issues. He was asked this again to make sure his position was correct and he said yep, that was the case. Never worked on women's issues. And he didn't know about Furer's DUI's or cocaine possession. Second he found out, Furer was told to get out.
Now, knowing Vitter's history of lying, ABC News didn't take his word for it. It decided to check out that claim about women's issues. It didn't take the news network long to find the congressional staff guidebooks, like the one published by Capitol Advantage, for example, which lists #399 as #301's point man on women's issues. C.A. gets it's information from the congressional office listed. Other similar guidebooks say the same thing.
Then ABC interviewed Beth Meeks, the executive director of the Louisiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Meeks said she was told that in #301's office, #399 was the one to see when it came to women's issues.
So this means that either Meeks, Vitter's office and the guidebooks are lying or Vitter's lying. Which one do you think sounds more plausible?
With thanks to ABC News and TPM Muckraker.
S. Olson
This one involves his former aide, GOP Cocksucker #399 (BRETT FURER) .
#399 pled guilty two weeks ago to threatening his girlfriend with a knife. The minute that news became public and Furer's history od DUI's and cocaine possession, #301 said, he forced #399 to resign.
When #301 went to file papers for his re-election, he sat down to talk to reporters, which is standard in this situations. To his amazement, he wasn't asked softball questions about filing for office. Instead, the reporters started peppering him with questions about #399 and the hooker business, which, a year later, STILL won't go away.
A flustered Vitter, asked why #399 worked on woman's issues even after he knew about the knife incident, said #399 DIDN'T work on women's issues. He was asked this again to make sure his position was correct and he said yep, that was the case. Never worked on women's issues. And he didn't know about Furer's DUI's or cocaine possession. Second he found out, Furer was told to get out.
Now, knowing Vitter's history of lying, ABC News didn't take his word for it. It decided to check out that claim about women's issues. It didn't take the news network long to find the congressional staff guidebooks, like the one published by Capitol Advantage, for example, which lists #399 as #301's point man on women's issues. C.A. gets it's information from the congressional office listed. Other similar guidebooks say the same thing.
Then ABC interviewed Beth Meeks, the executive director of the Louisiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Meeks said she was told that in #301's office, #399 was the one to see when it came to women's issues.
So this means that either Meeks, Vitter's office and the guidebooks are lying or Vitter's lying. Which one do you think sounds more plausible?
With thanks to ABC News and TPM Muckraker.
S. Olson
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
The Angle Follies
GOP Cocksucker #452 (SHARRON ANGLE) has been furious ever since, after taking down her rather conservative website to have it scrubbed, her opponent, Senator Harry Reid, put the original online in a website entitled 'TheRealSharronAngle.'
Angle was SO angry that she sent a cease-and-desist letter to Reid. Reid took it down to take off some sign-up boxes and then put it RIGHT BACK UP AGAIN.
Now Angle is threatening again to sue him and Reid just posted his response here:
With appreciation to
S. Olson
Angle was SO angry that she sent a cease-and-desist letter to Reid. Reid took it down to take off some sign-up boxes and then put it RIGHT BACK UP AGAIN.
Now Angle is threatening again to sue him and Reid just posted his response here:
With appreciation to
S. Olson
GOP Cocksuckers Whine More Than a Teenager Told To Clean Up His Room #409
The case of Bloch illustrates the standard GOP Cocksucker whine that they are being picked on.
Whenever GOP cocksuckers are in danger of being held accountable for their actions, they whine and cry like teenaged kids that they are being picked on.
Bloch, for example, was purple with fury that after failing to protect whistleblowers from retaliation, he was being investigated by the Congressional Oversight Committee. Bloch was so angry that the whistleblowers had banded together to make HIS life miserable for a change, that he ordered in Geeks-on-Call to perform a 'seven-level wipe' on all computers in the OSC. This was a measure designed to wipe out all information on whistleblower retaliation. In other words, he was destroying the evidence.
FIVE YEARS LATER, Bloch reaches a plea agreement in which he pleads guilty to
contempt of congress in wiping the hard drive, which is a misdemeanor punisable by a year in the Slammer and a $100,000 fine at the most.
