Thursday, July 15, 2010

Well, Now We Know Who They Work For

GOP Cocksucker #341 (REP. JOHN BONER...ER BOEHNER) the House Minority Leader, says he wants to repeal the house financial reform bill; you know, the one that addresses the financial shenanigans that got us into this mess and the one that President Obama is going to sign today (July 15, 2010). That one.

One of #341's minions, GOP Cocksucker #503 (REP MIKE PENCE) said if they were in charge, by God, they would repeal the bill and start over. In other words. do NOTHING just like they've done all year.

'Starting over' was their plan for the health care reform legislation that the President signed earlier this year after the GOP had stalled for all of 2009, trying to kill the legislation. It was only when Rep. Alan Grayson of the Florida 8th, with a Harvard study in hand, took to the floor to point out that 44,000 people daily died every single day the bill was held up, that the opposition started to crumble. Meanwhile, GOP cocksuckers like #359 (SEN. LAMAR ALEXANDER) tried to tell the President of the United States what was in the bill and how much it would cost. In response, the President showed a mastery of the legislation that left #359 shuffling his papers in confusion. (The best part was when President Obama visibly startled GOP Cocksucker #358 [SEN. JOHN BARASSO] of Wyoming by asking him if he'd still be championing health savings accounts if he made what the average American family made annually. Barasso's answer? Crickets. (It was great. President Obama humiliated Sen. Barasso on national television with just ONE fucking question. )

So after fighting the Democrats tooth and nail and trying to keep them from accomplishing ANYTHING, now the GOP wants to claim the legislation that DID manage to pass is flawed and they would repeal it if they were in power and 'start over.' I can't imagine the GOP thinks, "You're not cleaning up the mess we made FAST enough! Vote Republican!" is a winning slogan, but you never know with these guys.

I think they'd try repealing stuff but they'd never get around to the 'start over' part.

The GOP Cocksuckers and their minions think they are very clever by referring to the President as 'The Messiah,' and deriding him for his speaking skills over actually getting things done. But the fact of the matter is they are scared to death of his speaking ability.

They should be. Remember when he went to THEIR issues conference in late January and practically called them liars TO THEIR FACES? The exchange with GOP Cocksuckers #503 and #504 ALONE were priceless. President Obama kicked the shit out of so many of them that he looked like Bruce Lee in a martial arts flick at the bad guy's secret island. He was having so much fun that he stayed for an extra half-hour. GOP Cocksucker #503 hustled him out of the room in a "no mas" gesture and Fox Not the News cut away from the thing because they were so embarrassed.

As for getting things done, well, ask any military guy how fast you're gonna move when the enemy is attacking you with everything he's got. The answer? You're going to get it done, it's just going to take longer. It took the GOP Cocksuckers eight years to fuck everything up. But we're failures because we can't fix everything in a year and a half?

S. Olson

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