Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Bully Gets Bitch-Slapped - #419


The basic reason the GOP Cocksuckers hate President Obama is not so much because he's black, although that is a big factor, but because he belongs to a race that has an ACTUAL PROVABLE HISTORY of being discriminated against. That is heresy in GOP Cocksuckerland; BLACKS can't be victims. Only GOP COCKSUCKERS can be victims. Thus, they hate the President.

This is why charges of racism drive them up the wall. They have no real counter for it except the feeble, "You wait until the November elections. The people will 'racist' you right out of office."

(Yah, sure. You mean just like they did in the 2008 elections? What GOP Cocksuckers are howling is that just because people are angry with the Democrats that automatically means they are going to put back in office the Incompetents who caused the problems in the first place. Look, when you win a house of Congress, then we'll take you seriously. Until then, you are nothing more than a bunch of vicious two-legged badgers cornered up against a backyard shed by the Family Dog.)

No one illustrates the fury of the GOP Cocksuckers more than Andrew Breitbart.

Breitbart is the Teabagger who released a heavily-edited video of United States
Department of Agriculture employee Shirley Sherrod, talking to the NAACP. Sherrod was talking about an incident 24 years ago in how she overcame bitterness and racism after her father had been murdered by a white farmer when some other poor white farmers came to her for help. When that happened, Sherrod realized it wasn't about race, it was about the poor.

Breitbart took the video and cut it to make it look like she was full of frothing hatred toward white people and said so to the assembled NAACP members, which according to him, clapped, (They didn't.)

When his story first began to collapse. Breitbart went into the full bully mode that
GOP Cocksuckers love. But to his amazement, the questions kept coming. Breitbart turned into one meek little puppy. He didn't apologize--it would take someone with a conscience to do that--but his pugnaciousness was gone. Breibart fell back on making non-apologies, saying he was "sorry" that news organizations had made this about Sherrod and "not the racism of the NAACP." In response organizations like the NAACP and CNN started called him a liar and a bully. Even the white farmers that Sherrod supposedly refused to help said she was no racist. In a delicious remark, Anderson Cooper of CNN said that Breibart's 'apology' was like an arsonist 'apologizing' for all the water the fire department had used putting out a fire he'd set.

Now, more questions are surfacing. Was this spurred on by Teabagger hostility toward charges of racism leveled against them or was this an effort to influence a Congressional vote dealing with money Sherrod and others are owed from a successful lawsuit against the USDA? Sherrod is now talking about suing Breibart's bullying ass and Breibart's normally-hard green eyes are getting the look of fear in them.

If things weren't bad enough for #419, he's got GOP Cocksucker #70 (THE FAT JUNKIE) #514 (ANN 'THE MAN' COULTER) and #467 (SEAN HANNITY) coming to his defense, which is sort of like being rescued from drowning by being thrown both ends of a rope tied to a hollow life preserver filled with cement.

With thanks to TPM Muckraker, the New York Daily News and MSNBC

S. Olson

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