And Bloch still cryied and whined because at one point in the statement of facts, Bloch objected, claiming what the government said what happened, did not happen. After conferring with his attorney, Bloch grudgingly admitted that it really DID happen.
With thanks to Legal Times and TPM Muckraker.
S. Olson
The case of Bloch illustrates the standard GOP Cocksucker whine that they are being picked on.
Whenever GOP cocksuckers are in danger of being held accountable for their actions, they whine and cry like teenaged kids that they are being picked on.
Bloch, for example, was purple with fury that after failing to protect whistleblowers from retaliation, he was being investigated by the Congressional Oversight Committee. Bloch was so angry that the whistleblowers had banded together to make HIS life miserable for a change, that he ordered in Geeks-on-Call to perform a 'seven-level wipe' on all computers in the OSC. This was a measure designed to wipe out all information on whistleblower retaliation. In other words, he was destroying the evidence.
FIVE YEARS LATER, Bloch reaches a plea agreement in which he pleads guilty to
contempt of congress in wiping the hard drive, which is a misdemeanor punisable by a year in the Slammer and a $100,000 fine at the most.
And Bloch still cryied and whined because at one point in the statement of facts, Bloch objected, claiming what the government said what happened, did not happen. After conferring with his attorney, Bloch grudgingly admitted that it really DID happen.
With thanks to Legal Times and TPM Muckraker.
S. Olson
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
So Sue Me. I DARE You
That, in effect, is what Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is saying to GOP Cocksucker #452 (SHARRON ANGLE) in Nevada.
The Angle Campaign, after taking down Angle's ORIGINAL website and scrubbing it until it was more to their liking, was FURIOUS at the Reid Campaign when it took the screen shot of the OLD Angle Website it had saved, and put it on a new website entitled TheRealSharronAngle.
The Angle Campaign was SO angry that it sent a cease-and-desist letter demanding that the Reid Campaign take down the screen shot. It did, but not before directing people to ANOTHER website where they could see it in full. The next day, the Reid Campaign put the screen shot RIGHT BACK UP AGAIN. If the Angle Campaign didn't like it, the Reid Campaign practically dared the Angle Campaign to sue them:
Look, here's the deal. If the website stays up, people read all the stuff this kook wants to do, and we win. If the Angle Campaign sues to try and get THEIR OWN WORDS taken off the Internet, we get LOTSA publicity, Angle and her Teabagger allies come off as the Whiners that they are, and we STILL win.
With thanks to and TPM Muckraker.
S. Olson
The Angle Campaign, after taking down Angle's ORIGINAL website and scrubbing it until it was more to their liking, was FURIOUS at the Reid Campaign when it took the screen shot of the OLD Angle Website it had saved, and put it on a new website entitled TheRealSharronAngle.
The Angle Campaign was SO angry that it sent a cease-and-desist letter demanding that the Reid Campaign take down the screen shot. It did, but not before directing people to ANOTHER website where they could see it in full. The next day, the Reid Campaign put the screen shot RIGHT BACK UP AGAIN. If the Angle Campaign didn't like it, the Reid Campaign practically dared the Angle Campaign to sue them:
Just to be clear to Sharron Angle and her handlers, it's called free speech and it's nearly absolute under the First Amendment. (We know, these "big Constitutional issues" are tough for you - like when you said separation of Church & State was "unconstitutional" exactly one week ago.)
Look, here's the deal. If the website stays up, people read all the stuff this kook wants to do, and we win. If the Angle Campaign sues to try and get THEIR OWN WORDS taken off the Internet, we get LOTSA publicity, Angle and her Teabagger allies come off as the Whiners that they are, and we STILL win.
With thanks to and TPM Muckraker.
S. Olson
A Typical Dumbass GOP Cocksucker: Exhibit I #408
We end our exhibit of up-and-coming dumbass GOP Cocksuckers with DeMint.
DeMint is one of the most conservative senators in the Senate, which is not surprising, seeing as how he comes from South Carolina a state so red that it practically bleeds.
Most famously, DeMint said that if he and his fellow Republicans could block President Obama on health care reform the legislation would "break him," and become "his Waterloo."
