Monday, July 5, 2010

A Typical Dumbass GOP Cocksucker: Exhibit H #407


How many of you remember GOP Cocksucker #381? (SUE LOWDEN)? She's the pol in Nevada who DESTROYED her own chance at getting the GOP Cocksucker Senate nomination to run against Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. And she was way in the lead too. Polls were showing her winning the primary handily and absolutely killing Reid in the election by something like 12 percentage points.

Then she made the remark about paying for your medical bills with chickens and refused to back down from it. Turned out she dug her grave with her mouth.

Gleeful democrats who could not believe their luck, created a that dogged #381 mercilessly. With the help of the Teabaggers, the GOP elected a certified wacko, GOP Cocksucker #452 (SHARRON ANGLE) in #381's place, to be its standard bearer against Reid this fall. They have been struggling to keep #452 away from the press as much as possible ever since. (Reid is ecstatic at the change.)

Anyway, #452 is not by herself when it comes to the GOP Cocksucker fondness for a
barter-based health care system. True to form, Mike Bell advocates paying our health care bills with vegetables like some Mennonites do in his state. No shit, this cracker ACTUALLY said that while discussing the health care reform bill. He was braced by an incredulous State Rep. Joe Towns, a democratic representative from the 84th district. Towns said the following:

Towns: That's an anomaly. That's not how the system works. I can't take a sack of vegetables down to the utility company and pay my utility bill on my house. Nobody's going to take vegetables for payment. We can't run the country on vegetables and horse trading.

When it comes to Republican's plans for reforming health care, the alternative weekly, The Nashville Scene, said it best on April 21, 2010, when Jeff Woods wrote in part: "Imagine the primo health care you could buy with a coonskin cap or possum pelt."

This is not the first time Bell has hit the news. Back on March 1, 2010, Tom Humphrey, the Nashville bureau chief for the blog,, wrote about an amusing incident involving Bell's minivan.

A couple at the Trinity Lane Motel in Nashville wrote an apology for breaking into Bell's minivan parked in the motel parking lot and smoking pot in the back. Bell decided not to prosecute, citing time contraints.

With thanks to The Nashville Scene, and TPM Muckraker.

S. Olson

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