Saturday, August 8, 2009

Child Porn And #2

When it comes to the GOP Cocksuckers they like to claim they belong to 'the party of family values.' Remember that? Hell, they started slashing away at the democrats ever since the 80s, using the phrase to include such things as a promotion of tradtional marriage, an opposition to adultery, opposition to sex ed, opposition to pornography, opposition to birth control, support for adoption over abortion, all that stuff. They were pretty ruthless about it, too.

Problem for them is that cleaver has two edges on it. While claming loudly to be the party of family values and portraying the democrats as godless, amoral wackos, a funny thing happened; that other edge started biting into the GOP Cocksuckers as they revealed themselves more and more to be Class AA Hypocrites.

McKee was a longtime Maryland GOP delegate--longtime as in going back to 1994--when he got his ass caught in a great big crack. Turns out while the FBI was conducting a child porn investigation, it seized two computers, videotapes and printed materials from his house in Hagerstown, PA.

The Washington Post said McKee sponsored bills in 2008 dealing with minors, including the Child Protection From Predators Act and a proposal to collect DNA samples from sexual predators. McKee has sponsored several other sexual offender and child abduction bills in previous years but he was also the executive director of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Washington County, a child mentorship program where he worked for 29 years.

McKee had the presence of mind to be embarrassed about the revelation, which was probably due to the fact that he was considered a political moderate. Had he been one of the dead bang conservatives without a conscience, he probably would have denied anything had happened and that the Media, the liberals and the FBI were conspriring to frame him. However, don't give him too much credit. McKee was a big anti-child porn advocate and the fact that he had been sending away for child porn through the mails since 2004 did not make him a white knight.

[Update: A week later, McKee resigned his position in the state legislature. Seven months later, McKee pled guilty to the charges. Two months later, McKee got three years in the Big House and is scheduled to be released in 2011.

S. Olson

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