Thursday, June 10, 2010

Talking Him Into It - #392


Jensen is one of those vultures who are absolutely obsessed with getting President
Obama OUT of the White House. He SAYS his interest is only in seeing the original birth certificate because only that will settle the question of whether or not he is qualified to be the President of the United States. However, the state of Hawaii claims to have seen the original. That however, is not enough for Jensen. He demands to SEE the original before he decides.

The Obama administration says, in effect, "Aw, fuck you," and refuses to grant Jensen or the American Patriot Foundation access to the original birth certificate.

This challenge infuriates Jensen and the American Patriot Foundation because as they
see it, there is a NIGGER in the White House and they can't do a thing about it.

Jensen and Orly Taitz ,a birther from California who is a lawyer, dentist and realtor try and convince many soldiers to disobey orders, claiming they come from the President and they are not required to obey him. Some take up Taitz's offer but dump her like a hot potato once they lose.

Jensen convinced #380 to refuse orders to go to Afghanistan. Lakin does and is
court-martialed. Jensen tries to force President Obama to testify in the military
court, but the investigating officer in the case, refuses.

S. Olson


  1. I see you still enjoy blogging - to yourself, you dumb fuck. Where's fargo116 been lately, still in hiding, you fucking coward.

  2. Hi there, Festus. You've been gone for almost 10 weeks. How come? Alberta beat the shit out of your pussy ass again and you just recovered? LMAO!

    Hey, how'd you like the Birthers losing? Wasn't that sweet? LMAO! Someone sent me a message a week or so ago when GOP Cocksucker #380 (LT. COL. TERRENCE LAKIN) first made the list, saying that this would make it 68 times now you guys have had to eat it raw. Don't you feel guilty for helping ruin his career?

    Oh, wait, I forgot. You're a GOP Cocksucker. You can't feel guilty. You'd need a conscience for that.

  3. Read any polls lately? Bet you can't wait for Nov 2nd when your whole socialist program and the criminal Democrats goes down the tubes, huh you disgusting piece of human excrement. Say hi to Tanya for me - no wait, I think I'll talk to her myself HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Asshole.

  4. Festus, Festus, Festus. What is it with you answering a question? AGAIN, how'd you like the Birthers losing for the 68TH TIME? Did it taste of humiliation?

    As for you on the subject of political polls, did any of them claim Barack Obama wouldn't be president of the United States because he couldn't get the votes of White People?
