Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Hired Gun #404


You think that since health care legislation passed that the GOP Cocksuckers would
simply give up, but the truth of the matter is some things really stick in their craw; health care reform is one of them.

Some Democrats think that means the GOP wants people to die. Personally, I don't think that's the case. GOP Cocksuckers aren't so much malevolent as they are unthinking. Their entire worldview can be encapsulated by seven words: "I'M all right, Jack. I'VE got MINE." And what it comes to what they value the most highly, it's this:
1. Money
2. Their own asses.

That's it. Those two things are the ONLY things a GOP Cocksucker cares about.

So now we come to Mark 'Thor' Hearne.

Hearne was hired by Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder (NO NUMBER YET) the Lieutenant Governor of
Missouri. Hearne is one of dozens of hired guns in several states chosen by GOP
cocksuckers in the pay of insurance companies to stop the health care reform bill.
Hearne is going to try and shepherd Missouri's suit against the legislation, just as 12 other states are trying. Missouri's democratic attorney general has declined to bring suit against the legislation so Kinder is going forward anyway and he has
hired Hearne to help.

Hearne does not exactly have a simon-pure background. Hearne was a top lawyer in the Drunken Frat Boy's 2004 reelection campaign when he created the American Center for Voting Rights, the bogus 'think-tank' that was supposed to address the terrible problem of 'vote fraud,' which turned out to be a minor problem at best. For example, one report by the Brennan Center for Justice in 2007 found that while some organizations have people who commit REGISTRATION fraud because they are paid by the name, the authors of the report could find no cases of anyone fraudently voting from that.

What groups like ACVR did do was make it very difficult for poor people or minorities to vote, mainly because they tended to vote democratic. After Congress and the Press started looking into the U.S. Attorney firings and the role groups like ACVR played in them, the group disappeared and Hearne cleared any mention of the group from his resume.

And this is the caliber of guy Kinder's hired.

With thanks to TPM Muckraker and Media Matters.

S. Olson

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