Friday, July 23, 2010

GOP Cocksucker #311 Back in the Sad...News Again

GOP Cocksucker #311 (SEN. TOM COBURN) probably wishes he was back in Oklahoma sending in orders for tinted contact lenses for the locals instead of sticking his nose into the GOP Cocksucker #307 (SEN, JOHN ENSIGN) business. For those of you who don't know what that was, about three years ago, #307 fucked his best friend's wife. then, in an effort to shut the husband up, violated lobbying rules to get him work. That's what the Senate is investigating.

The FBI is investigating whether #307 violated campaign finance laws when he didn't report a $96,000 payment his parents gave Doug Hampston, the cuckolded husband. Also, a federal grand jury is looking at credit card statements looking to see if #307 offered to help companies that contributed to his campaign.

#311's role in all of this was to tell Ensign to lay off Hampton's wife, in fact send a letter via FedEx saying that everything was over. He did so but after #311 left, he contacted Cindy Hampton to tell her the entire thing was a bunch of b.s. and he only sent it to get #311 off his back.

The Senate and FBI demanded e-mails from #311 of the time period, Coburn refused to say what they were for.

With thanks to Politico and TPM Muckraker.

S. Olson

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