Monday, January 11, 2010

Another Hypocrite V. 4.0 - #311


Whenever its money or sex, GOP cocksuckers always manage to get themselves in trouble.

For example sex. There is
GOP Cocksucker #190 (gay, but denies it)
#187 (felt up a woman on an airplane but denied it, then admitted it in court, then denied it court a couple of minutes later),
#198 (VERY gay while preaching to his flock it was a sin)
#199 (fucked a meth-addicted male hooker and then denied it while preaching to his flock beforehand etc.)
#35 (told to hit the road by a woman, then stalked her)
#178 (hookers)
#195 (closeted gay)
#277 (transvestite and closeted homosexual)
#202 (pedophile)
#211 (HOMOSEXUAL pedophile)
#182 ("He had his dick in his hand and MY dick in his mouth!")

I just HAD to include that last one for Lamont Cranston.

The point is that's just SOME of them. The list for those who've gotting in trouble for corruption or bribes is even LONGER. And what's the GOP Cocksucker answer? "Just look at what CLINTON did!"


So how does that bring us to #311? He was involved with BOTH. Not that he was actually porking a woman not his wife, another man or a young boy, but...well, read further.

#311 traveled in the same sanctimonous circles as #307 (SEN. JOHN ENSIGN). When he was told that #307 was fucking the wife of his best friend, #311 agreed to stage an 'intervention.' In this case #311 urged #307 to break it off with the mistress, which #307 agreed to do, writing her a 'Dear John' letter. After #311 had driven him to Fed-Ex and watched him mail the latter, #307 promptly called the mistress and said the letter was coming and that it was just a total pile to get #311 off his back,

Where #311 is in trouble is what he ALSO told #307, namely, that it would take financial restitution to the tune of millions of dollars to get the mistress, her husband and her family to move away to Colorado from Nevada.

#311 denies this strenously. Probably because if true it sure sounds like conspiracy to pay hush money. [UPDATE: After dilly-dallying, #311 denied that it was hush money.] Sen. Coburn is also saying the cuckolded husband is deceiving the press and he needs to be investigated.

After urging the media to investigate the cuckold, Sen. Coburn then chastized the media in the same breath for reporting on the story at all because they are tearing the Ensigns and the Hamiltons apart.

"What do you think their kids are thinking about what you're writing right now?" Sen. Coburn demanded.

I wish one reporter had shot back, "Probably something along the lines of: 'How come you were fucking Uncle John, Mom?' Don't you love me?'"

S. Olson

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