Saturday, January 16, 2010

The GOP Cocksucker Dictum: "Good Job? Who Cares if He Does a Good Job?" - #316


Rogers is the guy who got former U.S. attorney and now cause celebré, David Iglesias, canned back in 2006 and who was regarded by GOP Cocksucker #309 (KARL ROVE) as the dream choice to replace Iglesias.

They really didn't give a shit if Rogers would do a good job, they just wanted him in there so he could use justice as a political hammer to use on their enemies. Rogers had already screeched that voter fraud was going on in New Mexico and it was people like Iglesias refusing to investigate it that was part of the problem. Rogers screamed the 28 people had fradulently voted in a local Democratic primary in 2006. Local authorities knocked down that allegation tout suite.

Then Rogers got too big for his britches. He hired a private investigator to brace two Hispanics in New Mexico and demand if they were legal citizens and thus had the right to vote.

Instead of being intimidated, the two hispanics brought in the ACLU and MALDEF, the Mexican-American Legal Defense and Educational Fund. To Rogers and the New Mexico GOP's astonishment, both organizations weren't understanding. They sued, saying they knew voter intimidation when they saw it.

S. Olson

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