Saturday, May 15, 2010

Vigilantes - #375

Lets face facts, the GOP Cocksucker vigilanties 'guarding' the Mexican border
like to make lots and lots of noise, but when it comes right down to it, when
they aren't sneaking up behind you or murdering kids they are pretty damn tame.

Let's take Carmen Mercer, for example, the head of the MCDC who put out an inflammatory e-mail urging members to come to the border "locked, loaded and ready." Mercer also wrote, "You are strongly encouraged to exercise your rights and duty as an American citizen to carry a long arm and if challenged use it to defend the United States of America."

Mercer also suggested that instead of reporting drug smugglers and illegal immigrants to the Border Patrol, that they track them. God only know what for. Yeah right. Like THESE clowns are going to do ANYTHING to solve our illegal immigration problem.

But then Mercer, shocked that after demanding people come to the border locked and loaded, they came to the border locked and loaded, dissolved the organization. Mercer said she never urged members to come 'locked and loaded," despite the fact that a story appeared in the Arizona Daily Star with those exact words attributed to Mercer and she didn't demand a retraction, claiming she was misquoted. The MCDC also disbanded because of poor leadership, financial problems and lack of interest.

With thanks to the Arizona Daily Star and TPM Muckraker.

S. Olson

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