With thanks to The Washington Post and TPM Muckraker.
S. Olson
We end our exhibit of up-and-coming dumbass GOP Cocksuckers with DeMint.
DeMint is one of the most conservative senators in the Senate, which is not surprising, seeing as how he comes from South Carolina a state so red that it practically bleeds.
Most famously, DeMint said that if he and his fellow Republicans could block President Obama on health care reform the legislation would "break him," and become "his Waterloo."
With thanks to The Washington Post and TPM Muckraker.
S. Olson
Monday, July 5, 2010
Only You Can Prevent Forest Fires...And Republicans
GOP Cocksucker #482 (REP. DENNY REHBERG) is suing the City of Billings and the Billing Fire Department for not putting out a fire that burned up trees and ground cover on 1,000 acres in 2008 that Rehberg and his wife were planning to develop.
Rehberg should not be too anxious to take on firefighters because when one of his predecessors did back in 2006, namely GOP Cocksucker #298 (SEN. CONRAD BURNS) the voters threw his old ass into the street.
Reberg is recovering from a shattered ankle he got after he went to a party near Lakeside, MT on the shore of Flathead Lake. The guy at the wheel of the boat bringing him back from the party was GOP Cocksucker #329 (STATE SEN. GREG BARKAS) and Barkas was so loaded on scotch and red wine that he hit the rocky shoreline while going 45 m.p.h. Rehberg actually got off easy with just a busted ankle. #329 put David Frost, Rehberg's state director,in the hospital with a severe brain injury.
With thanks to the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, the Billings Gazette, the Associated Press and TPM Muckraker.
S. Olson
Rehberg should not be too anxious to take on firefighters because when one of his predecessors did back in 2006, namely GOP Cocksucker #298 (SEN. CONRAD BURNS) the voters threw his old ass into the street.
Reberg is recovering from a shattered ankle he got after he went to a party near Lakeside, MT on the shore of Flathead Lake. The guy at the wheel of the boat bringing him back from the party was GOP Cocksucker #329 (STATE SEN. GREG BARKAS) and Barkas was so loaded on scotch and red wine that he hit the rocky shoreline while going 45 m.p.h. Rehberg actually got off easy with just a busted ankle. #329 put David Frost, Rehberg's state director,in the hospital with a severe brain injury.
With thanks to the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, the Billings Gazette, the Associated Press and TPM Muckraker.
S. Olson
Hiding GOP Cocksucker #452
Ever since Sharron Angle defeated GOP Cocksucker #381 (SUE LOWDEN) in the Nevada GOP Primary to be the candidate to run against Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, the Angle Campaign has had one overriding tactic: keep the press away.
They take this strategy because Angle is an ultraconservative kook. The real GOP candidate was supposed to be GOP Cocksucker #381 but then Lowden destroyed her candidacy by making a remark the people should bring down health care costs by bartering with their doctor, offering to paint his house, or offering him chickens in exchange for medical procedures. Lowden simply had no answer for the democratic tactic: derisive laughter. She plunged in the polls. 0Consequently, with help from the Teabaggers, Angle got the nod, which was fine with Reid. Of all the contenders, the one he polled the best against was Angle.
Now Reid is gleefully reminding the voters of Nevada what Angle's positions are, like eliminating Social Security, eliminating the Departments of Energy and Education and shipping nuclear waste to Nevada. None of this was on Angle's NEW website. Unfortunately for Angle, Reid campaign staff saved her OLD website and plastered it all over a web page called "The Real Sharron Angle."
Furious that Reid was reprinting her own words and reminding people what a headcase she is, the Angle Campaign fired off a cease-and-desist letter to the Reid Campaign, demanding that they stop using 'copywritten material.' So they did, but not before they directed the curious to ANOTHER website which still posted Angle's old website. Namely,
With appreciation to TPM Muckraker and
S. Olson
They take this strategy because Angle is an ultraconservative kook. The real GOP candidate was supposed to be GOP Cocksucker #381 but then Lowden destroyed her candidacy by making a remark the people should bring down health care costs by bartering with their doctor, offering to paint his house, or offering him chickens in exchange for medical procedures. Lowden simply had no answer for the democratic tactic: derisive laughter. She plunged in the polls. 0Consequently, with help from the Teabaggers, Angle got the nod, which was fine with Reid. Of all the contenders, the one he polled the best against was Angle.
