Monday, December 14, 2009

The Child Pornographers - #257-#261

Well after posting more than FIFTY GOP Cocksucker pedophiles, I figured I might have been playing like Johnny One-Note on a violin. So I shifted gears and posted a batch of THESE:

The Child Pornographers - #257-#261

Gerald Newton, the Alaskan wife-beater in alt.impeach.bush, got all pissed off at me because I posted list after list of GOP Cocksuckers who are pedophiles. He snarled that was evidence of me interested in "sexual perversion" and that I should get some professional treatment.

This is sure news to me. Why, I thought it was evidence of me telling people what GOP Cocksuckers were doing. Imagine my amazement when I found out it means I am actually interested in "sexual perversion." Jeez, I better stick to 'My Little Pony' stories.

You know Gerald, I might not write about it so much if the GOP Cocksuckers would stop doing it. Just a thought for you to chew on.

Gerald AKA Festus won't like this list either, because it contains the names of five GOP Cocksuckers who got nailed for possessing child pornography--minus GOP Cocksuckers #112 MAX KNAPP and #37 RICHARD CASAMENTO (they had been listed earlier) but let's face facts: Does what Festus like or not like really matter in the course of things?

This is not an amusing subject, but still, you can't help but snicker with grim satisfaction at the fate of GOP Cocksucker #257 (RONALD C. KLINE.) Kline was a superior court judge. After six years of legal finagling, a Canadian hacker finally said, "Aw fuck it," and broke into Kline's computer looking for evidence of child pornography. He finds the Mother Lode, i.e., more than 100 pornographic pictures of young boys and a diary by Kline detailing his sexual fantasies with said young boys. The hacker sends the info to an anti-pedophile watchdog group. With equal glee, the group passes on the info to detectives where Kline lives. The rest is history.

His career shattered and his reputation absolutely ruined, Kline faints in the courtroom after a judge gives him 27 months in jail and two years probation (which began in March 2009; only 13 more months to go!).

#258, Jeffrey Patti, is another case of your average GOP Cocksucker hypocrite. Patti was a defense lawyer, anti-abortion activist and all-around big swinging dick in Sparta, NJ. Then, in late January of 2005, Patti gets swept up in a child porn net along with 38 other people across NJ. Patti is a defense attorney, a father of two and the chairman of the Sussex County Republican Committee, which is why a lot of people were stunned when he was charged with having a video of a Georgia man raping a five-year-old girl in his possession. Then Democratic Underground went for his throat, naming him one of their 'Top Ten Conservative Idiots' on Jan. 31, 2005. Seriously, look it up.

Patti was enraged at the whole thing and fought back like a badger trapped against the side of a toolshed by the family dog. First his old man, also a lawyer, issued a statement claiming Patti didn't have any pornographic vidoes in his possession, did not distribute any videos to anyone and was "looking forward to his day in court." He just didn't want anyone else to see that day. It wasn't until late March of 2005 that he had his first open court hearing, all previous court matters being handled over the phone or in the judge's chambers.

Patti tried to get into the Pre-Trial Investigation program, but the state said no. (PTI is a probationary program. After three years this kind of criminal behavior gets scrubbed from Patti's record, so you can see why he considered it attractive.) Patti's attorney challenges the state's decision and asked f0r a hearing. Then he tried to get the press barred from THAT challenge hearing. The request astounds the judge, who has never closed a criminal hearing to the public.

The challenge is successful. Patti gets admitted into the program but this is not enough for him. In May, he creates a blog denying that he did any such thing as heinous as distributing child pornography. His attorney claims Patti downloaded the video by accident. This fine, upstanding, moral man was looking for ADULT pornography.

[UPDATE: Patti gets 36 months in PTI, which were up this May, a $200 fine and 100 hours of community service.]

#259, Richard Delgaudio, was more sweet than anything else. As president of something called the 'Legal Affairs Council,' Delgaudio helped pay the legal bills of Oliver North and Caspar Weinberger after they were charged in the Iran-Contra Affair in the late '80s. He literally brought Paula Jones to prominence in 1994 when he paid her hotel expenses so she could appear at the Conservative Political Action Committee conference in Washington. In 2001, Delgaudio excoriated ex-President Clinton, calling him a lawbreaker and a "terrible example to our nation's young people."

Well, what a difference two years make. Delgaudio gets caught by Baltimore police with a book filled with pictures of kids having sex. Then, when they search his place, police discover photographs of Delguadio screwing a 16 year old and pictures of him doing a 15-year-old as well.

In the immortal words of Joe Conason on Salon, "every conservative turns into a civil libertarian when the police come knocking," and Delgaudio was no exception. His attorney, Bruce Fein, said the Baltimore police had committed "shocking" fourth amendment violations and all the evidence is tainted and should be thrown out. He got the pictures of the 15-year-old tossed but not the ones of the 16-year-old.

Trapped, Delgaudio crawled to the judge, whining that he didn't know the girls' ages, which police claimed was a crock. He said he was really, really sorry, was planning on doing some really soul-searching self examination and was going to donate $5,000 to "young women in need." Instead of telling him he would get to do that self-examination behind bars, the judge gave him two years probation and a fine.

[UPDATE: The probation was up in spring of 2005.]

#260 - Parker Bena - [From Democratic Underground, April 30, 2001]
"Last week the fine, upstanding Parker J. Bena - a Republican activist and one of last year's presidential electors for Virginia - was arraigned on charges of possesion of child pornography and lying to the FBI. Bena reportedly told the feds that he had received an unsolicited e-mail containing pictures of children (some as young as three years old) performing various sexual acts, but agents learned that he had in fact voluntarily entered a number of child pornography websites and downloaded the images himself. We trust that this champion of traditional conservative values will enjoy being on the receiving end of whatever it is they do to child pornographers in prison these days."

[UPDATE: Bena got 30 months in the Slammer.]

#261 - Nicholas Morency. Jesus, THIS fuckin' guy. [Shakes head.] Where do I begin? Okay, try not to laugh. Morency was a hardcore 'Transformers' fan. You know, those little toy robots that turn into cars? I think they just made a couple of movies about them. Seriously. He gets known as 'The Nixtr' on He proposes ONLINE to his girlfriend, who must have more major bolts loose than Morency because she actually says 'yes.'

But it didn't stop there. In addition to liking little toy robots, Morency was also a right wing anti-abortion activist. He gets the FBI knocking on his door in 1999 because he offered $1.5 million on the net to anyone who will murder an abortion doctor for him. When the FBI checks out his computer, they find all these images of kiddie porn on it. Okay, Morency gets it that kiddie porn = wrong. He actually asks the FBI if it is okay for him to look at REGULAR porn.

Morency bawls his eyes out in court when he gets convicted and sentenced to two and a half years in prison. After he's released in 2004, Morency finds out he cannot own a computer, access the Internet or play with toy robots for the rest of his life.

[UPDATE: The site 'EncyclopediaDramatica' has an entry on Morency with THIS following jewel:
"When a wiigiier posted the news of Morency's initial arrest to USENET's, the resulting explosion of drama and comedy probably peaked when Zobovor argued that possessing pictures of children being raped doesn't necessarily mean that you SUPPORT children being raped, owning a copy of Lethal Weapon is tantamount to actually comitting murder, and that offering a bounty for the murder of another human being wasn't as bad as idly threatening to kill someone because you hated a TV show they wrote. (Note: The latter is considerably gayer than the former, however.)

S. Olson

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