Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Lewis & Lowery - #286


A former college hoops star, Rep. Lewis graduated from his prowess on the court to a totally different kind of prowess as 'The King of Payoffs.' In 2006, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) cited him as one of their 20 most corrupt congresssmen. Lewis has spent almost a million bucks on legal fees for the investigation below.

Lewis got into trouble with the Lowery Scandal. Lowery was a former congressman in California who got caught up in the House Banking Scandal (which had the hilarious name of 'Rubbergate.') Rubbergate is not remembered much now, but Lowery was one of the WORST offenders. He bounced 300 checks before people got so angry that the House Bank was stopped. Those checks became a millstone around Lowery's neck and he dropped out of the primary, which was won by GOP Cocksucker #172 (RANDY CUNNINGHAM) and who would go on to be given the longest sentence for bribery by a U.S. Congressman in American history.

But that's another story, Lowery went on to become a lobbyist and #286 allegedly got involved with him. #286, supposedly used his position as chairman of the House Appropriations Committee to steer hundreds of millions of dollars to Lowery's company, which then kickbacked hundreds of thousands to Lewis' reelection campaign and his Political Action Committee. One of #286's staff members, Jeff Shockey, went to work for Lowery for a couple of years and then came back to work for #286 in 2005. He was paid $2 million from Lowery's company as 'severance pay.'

U.S. Attorney Carol Lam was investigating #286 until she was canned in the U.S. Attorney Purges by the Drunken Frat Boy Administration.

S. Olson

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