Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Another Hypocrite V. 9.0 - #328


Sweatte is one of those big-time hypocrites in the GOP. Sweatte is campaigning as a conservative Christian for the council position in Palm Springs, even though he spent most of his time in eastern Washington near the Idaho border.

When Jim West, the violently anti-gay mayor of Spokane, WA was revealed to have been so deep in the closet he could tell what kind of mothballs were back there, Sweatte, who worked on his campaign, wrote a letter to the Spokane Spokesman-Review that said in part: "I am proudly an anti-homosexual Republican. I have never supported that type of lifestyle or the people who choose it."

Sweatte came out of the closet the FOLLOWING YEAR. Guess what excuse he used? He was scared to come out of the closet earlier because he might be targeted by 'Aryan Nations' the far-right group that had it's world heaquarters close by. What makes it delicious is that Sweatte has a quote by Thomas Jefferson on his Facebook page that goes: “In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock.”

While standing like a rock, Sweatte accepted the endorsement of gay hater Meg Whitman but says he's opposed to Proposition 8, the referendum initiative in California that nullified gay marriages already performed in the state.

[UPDATE: Sweatte placed fourth.]

Thanks to

S. Olson


  1. You don't know the half of it or should I say
    the other half of it.

    On Dec. 25th he moved out of PS and to LA with
    his new "love of my life" Franike Cerna.

    He left his landlord with no notice and took
    $280.00 for housekeeper and her xmas bonus. Plus
    he put 4,500 miles on lndlord's car in 20 days.

    Also left behind is a trainwreck of bills,
    bounced checks, collection agencies, and unfull
    filled PS election fundraising information form
    due 2/2/10. Now suject to $5,000 penalty.
    and rejection letter from COD.

    He did resign as Vice President of the Log Cabin club...wonder why. Quite the con-man
    for a "good" baptized Morman.

    Ahhh love is bliss, for this BIG LOSER!

  2. I wouldn't be surprised, Ed. After all, Sweatte is a GOP cocksucker, which is a long version of the word 'hypocrite.'

    S. Olson