Now Reid is gleefully reminding the voters of Nevada what Angle's positions are, like eliminating Social Security, eliminating the Departments of Energy and Education and shipping nuclear waste to Nevada. None of this was on Angle's NEW website. Unfortunately for Angle, Reid campaign staff saved her OLD website and plastered it all over a web page called "The Real Sharron Angle."
Furious that Reid was reprinting her own words and reminding people what a headcase she is, the Angle Campaign fired off a cease-and-desist letter to the Reid Campaign, demanding that they stop using 'copywritten material.' So they did, but not before they directed the curious to ANOTHER website which still posted Angle's old website. Namely,
With appreciation to TPM Muckraker and
S. Olson
A Typical Dumbass GOP Cocksucker: Exhibit H #407
How many of you remember GOP Cocksucker #381? (SUE LOWDEN)? She's the pol in Nevada who DESTROYED her own chance at getting the GOP Cocksucker Senate nomination to run against Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. And she was way in the lead too. Polls were showing her winning the primary handily and absolutely killing Reid in the election by something like 12 percentage points.
Then she made the remark about paying for your medical bills with chickens and refused to back down from it. Turned out she dug her grave with her mouth.
Gleeful democrats who could not believe their luck, created a that dogged #381 mercilessly. With the help of the Teabaggers, the GOP elected a certified wacko, GOP Cocksucker #452 (SHARRON ANGLE) in #381's place, to be its standard bearer against Reid this fall. They have been struggling to keep #452 away from the press as much as possible ever since. (Reid is ecstatic at the change.)
Anyway, #452 is not by herself when it comes to the GOP Cocksucker fondness for a
barter-based health care system. True to form, Mike Bell advocates paying our health care bills with vegetables like some Mennonites do in his state. No shit, this cracker ACTUALLY said that while discussing the health care reform bill. He was braced by an incredulous State Rep. Joe Towns, a democratic representative from the 84th district. Towns said the following:
When it comes to Republican's plans for reforming health care, the alternative weekly, The Nashville Scene, said it best on April 21, 2010, when Jeff Woods wrote in part: "Imagine the primo health care you could buy with a coonskin cap or possum pelt."
This is not the first time Bell has hit the news. Back on March 1, 2010, Tom Humphrey, the Nashville bureau chief for the blog,, wrote about an amusing incident involving Bell's minivan.
A couple at the Trinity Lane Motel in Nashville wrote an apology for breaking into Bell's minivan parked in the motel parking lot and smoking pot in the back. Bell decided not to prosecute, citing time contraints.
With thanks to The Nashville Scene, and TPM Muckraker.
S. Olson
How many of you remember GOP Cocksucker #381? (SUE LOWDEN)? She's the pol in Nevada who DESTROYED her own chance at getting the GOP Cocksucker Senate nomination to run against Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. And she was way in the lead too. Polls were showing her winning the primary handily and absolutely killing Reid in the election by something like 12 percentage points.
Then she made the remark about paying for your medical bills with chickens and refused to back down from it. Turned out she dug her grave with her mouth.
Gleeful democrats who could not believe their luck, created a that dogged #381 mercilessly. With the help of the Teabaggers, the GOP elected a certified wacko, GOP Cocksucker #452 (SHARRON ANGLE) in #381's place, to be its standard bearer against Reid this fall. They have been struggling to keep #452 away from the press as much as possible ever since. (Reid is ecstatic at the change.)
Anyway, #452 is not by herself when it comes to the GOP Cocksucker fondness for a
barter-based health care system. True to form, Mike Bell advocates paying our health care bills with vegetables like some Mennonites do in his state. No shit, this cracker ACTUALLY said that while discussing the health care reform bill. He was braced by an incredulous State Rep. Joe Towns, a democratic representative from the 84th district. Towns said the following:
Towns: That's an anomaly. That's not how the system works. I can't take a sack of vegetables down to the utility company and pay my utility bill on my house. Nobody's going to take vegetables for payment. We can't run the country on vegetables and horse trading.
