Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Snowbilly - #412


I can't believe I didn't list this broad earlier but sometimes you just forget.

Palin is another example of the know-nothings we've had running this country for eight years beginning in 2000 that ruined the economy and wasted billions getting us into a war with a country that never invaded us. Yet the GOP and their mushhead followers think we need more of it.

After her disasterous vice-presidential run in which she and the Old Man she was running with were lapped by the current president in the Electoral Vote count, Palin quit her job as governor of Alaska halfway through her first term and then went on to become a voice for the Teabaggers.

I can't figure out why anyone still listens to her after she quit, Palin has shown herself time and time again to be incurious, untrustworthy, untruthful, paranoid and not very intelligent, five qualities we really don't need when it comes to fixing the damage the Drunken Frat Boy did to this country after eight years.

On top of everything else, Palin's a selfish spendthrift. Here's a great example:
Remember her blowing $150,000 on clothes before the election to outfit her family and then sending the bill to a wealthy Republican donor who nearly had a heart attack when he saw the bill?

Not only did she take a wealthy Republican donor for a ride but she ordered low-level staffers to buy expensive clothes for the Palin family as well and when they sought reimbursement from the McCain Campaign, McCain aides were furious at the extravagance. One was so angry that he made the following nilarious characterization to Newsweek: "...Wasilla hillbillies looting Neiman Marcus from coast to coast." (The Palinistas deny this, but the McCain camp sure doesn't.) But hey, she looks good.

So what was Caribou Barbie's latest? Well, in the last fiscal quarter, Governor Quitter's PAC spent $3,800 on sausages packed in gift bags.

The PAC spent the cash for supporters at the Southern Republican Leadership Conference back in April. You read that right, Sarah Palin spent thousands of contributors' money on meat that she gave away.

I particularly liked Palin's crying after she and McCain got their collective asses kicked and kicked hard in the Presidential race of 2008. She wasn't crying about the loss; that would require a sense of shame. No, she was whining about that mean old media that had the nasty habit of telling people what she was DOING.

Governor Quitter whined an ethics law that SHE had championed was being used for all kinds of frivolous complaints that would put her into the poorhouse. (Apparently, ethics concerns were for OTHER people. Not her.) She claimed to have spent half a million bucks of her own money just to set the record straight, although she won't provide a breakdown of it. (Actually, she didn't spend 500 large. One tenth of that $500,000 were legal bills vetting her for the VP nomination. And the AP later reported she was sent a bill by the McCain Campaign for $500,000. The claim now has pretty much disappeared from Palin's speaking engagements, although she brings it up from time to time.)

Then she sends out an e-mail claiming that in the past two years, the state of Alaska has spent "millions" processing "frivolous ethics complaints." (Actually, the real number was $296,000, and the most expensive item was $187,797 for the Troopergate investigation, which Caribou Barbie initiated HERSELF, As for the rest of the complaints being frivolous, they weren't.

Take a look:

http://www.themudflats.net/2009/07/02/numbers-shmumbers/ )

Last year, Governor Quitter pulled in $12 million from speaking fees, her book and
public appearances. Some poorhouse she was headed to. Even with pulling in this much cash, Governor Quitter is STILL trying to get the gullible to pay for her 'mistakes.' She's on her SECOND defense fund now, because the first one was
found to be illegal.

That's just the 'untrustworthy' area. When you get to 'untruthful you face an embarrassment of riches. Jesus, where do we start? Andrew Sullivan over at The Atlantic, chronicles just SOME of Palin's whoppers in a big long list of 33 Pants-On-Fire Class Lies that can be found HERE:


And those are only the ones up to November 15, 2009!

Oh, I forgot tone-deaf, too. Take a look at Caribou Barbie extolling the virtues of Thanksgiving outside a poultry-processing plant: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbiVoYGPHaA&feature=related

With thanks to the blog The Mudflats, The Anchorage Daily News, Newsweek.com, The
Atlantic and TPM Muckraker.

S. Olson

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