Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Another Hypocrite, V. 5.0 - #312


"It's not fair!" GOP Cocksucker whine. This whine--one of many-- is about how Big Bill practically got caught with his dick in another woman's mouth but when it came time to convict him because he got a blowjob and force him out of office, he got a pass from the media and the rest of the democrats. Meanwhile, the GOP likes to whine, anytime there's a sex scandal in OUR party, OUR guys either have to resign or get raked over the coals.

Well, the reason the media rakes the GOP over the coals more than the Democrats is NOT because the media's in the tank for the Democrats or because the dems are immoral. The reason the GOP gets hammered over sex scandals is because the Democrats aren't busy telling all of us how to run our private lives like the GOP Cocksuckers do. Then when the GOP Cocksuckers make a hash out of their love lives, well, it's understandable when the media reacts with a certain amount of somber glee at the spectacle of a hypocrite in trouble.

Take #312 (CHIP PICKERING) for instance.

Pickering was offered ex-Sen. Trett Lott's old senate seat for Mississippi by Gov. Haley Barbour (no number yet) but turned it down and actually quit Congress. (Barbour now denies offering him the seat.) Pickering then said he was leaving Congress to spend more time with his family, which is a dead giveaway that he was quitting because of some other reason. Then we found out what it was: Leisha Pickering, his wife, said in a 14 page lawsuit for alienation of affection, that #312 REALLY quit because his mistress, Elizabeth Creekmore-Byrd, told him to.

Pickering was one of those types who voted against gay marriage and tried to prevent gay people from adopting kids--in other words, ultra-conservative.

#312 lived in Washington D.C. at the C Street residence with other like-minded Christians, such as Senator John Ensign, (GOP COCKSUCKER #307) who slept with his wife's best friend, and Governor Mark Sanford of South Carolina (GOP COCKSUCKER #308,) who lied to his staff that he was hiking the Appalachian Trial when what he was REALLY doing was flying to down toArgentina to fuck his mistress). What the hell is WITH that C Street house, anyway?

Well, at least #312 was fucking a grown WOMAN. GOP Cocksuckers have a little problem on that score, like #196 (NEIL HORSLEY) who admitted to having sex with mules, or #207 (JEFFREY NIELSEN) who testified in court to fondling a young boy in Virginia, or #225 (BOBBY STUMBO) who had sex with a five-year-old boy in Kentucky or #182 (GLENN MURPHY) "he had his dick in his hand and was sucking MY dick with his mouth!"

[UPDATE: This is not so much about GOP cocksucker #312 as it is the C Street house. It lost its tax exemption.]

S. Olson

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