Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Job Just STARTS When You Win the Election - #128


GOP cocksuckers think the government is supposed to simply do their bidding once they win an election.

Take Jeffrey Habay of Pennsylvania. Habay was the congressmen in the Pennsylvania 30th for 10 years. The problem for him was that during that time, Habay forced several of his staff to make campaign calls for him, check polls and even do a courts record check on a reporter. Habay figured even though that was what CAMPAIGNS were for, they couldn't touch him. He was flabbergasted when he found out that they COULD and DID. After he was indicted in 2005, employees with long, vengeful memories practically came out of the woodwork for a chance to testify against him. They were practically licking their teeth with relish at the opportunity.

Habay was enraged when he discovered that lots of his employees had seized the chance to stomp on his throat. Well, he may have been enraged but he still had to go to the slammer and went there for a month before he had to spend the next five years under house arrest wearing a shackle on his ankle.

Habay didn't go down without a fight though. A year later, he charged a political opponent with sending him anthrax in the mail. Turns out, it was a total crock. It turned out to be a harmless powder that he'd mailed to himself. Furious that the court didn't believe him, Habay thought he'd do better on appeal. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court told him the same thing the first court did, this time to his face. Habay went to jail on Aug. 1. for four to eight months and three years of probation.

S. Olson

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