Monday, October 26, 2009

A Sense of Shame - #139

This one's a rarity because this guy was a GOP cocksucker who actually had a sense of shame.

A little more than three years ago, Teele got his ass indicted on 26 counts of corruption involving mail fraud, wire fraud and money laundering. Like all GOP cocksuckers, he thought the media was persecuting him, when actually, all it was doing was telling people what folks like Teele, trusted to do the public's business, were doing.

And Teele was doing a lot. Male prostitutes, multiple mistresses, drug money in Gucci shopping bags, bribery, extortion. It just kept piling up and up.

Then one day Teele walked into the Miami Herald offices, asked a security guard to tell a columnist he disliked to tell Teele's wife he loves her, took a gun out of a bag and ate a bullet.

The columnist promptly went to Ms. Teele and said, "before he blew his brains out, your gutless husband told a security guard to have me tell you he loved you." Then walked away.

At least Teele had the decency to only shoot HIMSELF and not everybody around him.

S. Olson

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