Tuesday, August 18, 2009

What You Get When GOP Cocksuckers Are in Power

Just ask the folks in Alaska. The state may be a Red State, dedicated to keeping the evil democrats out because they tell the good people of the Last Frontier what to do but in their zeal to keep the Democrats at bay, the Alaskans let scalawags like VIC KOHRING, for example, prosper.

GOP Cocksucker #10

The Alaska 14th includes Wasilla, the town where Former Governor Sarah 'The Quitter' Palin comes from, which should tell you about all you need to know about Kohring. But let's go into the ugly particulars, just so Kohring's followers can't complain he was PICKED on.

Kohring, along with GOP Cocksuckers #169 and #170 (BRUCE WEYHRAUCH AND PETER KOTT) took bribes from the VECO oil services company, then a power in Alaska politics. But the president of the company GOP Cocksucker #166 (BILL ALLEN) gets nailed for extortion and bribery. True to form as a GOP Cocksucker, he starts squealing on EVERYBODY he can think of to shorten his time in the Slammer and along with GOP Cocksucker #97 (EX-SEN TED STEVENS) one of them was GOP Cocksucker #10.

Kohring gets clobbered on THREE of the four charges against him. He dodges the fourth one, the extortion thing. Shameless, like all GOP cocksuckers, the day before he is to go to the Slammer for three and a halfyears, Kohring appears by the side of a highway, smiling and waving at passersby.

S. Olson

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