When it comes to Republican's plans for reforming health care, the alternative weekly, The Nashville Scene, said it best on April 21, 2010, when Jeff Woods wrote in part: "Imagine the primo health care you could buy with a coonskin cap or possum pelt."
This is not the first time Bell has hit the news. Back on March 1, 2010, Tom Humphrey, the Nashville bureau chief for the blog,, wrote about an amusing incident involving Bell's minivan.
A couple at the Trinity Lane Motel in Nashville wrote an apology for breaking into Bell's minivan parked in the motel parking lot and smoking pot in the back. Bell decided not to prosecute, citing time contraints.
With thanks to The Nashville Scene, and TPM Muckraker.
S. Olson
Friday, July 2, 2010
Part XV of 'Whine Some More!'
It's today's edition of the GOP's favorite game show since they lost:
-the Senate
-the House of Represenatives
-the White House
-a majority of the governorships
-a majority of the state legislatures
All within two years!
Yes, it's the popular game that all the GOP Cocksuckers are playing now that they have to live down wrecking the economy, sending thousands of our kids to die in the wrong country and being recognized as useless hypocrites.
Let's see what those pussies are crying today!
58. That bitch Kagan is way on the left because she thinks the commerce clause of the Constitution makes it possible for Congress to write any law they want!
LMAO! The GOP Cocksuckers are really upset that the President's got another Supreme Court appointment; so upset that they are reduced to making stuff up. Kagan's view of the commerce clause is right in line with Justice Scalia's--that arch-conservative guy that Dear Dead Ron appointed a few years back.
Next, the President will probably replace Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who has health problems and whose husband tragically died of cancer the other day. Then the GOP Cocksuckers will go through the same whining they did with Sotomayor last year and Kagan THIS year. Just watch.
But here is what should REALLY scare the shit out of them. Ready?
When the president is reelected in 2012 (And I don't say 'if' but 'when,' because let's face it, the GOP's got nothing.) there is a very good chance that he will get a FOURTH Supreme Court appointment. Up till now he's just been getting moderate to liberal republicans. The leading contenders will be Antonin Scalia or Anthony Kennedy, both of which are Reagan appointees and both of which are not young men. Except for Ginsburg, Scalia is the oldest person on the Court at 74. Kennedy is right behind him at 73 and he's about to turn 74 in three weeks. Scalia is one of the conservatives and Kennedy is a moderate conservative that serves as the swing vote on the court. Therefore, one fatal heart attack puts the Court right back to where it was in the 60s, when Earl Warren was the Chief. Remember HIM? Remember the 'Impeach Earl Warren!' billboards that sprang up in The South after he croaked school desegregation? Remember the big, fat, shit taco you guys had to eat? *I* sure do! :)
59. The outlook for the budget is dismal! It's all the fault of Health Care Reform! The Congressional Budget Office said so!
Speaking of making things up, we have this beaut. Fox Not the News claimed it because they haven't been able to get over Health Care Reform being passed. The CBO said that health care reform would actually reduce the budget deficit by about $140 billion over the next decade and more than a trillion in the decade after that.
3. Kagan supports infanticide! Or partial-birth abortion!
LOL! Since the others failed, they pulled out the Abortion oldie at the last minute.
First off, Kagan does not support infanticide at all. This comes from the claim that Kagan convinced the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists to change their position on partial-birth abortion. Their position remains unchanged.
Second, Kagan never supported partial-birth abortion. This comes from a very- narrowly drawn exception in cases where doctors would find that not doing one would result in grevious injury to the health of a pregnant woman.
60. The bailout that Black Bastard wanted hasn't worked!
Um, you mean the 'stimulus,' right? The Drunken Frat Boy proposed the bailout, not President Obama.
As for the stimulus not working, well, here's what people who know what they are talking about are saying:
Council of Economic Advisers - The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 raised employment by between 2.2 and 2.8 million in the first quarter of 2010.
Congressional Budget Office - The CBO estimated in February that as of the fourth quarter of 2009, "ARRA added between 1.0 million and 2.1 million to the number of workers employed in the United States."
