Monday, April 12, 2010

Day 44 of the Waco Standoff

April 12
At 5:00 a.m., an individual was arrested at one of the roadblocks while trying to get into the compound.
During the afternoon, Attorney General Reno, Acting Associate Attorney General Webster Hubbell, FBI Director Sessions, and other high ranking officials within the Department of Justice and FBI met. At this meeting, the Attorney General was briefed on the FBI's proposed plan to insert CS gas into the compound.
There were several conversations with Schneider during the day and evening; however, nothing of substance was discussed, and no progress was made.

(The Myth: Here’s the FBI and that bitch Reno planning to gas everyone just like they planned all along!)

[The Truth: This was only the second time the FBI had talked about using tear gas on the Davidians and the first time AG Reno had discussed it. The Davidians had been hiding behind the kids in their compound for 44 days and everytime the FBI tried talking to them about more people coming out, they’d get an earful of Bible Babble when Vernon wasn’t lying to them. He was still trying to convince them that he was Jesus Christ. Vernon's backers scream about the federal government wasting money but the spectacle of a Jesus Wannabee shooting the cops and wasting their tax money didn't seem to resonate with them. Another week of bullshit from Vernon to go.]

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