Friday, August 13, 2010

Sharron Angle Again

Okay, for the last time. Here's what I want for Social Security. It's really simple. I want to take the current socialistic system we have now and I want everyone to be able to invest it in the stock market, just like Chile does. That's not so hard to understand, now, is it?

[The associated press reports Chile is moving more towards a governmental system rather than the private one former Fascist President Augusto Pinochet set up in 1981 because of extreme volatility and because the Pinochet System Angle champions does not cover low-income old people.]

With thanks to the AP

S. Olson


  1. Good morning, you complete fucking moron. Still hiding behind your blog I see. Ever since I revealed your identity (and Tanya's) to the world on Usenet you've been cowering here in a blog that NOBODY reads. Come back to Usenet and show us you got a set, you fucking coward. I'll hand your ass to you one more time just for kicks. BTW, I now have a photo of Tanya. Talk about a fucking dog. Woof.

  2. Hi there, Festus. I see it took you two months to respond to the blog. That's not like the last time, when you hid for 10 whole WEEKS. What? Did Alberta not beat the living shit out of you this time?

    S. Olson
