Monday, March 8, 2010

Day Nine of the Waco Standoff

March 8, 1993:
On March 8, there were only 38 conversations for a total of approximately four hours. The few notable events and conversations are as follows.
11:04 a.m. to Three men left the compound
12:45 p.m. and buried the body of Peter Gent.
12:41-8 p.m. The nurse advised FBI that Koresh's wounds were healing nicely.
1:37 p.m. David Koresh reconfirmed:"I am not going to commit suicide."
3:50 p.m. FBI delivered six gallons of milk to the compound.
6:07 p.m. Koresh and Schneider sent out a videotape showing Koresh's wounds and several children.
10:25 p.m. Tapes from family members were played over the telephone to several individuals in the compound.

(The Myth: David Koresh was a hero for gun rights. He REFUSED to give up his guns so the FBI murdered him!)

[The Truth: What Vernon Howell REALLY was, was a wannabee rock star, a mass-murderer, a pedophile, a psychopath and a fake priest. He claimed, alternately, to be Jesus Christ, God or the Lamb of God, depending on how he felt that day and what he thought he could get away with. Gun nuts cannot accept the fact that he fooled them just as he did his followers, so they have to elevate him into ‘a hero for gun rights.’

[It was about this time that the Myth of Vernon had spread to ‘militia cells’ all over the country; in other words, more and more peckerwoods and dupes were grumbling into their Budweisers that Vernon and his minions were peacefully praying in a church when the evil feds came calling. Vernon’s only problem was not that he was a pedophile, but that he didn’t murder ALL the ATF agents when they arrived with their warrant as she should have done. In their eyes, they deserved it. So they grumbled they were going to do something about it. What did they do? Well, does the word ‘jackshit’ ring a bell?]

S. Olson

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