Tuesday, August 24, 2010

But Some of My Best Friends are Black! Etc. - #438


Carl is just another example of the teabaggers being racists. They HATE the label, but with folks like Carl, GOP Cocksucker #437 (MARK "MONKEY GOD" WILLIAMS) and #434 (BRYAN "SPELLING BEES" FISCHER) running around or a group of teabaggers freaking out and directing their chants at a black guy walking past...well, don't blame me if the shoe pinches.

Carl believes that the proposed Muslim cultural center two blocks from Ground Zero is a ride to victory in the gubernatorial election in New York. However, he has just about as much chance as Blackbeard the Pirate being confimed as the director of the Office of Management and Budget.

Carl likes to portray himself as a victim of 'political correctness' but what he's a 'victim' of is straight-up racism and sexism. Check out the e-mails he was sending back in April 2010 that he claimed were examples of 'humor' to his friends:

- An e-mail of African tribesmen dancing labeled "Obama Inauguration Rehearsal"

- An e-mail of a woman and a man having sex labeled "Miss France 2008 Fucking."

- An e-mail of President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama portrayed as a pimp and a prostitute.

- An e-mail of an airplane landing near black men with the caption "Holy shit! Run, niggers, run!"

Carl bitched and whined that it was "just another liberal democrat blog smear" when it came out on WNYMedia.net.

With thanks to TPM Muckraker and WNYMedia.net

S. Olson

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