Sunday, April 11, 2010

Days 42-43 of the Waco Standoff

[Ah, spring. The months of being trapped indoors are over and you start spending your weekends outdoors. This would explain why I didn’t post anything on the GOP C*cksuckers this weekend. To be blunt, I was busy. But never fear, here are the weekend entries from the Scruggs Report 17 years ago at Waco, Texas.]

April 10, 1993
Telephone contact between the negotiators and the compound was hampered all morning by technical problems. A clear line was finally established at 1:53 p.m.
In a conversation beginning at 1:53 p.m. and lasting until 2:56 p.m., Schneider informed the negotiators that he had a second letter from Koresh to the FBI.
Beginning at approximately 2:30 p.m., members of the HRT, covered by the armored vehicles, began to install concertina wire around the compound. The negotiators explained to Schneider that the purpose of the wire was to limit entry into the compound as well as to control exit from the compound for safety and security reasons. Although the installation was started, it was never finished because of the extreme danger posed by the necessity of agents having to work in the open, directly in the line of fire of the weapons in the compound.
Schneider dropped Koresh's second letter outside the compound at 3:30 p.m. The letter was analyzed by the experts, who determined that it contained only Biblical passages and teachings with no clear significance to the situation at hand. In any case, microphones inside the compound had recorded Schneider, not Koresh, dictating the letter at approximately 8:00 p.m. on April 9. Koresh's role, if any, in preparing the second letter is unknown. Schneider also delivered a third letter, that was identical to the first letter sent out on April 9.
Contacts continued with Schneider intermittently during the evening, but no progress was made.

April 11, 1993
During the early morning hours, the lights remained on while the noise and music continued over the loudspeakers.
At 6:55 a.m., the FBI activated a "flash bang" device when a person left the courtyard area.
At 10:00 a.m., Schneider indicated to negotiators that three additional people might be interested in coming out. He provided no names or other details.
At 7:38 p.m., the negotiators called Schneider to check on the status of the three people supposedly coming out. Schneider said that they would not be coming out that night.
At 11:12 p.m., Schneider called the negotiators and informed them that the three individuals had changed their minds and were not coming out at all.

(The Myths: Myth One – “That's the lie put forward by the government cover-up [ The the Davidians murdered their kids and then committed suicide.] Only an insipidly stupid, government loving, fucktard would believe it.”

(Myth Two - “The FBI kept the fire trucks away from the church ON PURPOSE so it would burn to the ground,”)

[The Truth: The Goofy Bastards with Guns and Bibles are incredibly pigheaded as well as paranoid. Pigheadedness is a sure sign you are dealing with one. See, none of the gunshot wounds that killed the kids and their parents in the compound match the rifles carried by the FBI. If you look at the autopsy report, you will see that they DO match the weapons carried by the Davidians,

[As for keeping the fire trucks away from Mt Carmel, this is a claim regularly uttered by the Goofy Bastards. The fact of the matter is that the FBI kept the fire trucks away from Mt. Carmel simply because the Davidians were overheard on tiny bugs concealed in the milk cartons sent in for the little kids that they planned to do just that:

[From Page 18 of the Danforth Report:

["The Office of Special Counsel also reviewed the decision of the FBI to delay allowing firefighting equipment to arrive at the scene. The Office of Special Counsel has concluded that the Davidians were shooting at outsiders, which would have endangered the lives of any firefighters who approached. In fact, a Title III intercept from April 17, 1993, records Davidians indicating that they intended to prevent firefighters from approaching the complex:
"You're definitely right . . . I think all the time he knows it . . . nobody comes in here . . .;" "Catch fire and they couldn't bring the fire trucks and they couldn't even get near us;"]

S. Olson

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