Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Another Hypocrite V. 6.0 - #313


Why do GOP Cocksuckers think we are all lust-filled demons ready to snap at a moment's notice? Because THEY are and they believe we are all just like THEM.

Case in point, Paul Stanley, a state senator for the great state of Tennessee. Seems Stanley was fucking a 22-year-old intern and taking nude photos of her in 'provocative poses.' Do I have to mention he's also a GOP Cocksucker who was totally against sex education or gay adoption? Yeah, I didn't think so.

Things were going along just tickety-boo for Stanley when this April, he was horrified to get one of those fake-cheery text messages from the intern's boyfriend, who tried to shake him down for 10K because not only did he have the video of Stanley banging his girlfriend, he knew Stanley was a state senator (whch meant he had a lot to lose) and had a position as a financial adviser for this big-shot financial group. That group turned out to be the Stanford Financial Group; you know, headed by Allan Stanford? That guy who was arrested on allegations he was running an $8 billion Ponzi scheme?

From the standpoint of a blackmailer. This can only be summed up in one word:


Well, to Stanley's credit, he went straight to the cops. Good. The farm league blackmailer will probably head to the Hoozegow now before he makes it into the Big Leagues. But the affidavit Stanley had to sign doomed his political career....well, maybe not, this IS the South, after all. All he has to do is beg forgiveness and claim that Jesus ACTUALLY spoke to him this time and told him to mend his ways. Those Crackers will probably fall for it.

Stanley should get SOME credit, but let's not be too hasty. Turns out Stanley is married for the SECOND time with two children. What happened to Mrs. Stanley #1? Turns out #313 beat her three times; once so badly that she filed a restraining order against his santimonious ass.

You know what? I wouldn't be in too much of a hurry to expect the Forgiveness Wagon to show up at his door and give him a lifetime subscription to Absolution magazine.

S. Olson

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