Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Well, The Democrats Are Just As Bad." Suuuuuuuure They Are - #305

When I started the list of GOP Cocksuckers, a couple of posters tried the "Well, the Democrats are just as bad, if not worse," line on me. So I fired back: 'Actually, they aren't, especially in the realm of pedophilia--homosexual pedophilia. The GOP Cocksuckers are the undisputed champeens when it comes to that.'

Anyway, GOP Cocksuckers made all kinds of snarky remarks about ex-Rep. William 'Dollar Bill' Jefferson of the Louisiana 2nd; specifically, that Jefferson was caught with $90K stashed in his freezer and he's a Democrat. They brought this up constantly, apparently believing that Jefferson made up for all the times THEIR heroes were going to jail for bribery, murder, fraud, corruption, patronizing prostitutes, drunken driving, shoplifting and lying to courts and investigative bodies. The cash in Jefferson's freezer made up for ALL of it. The implication was that that GOP Cocksuckers were morally superior to the democrats.

Now it turns out that when Dollar Bill goes to trial, who is going to be one of his defense witnesses? Why none other than GOP Cocksucker and former representative, Jim McCreary. [UPDATE: Dollar Bill lost his reelection bid and was found guilty to boot.]

A small tidbit of history: McCreary used to represent the Louisiana 4th. Had he not run away from Congress, he would have been the ranking member on the powerful Ways and Means Committee. In other words, the chairman.

The problem for McCreary was that the writing was on the wall. Even though he had won HIS seat in 2006--that was the year of The Thumpin,' the year that the GOP Cocksuckers blew a 15-seat lead in the House of Representatives--that meant DEMOCRATIC Rep. Charles Rangel of New York would be getting the chairmanship of Ways and Means and McCreary would have to eat a shit taco. To make matters worse, he was smart enough to know that the GOP Cocksuckers were going to lose the White House in 2008. It didn't matter WHO they picked at their convention, whoever that was was going to lose; wow, TWO MORE years of eating that shit taco.

And then there were the persistent rumors that although he'd voted for anti-gay legislation, McCreary was actually so far in the closet that he could tell what kind of mothballs had been put in it during the Great Depression. Sooner or later, he reasoned, some bastard would put out a story and it would croak him with the voters. He already had a whiff of something in the wind. (Turns out he was right. Sixteen months after he made the announcement he was quitting, the documentary 'Outrage' came out. And it named names; McCreary's was one of them.) If he was in office at the time, those crackers he represented would stay away from the polls as if they were literacy tests and the democrats would never let him forget it. He could talk himself blue about financial and foreign policy and all his opponent would have to do would be to say, "He's gay. Next question." McCreary would never be able to cruise a gay bar in Baton Rouge again. So he quit.

S. Olson

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