I don't know if Doc Bertroche is your average Teabagger or just a nut. It's getting harder and harder to tell nowadays.
Bertroche is an osteopath who said he was running for the seat because his son challenged him to do it. And you know what that means. The kid probably got tired of hearing Doc Bertroche bitch about the current congressman, Rep. Leonard Boswell, in front of the TV so to shut him up one night told him to put his money where his big mouth was.
So Bertroche did. When all the dust settled after the primary June 8, he came away with 690 votes.
Less than a thousand votes in a district that includes Des Moines, the biggest city in the state. LOL!
Doc Bertroche lost because he's your basic, all-around kook. Here he is on the subject of illegal immigration during a candidate forum in Tama County:
"I think we should catch 'em, we should document 'em, make sure we know where they are and where they are going. I actually support micro-chipping them. I can micro-chip my dog so I can find it. Why can't I micro-chip an illegal?"
You read that right. This kook actually compared human beings to his DOG. Not only that, he got the technology wrong. The microchip in his dog does NOT work to track the animal down, like it's some kind of transponder.
690 votes....LMAO!
With thanks to TPM Muckraker, Michael Tomasky's Blog, and the Iowa Secretary of state's office.
S. Olson
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