IHS/Global Insight - At least 1.7 million jobs will be created or saved by the first quarter of 2010.
Moody's - 1.9 million jobs will be created or saved" by the first quarter of 2010
Macroeconomic Advisers - Estimated that 1.46 million will be saved as of the first quarter of 2010.
61. That bitch wouldn't let the families of 911 sue Saudi Arabia and then she LIED about it!
My advice is, don't try teaching us the law when you don't know anything about it yourself.
Kagan just described the law, which mandates that ALL suits involving foreign countries are thrown out unless they meet some very fine criteria. This case, Federal Insurance Co. v. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, didn't. All courts the case has been before agree. She didn't 'lie' at all.
62. Is the media going to devote as much time to the scientist in the 'climategate' thing being cleared as they did to the scandal in the first place?! Huh?
If nothing illustrates the GOP Cocksuckers constant whine of "We're being PICKED on!", this does.
The Climategate Scandal, if 'scandal' is what you want to call it, centered around the theft of e-mails from the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia. These e-mails were then posted online. Global warming skeptics then used the e-mails as examples of climatologists 'fudging data' in order to make the case for global warming. Penn State established a panel that concluded one of the scientists in the case did not fudge his data. Period.
So now Fox Not the News is whining that a professor cleared of participating in a 'scandal' which Fox led the charge in creating, is not being reported enough on the legitimate news networks.
So the fault is with the networks who supposedly didn't report that a guy was cleared of bogus complaints that organizations like Fox made. Um, the AP reported it, the Allentown Morning Call reported it, the London Guardian reported it, the London Times had it in a column, Penn State released preliminary results showing the scientist in question was innocent. What more does Fox Not the News want?
Oh, and for those of you whose hackles bristle at the very idea that Fox Not the News pushed a bogus charge onto a scientist? Two things. One:
- April 22, 2009, Fox and Friends: Show hosts wished us a Happy Earth Day!. Then they claimed that the stolen e-mails showed falsified climate data.
- November 24, 2009, Fox News' Your World: Stuart Varney said scientists were trying to manipulate data to prove global warming.
- December 3, 2009, America's Newsroom: Bill Hemmer said "recently leaked emails reveal that scientists use, quote, 'tricks' to hide evidence of a decline in global temperatures over the past, say, few decades."
- December 6, 2009, Fox News Sunday: Chris Wallace said "some of the climate scientists were apparently fudgers and tried to suppress opposition comments."
- December 4, 2009, Fox's News show: GOP Cocksucker #467 (SEAN HANNITY) said the e-mails showed scientists were fudging climate data.
And the second?:
That would be to say: "Fuck you."
With thanks to Media Matters, CNN, AP and C-SPAN
S. Olson
-the Senate
-the House of Represenatives
-the White House
-a majority of the governorships
-a majority of the state legislatures
All within two years!
Yes, it's the popular game that all the GOP Cocksuckers are playing now that they have to live down wrecking the economy, sending thousands of our kids to die in the wrong country and being recognized as useless hypocrites.
Let's see what those pussies are crying today!
58. That bitch Kagan is way on the left because she thinks the commerce clause of the Constitution makes it possible for Congress to write any law they want!
LMAO! The GOP Cocksuckers are really upset that the President's got another Supreme Court appointment; so upset that they are reduced to making stuff up. Kagan's view of the commerce clause is right in line with Justice Scalia's--that arch-conservative guy that Dear Dead Ron appointed a few years back.
Next, the President will probably replace Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who has health problems and whose husband tragically died of cancer the other day. Then the GOP Cocksuckers will go through the same whining they did with Sotomayor last year and Kagan THIS year. Just watch.
But here is what should REALLY scare the shit out of them. Ready?
