Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Another Hypocrite - V. 25.0 #418


If there was anyone that singlehandedly croaked the image of the GOP Cocksuckers as
'family values' Types, it would be hard to top Foley.

Foley was the homosexual legislator who was kind of an open secret in the U.S. Congress and in his district. Ever since 2000, Foley had managed to stay in the closet albeit with the door way ajar by doing things like stumping for increased penalities for sex offenders, especially pedophiles.

But Foley was also known among Republicans in Washington as the kind of guy you had to keep away from congressional pages, especially when he got drunk. Most of the
time he could control himself, but when he got drunk he would do things like try and forcibly enter the dorm where the Pages were housed.

That all changed in November 2005, when Foley wrote some funny e-mails to a
16-year-old former page from Louisiana. And I'm talking 'funny' suspicious, not 'funny' ha-ha. The messages were leaked to a few newspapers and a television network but never really resulted in much attention. Then the humor blog, Wonkette, got a hold of them. Suddenly Instant Messages written by Foley started turning up, then visits to the pages' domitory became public, then instances of sexual liasons with ex-pages became known. Suddenly, that closet door Foley was hiding behind had fallen off its hinges.

Originally, Foley claimed the e-mails were harmless. Thirteen republican congressmen
and congressional staffers knew about them but none of the Democratic congressmen did. When more and more of the scandal broke, it threatened to envelop GOP Cocksucker #515 (DENNY HASTERT) the then-Speaker of the House. Hastert was accused of knowing all about Foley's e-mails and lust for ex-pages but hushed everything up until it became too hot to contain. Foley eventually had to quit his seat. Then, The Thumpin' came along in 2006 and made everything moot when #515's seat went for the Democrats.

With thanks to Democratic Underground, Newsweek, Wonkette and the Washington Post

S. Olson

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