Friday, January 15, 2010

Gonzo - #315


You know, I thought I had included this dude on the list of GOP Cocksuckers long ago. I guess I was waiting for him to get indicted.

Not that that still can't happen. One lesson the GOP Cocksuckers have never seemed to master is that we aren't just out for revenge, we are out to get the peoples' business done. However, we'll take a 'gimme' just as fast as anyone else.

The big questions with Gonzo are, how involved was he in establishing torture vis a vis the Guantanamo detainees and more importantly, just what was his role in the firing of nine U.S. attorneys, who weren't canned until the Drunken Frat Boy's second term? Usually, they get axed when the new administration gets into town.

The GOP Cocksuckers were chortling when Gonzo was AG, even after his appearances in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee. "He's still there, you pukers!" was the encapsulation of their position. They were absolutely startled when we informed them, that we didn't WANT the Drunken Frat Boy to fire him. We WANTED Gonzo in front of the committee answering questions day after day after day. And sure enough, due to his stubborness, that's exactly what Gonzo gave us. He took a scandal that could have been over with in a month and turned it into a firestorm that not only raged the ENTIRE SUMMER and had him testifying in Congress every other week but it kept going even after he quit in 2007. No law firm would hire him. Gonzo finally got some work on patents in June of 2008 and then got a job with Texas Tech recruiting kids and teaching 'contemporary issues in the executive branch.' Fittingly, Gonzo whines that he is a 'casuality' in the war on terror.

S. Olson

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