When the president is reelected in 2012 (And I don't say 'if' but 'when,' because let's face it, the GOP's got nothing.) there is a very good chance that he will get a FOURTH Supreme Court appointment. Up till now he's just been getting moderate to liberal republicans. The leading contenders will be Antonin Scalia or Anthony Kennedy, both of which are Reagan appointees and both of which are not young men. Except for Ginsburg, Scalia is the oldest person on the Court at 74. Kennedy is right behind him at 73 and he's about to turn 74 in three weeks. Scalia is one of the conservatives and Kennedy is a moderate conservative that serves as the swing vote on the court. Therefore, one fatal heart attack puts the Court right back to where it was in the 60s, when Earl Warren was the Chief. Remember HIM? Remember the 'Impeach Earl Warren!' billboards that sprang up in The South after he croaked school desegregation? Remember the big, fat, shit taco you guys had to eat? *I* sure do! :)
59. The outlook for the budget is dismal! It's all the fault of Health Care Reform! The Congressional Budget Office said so!
Speaking of making things up, we have this beaut. Fox Not the News claimed it because they haven't been able to get over Health Care Reform being passed. The CBO said that health care reform would actually reduce the budget deficit by about $140 billion over the next decade and more than a trillion in the decade after that.
3. Kagan supports infanticide! Or partial-birth abortion!
LOL! Since the others failed, they pulled out the Abortion oldie at the last minute.
First off, Kagan does not support infanticide at all. This comes from the claim that Kagan convinced the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists to change their position on partial-birth abortion. Their position remains unchanged.
Second, Kagan never supported partial-birth abortion. This comes from a very- narrowly drawn exception in cases where doctors would find that not doing one would result in grevious injury to the health of a pregnant woman.
60. The bailout that Black Bastard wanted hasn't worked!
Um, you mean the 'stimulus,' right? The Drunken Frat Boy proposed the bailout, not President Obama.
As for the stimulus not working, well, here's what people who know what they are talking about are saying:
Council of Economic Advisers - The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 raised employment by between 2.2 and 2.8 million in the first quarter of 2010.
Congressional Budget Office - The CBO estimated in February that as of the fourth quarter of 2009, "ARRA added between 1.0 million and 2.1 million to the number of workers employed in the United States."
IHS/Global Insight - At least 1.7 million jobs will be created or saved by the first quarter of 2010.
Moody's - 1.9 million jobs will be created or saved" by the first quarter of 2010
Macroeconomic Advisers - Estimated that 1.46 million will be saved as of the first quarter of 2010.
61. That bitch wouldn't let the families of 911 sue Saudi Arabia and then she LIED about it!
My advice is, don't try teaching us the law when you don't know anything about it yourself.
Kagan just described the law, which mandates that ALL suits involving foreign countries are thrown out unless they meet some very fine criteria. This case, Federal Insurance Co. v. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, didn't. All courts the case has been before agree. She didn't 'lie' at all.
62. Is the media going to devote as much time to the scientist in the 'climategate' thing being cleared as they did to the scandal in the first place?! Huh?
If nothing illustrates the GOP Cocksuckers constant whine of "We're being PICKED on!", this does.
The Climategate Scandal, if 'scandal' is what you want to call it, centered around the theft of e-mails from the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia. These e-mails were then posted online. Global warming skeptics then used the e-mails as examples of climatologists 'fudging data' in order to make the case for global warming. Penn State established a panel that concluded one of the scientists in the case did not fudge his data. Period.
So now Fox Not the News is whining that a professor cleared of participating in a 'scandal' which Fox led the charge in creating, is not being reported enough on the legitimate news networks.
So the fault is with the networks who supposedly didn't report that a guy was cleared of bogus complaints that organizations like Fox made. Um, the AP reported it, the Allentown Morning Call reported it, the London Guardian reported it, the London Times had it in a column, Penn State released preliminary results showing the scientist in question was innocent. What more does Fox Not the News want?
Oh, and for those of you whose hackles bristle at the very idea that Fox Not the News pushed a bogus charge onto a scientist? Two things. One:
- April 22, 2009, Fox and Friends: Show hosts wished us a Happy Earth Day!. Then they claimed that the stolen e-mails showed falsified climate data.
- November 24, 2009, Fox News' Your World: Stuart Varney said scientists were trying to manipulate data to prove global warming.
- December 3, 2009, America's Newsroom: Bill Hemmer said "recently leaked emails reveal that scientists use, quote, 'tricks' to hide evidence of a decline in global temperatures over the past, say, few decades."
- December 6, 2009, Fox News Sunday: Chris Wallace said "some of the climate scientists were apparently fudgers and tried to suppress opposition comments."
- December 4, 2009, Fox's News show: GOP Cocksucker #467 (SEAN HANNITY) said the e-mails showed scientists were fudging climate data.
And the second?:
That would be to say: "Fuck you."
With thanks to Media Matters, CNN, AP and C-SPAN
S. Olson
A Typical Dumbass GOP Cocksucker: Exhibit G #406
Kreegel is an MD that represents the Florida 72nd. Faced with the passage of a bill that makes attacking homeless people a hate crime, Kreegel snarled in helpless rage on the Florida house floor that they were just a bunch of bums who had more rights that his wife and kids have.
The legislation was spawned because of a beating a Ft. Lauderdale homeless man suffered at the hands of a bunch of teenagers that was caught on video.
With thanks to WBDO-TV, the Miami Herald, Wonkette and
S. Olson
Kreegel is an MD that represents the Florida 72nd. Faced with the passage of a bill that makes attacking homeless people a hate crime, Kreegel snarled in helpless rage on the Florida house floor that they were just a bunch of bums who had more rights that his wife and kids have.
The legislation was spawned because of a beating a Ft. Lauderdale homeless man suffered at the hands of a bunch of teenagers that was caught on video.
With thanks to WBDO-TV, the Miami Herald, Wonkette and
S. Olson
Thursday, July 1, 2010
In Defending The Anti-Immigration Law SHE Signed, the Arizona Governor Claims Illegal Immigrants are Beheading People
Except they aren't.
The Arizona Guardian checked with all the county coroners--every damned one-- and they say they haven't dealt with any bodies connected with a crime that have been beheaded. They have found skulls out in the Arizona desert but they aren't examples of beheading, just body parts scattered by scavengers after people die in the desert.
Governor Brewer's spokesman's reply? "She never said anyone was being beheaded in ARIZONA!"
Sure she did. Wanna see? Here's exactly what Brewer said:
"Our law enforcement agencies have found bodies in the desert, either buried or just lying out there, that have been beheaded." - Governor Jan Brewer, June 20, 2010 Sunday Square-Off.
That was her standing by the claim, which meant she'd made it once before somewhere.
'Our?' What is this 'our' shit? Is there another Arizona I don't know about? Or does she think we're just stupid?
With thanks to the Arizona Guardian, 12 News and TPM Muckraker.
S. Olson
The Arizona Guardian checked with all the county coroners--every damned one-- and they say they haven't dealt with any bodies connected with a crime that have been beheaded. They have found skulls out in the Arizona desert but they aren't examples of beheading, just body parts scattered by scavengers after people die in the desert.
Governor Brewer's spokesman's reply? "She never said anyone was being beheaded in ARIZONA!"
Sure she did. Wanna see? Here's exactly what Brewer said:
"Our law enforcement agencies have found bodies in the desert, either buried or just lying out there, that have been beheaded." - Governor Jan Brewer, June 20, 2010 Sunday Square-Off.
That was her standing by the claim, which meant she'd made it once before somewhere.
'Our?' What is this 'our' shit? Is there another Arizona I don't know about? Or does she think we're just stupid?
With thanks to the Arizona Guardian, 12 News and TPM Muckraker.
S. Olson
The Briber's Heir #405
Bilbray first got into the House when he won a special election in the conservative 50th district to serve out the rest of GOP Cocksucker #72's (RANDY CUNNINGHAM) term
after Cunningham got nailed with the biggest bribery sentence in U.S. history.
Bilbray been fairly quiet except when it comes to immigration. Then he starts claiming nutty stuff like they can be recognized by their clothes.
With thanks to Wikipedia and The Huffington Post.
S. Olson
Bilbray first got into the House when he won a special election in the conservative 50th district to serve out the rest of GOP Cocksucker #72's (RANDY CUNNINGHAM) term
after Cunningham got nailed with the biggest bribery sentence in U.S. history.
Bilbray been fairly quiet except when it comes to immigration. Then he starts claiming nutty stuff like they can be recognized by their clothes.
With thanks to Wikipedia and The Huffington Post.
S. Olson
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